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surface-street. Noun. (plural surface streets) A street that is not a freeway and has at-grade intersections with other surface streets.
pothole: a pond in a natural hollow in the ground. 路面上的水坑 “be covered in potholes”
I'm crowning: (of a baby's head during labor) fully appear in the vaginal opening prior to emerging.
circumcision: 割礼
cradle: (verb.)1. hold gently and protectively. "she cradled his head in her arms" 2. place (a telephone receiver) in its cradle. (n.) 1. 摇篮 2. 支架 3. 发源地
numb my up = I want anesthesia (麻醉)
sharpie=marker 记号笔
snatcher: one who snatches, or steals by snatching.
nice touch: To say that something is a "nice touch" is to approve of a detail, a small part of a larger endeavor or activity.
stork 鹳
refreshment: 1. a light snack or drink, especially one provided in a public place or at a public event. "light refreshments are available" 2. the giving of fresh mental or physical strength or energy. "hobbies and vacations are for refreshment and recreation"
per: by means of. "send it per express"
viking 维京人
step something up: increase the amount, speed, or intensity of something. "police decided to step up security plans for the game"
get the lead out: move or work more quickly.
sheet cake 薄饼
under someone's heel: completely controlled by another person, group, etc.
The slab is a slang term for an autopsy table. Being on the slab would be a slang term for somebody being dead.
get all up in someting. To "get all up in something" is relatively recent slang (no more than 15 years old), and should probably not be used in any formal context. Roughly translated it means "to get extremely (possibly uncomfortably) close to something or someone"."Stacy gets all up in her face."
vested: secured in the possession of or assigned to a person."a state law vested the ownership of all wild birds to the individual counties"
bloated: 1. (of part of the body) swollen with fluid or gas. "he had a bloated, unshaven face" 2. excessive in size or amount."the company trimmed its bloated labor force"3. (of a person) excessively wealthy and pampered. "the bloated captains of industry"
varicose vein 静脉曲张
Labor 分娩
car seat: a portable seat for a baby or young child, designed to be secured to a passenger seat in a car. "he was strapped into his car seat in the back of the car"
to be drawn to someone: to be attracted to someone. to draw (someone's attention): to attract (someone's attention) verb.
screenplay 电影剧本
suck the air out of: To dominate or overwhelm, preventing anything or anyone else from receiving attention. To destroy; to cause to become lifeless and empty.
chip in (or chip something in): contribute something as one's share of a joint activity, cost, etc. "Rollie chipped in with nine saves and five wins"
stroller 婴儿车
in (or out of) sync: working well (or badly) together; in (or out of) agreement. "her eyes and her brain seemed to be seriously out of sync"
on the sly: in a secretive fashion. "she was drinking on the sly"
barbed 倒刺的
tub birth / water birth: A water birth means at least part of your labor, delivery, or both happen while you're in a birth pool filled with warm water. It can take place in a hospital, a birthing center, or at home. A doctor, nurse-midwife, or midwife helps you through it. In the U.S., some birthing centers and hospitals offer water births.
shortchange: cheat (someone) by giving insufficient money as change. "I'm sure I was shortchanged at the bar"
catch up on/with something: to do something that you did not have time to do earlier: After the exams, I need to catch up on some sleep.
coffee break: a short break during the working day, during which people typically drink a cup of coffee or tea.
bounty 赏金
washer 1. 垫圈 2. 洗衣机
laundromat 自助洗衣房
dorm 宿舍