这一周一共学习了8个词根~ 还学习了一些古希腊、古罗马的神话与传说~
1. d 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. d 7. a 8. c
1. BENE. well
benediction /ˌbenəˈdikSH(ə)n/------礼拜结束时的赐福祈祷
benefactor /ˈbenəˌfaktər/-------------捐助者
beneficiary /ˌbenəˈfiSHēˌerē/-------受益者
benevolence /bəˈnevələns/-----------仁慈
2. AM. to love
amicable /ˈaməkəb(ə)l/--------------友善的
enamored /iˈnamər,eˈnamər/-------倾心的
amorous /ˈam(ə)rəs/-----------------恋爱的
paramour /ˈperəˌmo͝or/--------------姘头
3. BELL. war
antebellum /ˌan(t)ēˈbeləm/-------战前
bellicose /ˈbeləˌkōs/--------------尚武的
belligerence /bəˈlij(ə)rəns/---------好战
rebellion /rəˈbelyən/--------------谋反,异议
4. PAC. agree peace
pacify /ˈpasəˌfī/---------------------安抚,靖,绥
pacifist /ˈpasəfəst/-----------------和平主义者
pact /pakt/----------------------------协议
pace /ˈpāˌsē/-------------------------意见相反 (注意发音)
5. CRIM. fault or crime or accusation
criminology /ˌkriməˈnäləjē/------------犯罪学
decriminalize /dēˈkrimənəlīz/----------合法化
incriminate /inˈkriməˌnāt/--------------归罪于
recrimination /rəˌkriməˈnāSH(ə)n/---对骂,相互指责
6. PROB. prove or proof, honesty or integrity
approbation /ˌaprəˈbāSHən/---------(官方)批准,许可
probate /ˈprōˌbāt/---------------------遗嘱认证
probity /ˈprōbədē/-------------------诚实、正直
reprobate /ˈreprəˌbāt/---------------恶棍
GRAV. heavy, weighty, serious
grave /ɡrāv/----------------------------(情况严重的); 严肃的,庄重的
gravitas /ˈɡravəˌtäs/----------------庄严
gravitate /ˈɡravəˌtāt/---------------被吸引
aggravate /ˈaɡrəˌvāt/---------------(1)使恶化 (2)激怒
LEV. light; to raise or lighten
alleviate /əˈlēvēˌāt/----------------减轻,缓和
elevation /ˌeləˈvāSH(ə)n/--------(1)海拔 (2)提升,晋升
cantilever /ˈkan(t)lˌevər/----------悬臂
levity /ˈlevədē/-------------------轻浮,轻佻
Words from Mythology and History
cicerone /ˌsisəˈrōnē/--------------(名胜古迹的)导游
hector /ˈhektər/---------------------威吓
hedonism /ˈhēdəˌnizəm/----------享乐主义
nestor /ˈnɛstɚ/---------------------聪明的长者
spartan /ˈspärtn/---------------------斯巴达(一种简朴、不奢侈、严格自律的精神)
stentorian /stenˈtôrēən/------------(声音)洪亮的
stoic /ˈstōik/-------------------------斯多亚学派的(禁欲主义)
sybaritic /ˌsibəˈridik/--------------奢侈
Review Quizzes:
A. Fill in the each blank with the correct letter:
a. bellicose b. stentorian c. pace d. sybaritic e. grave f. alleviate g. belligerence
h. benevolence i. incriminate j. gravitate k. hector l. enamored m. stoic n. pacify
1. He grandfather had a _________ manner, moved slowly, and never laughed.
2. The mood at the resort was ______, and the drinking and dancing continued long into the night.
3. To rattle the other team, they usually _____ them constantly.
4. The judge was known for issuing all his rulings in a _____ voice.
5. He wouldn't even have a place to live if it weren't for the ______ of his wealthy godfather.
6. Thoroughly ______ of the splendid Victorian house, they began to plan their move.
7. She attempted to ______ his anxiety by convincing him he wasn't to blame.
8. Whenever she entered a bar alone, the lonely men would always _____ toward her.
9. Their refusal to cease work on nuclear weapons was seen as a ______ act by the neighboring countries.
10.______ my many critics, I have never had reason to change my views on the subject.
11. Unable to calm the growing crowd, he finally ordered the police to _____ the area by force.
12. Whenever her boyfriend saw anyone looking at her, his ______ was alarming.
13. He bore all his financial losses with the same ______ calm.
14. Who would have guessed that it would take the killer's own daughter to ______ him.
B. Choose the closest definition:
1. hedonism a. fear of heights b. hatred of crowds c. liking for children d. love of pleasure
2. levity a. lightness b. policy c. leverage d. literacy
3. aggravate a. lessen b. decorate c. intensify d. lighten
4. reprobate a. researcher b. commissioner c. scoundrel d. reformer
5. bellicose a. fun-loving b. warlike c. impatient d. jolly
6. decriminalize a. discriminate b. legalize c. legislate d. decree
7. antebellum a. preventive b. unlikely c. impossible d. prewar
8. benediction a. slogan b. prayer c. greeting d. expression
9. pact a. bundle b. form c. agreement d. presentation
10. amicable a. technical b. sensitive c. friendly d. scenic
11. criminology a. crime history b. crime book c. crime study d. crime story
12. approbation a. approval b. resolution c. reputation d. substitution