

作者: 小婧视野 | 来源:发表于2021-03-27 10:06 被阅读0次


    Soil Ecosystems Change With Time



    All the animals living below our feet are not still. They can move (to a lot of places because the soil is a 3D space) and to change (for example, from a cocoon to an active state). Therefore, the same soil below a given piece of field may not contain the same living communities in winter as in summer, or even during a sunny day compared to a cold night. For example, research on soil beetle larvae showed seasonal vertical movements, as the larvae searched for better living conditions. Moreover, the soil varies a lot during its formation, and consequently its inhabitants also change. In the case of oribatids, a minuscule but diverse group of soil mites, scientists observed changes in the community over dozen to hundreds of years! Many studies showed a basic but powerful principle: ecosystems are not still photographs, but instead are constantly changing environments.




    When we imagine ecosystem diversity, we often picture ecosystems as mostly stable and unchanging, like photographs in a book, with all the plants and animals existing in a frozen state of balance. In our heads (and in many book pictures), plants are readily available for herbivores to eat, and herbivores are waiting to be eaten by carnivores, all under wonderful daylight. But reality is not like that! Most of the animals in an ecosystem move during the day and some of them only appear at night. Plants produce different edible parts depending on the season. The entire ecosystem can even change due to catastrophes like forest fires. Not to mention, we rarely even imagine the diversity that happens in the soil under our feet.





    Of course, soil biodiversity also changes with time, although not necessarily the same way changes happen aboveground. First, movement is certainly more difficult in the soil. Earthworms, insect larvae, mole crickets (also moles, but we are going to focus on small invertebrates), and many other tiny creatures must dig with their mouths, claws, or legs. Smaller creatures move throughout the soil mainly using tiny air-filled spaces called soil pores.Soil inhabitants are not limited to the typical horizontal movements of surface animals. Soil invertebrates can also move up and down beneath the same surface area, which is called vertical migration. Vertical migrations can occur during a single day, or across seasons. Enchytraeids, very tiny worms, are one of the few types of soil-dwelling animals that have been observed to migrate during the day. Enchytraeids move deeper into the soil to escape from dry surface conditions at midday and return from the deep in the evening, when their favorite moist conditions are reestablished. This migration is the basis of one of the most-used methods to study soil mesofauna. This method consists of drying a soil sample in a funnel with a light bulb at the top, so the creatures “escape” by falling to a collection container in the bottom (Figure 1).



    Figure 1 - Isolating soil invertebrates for study.

    A typical Tullgren or Berlese funnel trap, named after its inventors. The soil is placed in the top of a funnel, held up by a layer of mesh. A light bulb heats and dries the soil, forcing the soil organisms to go down. When they drop from the sample, they fall into a collection container, usually filled with a substance that keeps them alive. The organisms can then be studied.

    许多土壤里的无脊椎动物可以以抗性形式(resistant forms)存在,从而使它们能够在恶劣的条件下长期生存。地珍珠是一种体型微小圆胖、非常有趣的昆虫,它就是一个很好的例子。它们能在自己周围分泌出一层珍珠似的覆盖物,形成一个球形包囊或处于“休眠”阶段,这种状态往往可以保持几十年!但是,当有了美味的树根时,“包囊”就会发育成贪婪的成虫。如果条件非常好,许多地珍珠物种会克隆自己,使其尽可能地利用有利条件获利。一位倒霉的葡萄园园主可能一整年都看不到微小的地珍珠,但第二年却发现他的庄稼受到了大批成虫的侵扰,


    Many soil invertebrates can exist in resistant forms that allow them to survive harsh conditions for a long time. Ground pearls, small, rounded, and very interesting insects, are a perfect example. They can secrete a pearly covering around themselves, forming a spherical cyst or “resting” stage, in which they can remain for decades! But when delicious roots are available, the cysts develop and become voracious adults. If conditions are really good, many ground pearl species can clone themselves to profit as much as possible from favorable conditions. An unlucky vineyard farmer may not see the tiny ground pearls 1 year, but find his crops infested with adults the next.

    At the soil surface, many small animals can be carried by the wind, water, and even by other animals. Some surface-dwelling creatures travel this way as well, but the so-called passive dispersal of soil fauna has gained a lot of research attention lately, as it may explain movements of soil organisms across large distances.





    During my early years as a researcher, movements of soil organisms were not as understood as they are today and every discovery was very exciting, including the discovery that some soil-living insect larvae perform seasonal vertical migrations [3]!

    Soil was sampled in multiple locations every month for 2 years, in a desert-type shrubland in Southern Spain. Soil samples were collected at different depths, from the surface litter down to 50 cm deep. For each sample, all themacroinvertebrates were counted and identified. After analyzing all the samples, from every season and soil depth, scientists found that the larvae of one abundant beetle family called Tenebrionidae, which eat organic debris, made the same movement each year. They were more abundant at the soil surface in winter than they were in summer (Figure 2).



      Figure 2 - Vertical migration of beetle larvae, depending on soil depth and season.

    In summer, the larvae are equally abundant at the surface and in the deeper levels of the soil, but in the winter they are much more abundant at the surface, where they can feed on leaf litter and not be damaged by the hot, dry conditions present in summer.


    In the studied area, summers are very hot and dry. However, Tenebrionidae’s favorite dish, litter debris, is found in exposed soil-surface “restaurants,” like shrubs and ant mounds. Therefore, these beetle larvae prefer to devour surface litter debris during the winter’s gentle weather, but enjoy other, deeper “restaurants,” such as decaying roots, in summer. When the larvae perform this vertical migration, they are also doing a great service for the entire ecosystem. Like earthworms in more humid ecosystems, these tough larvae move the soil in arid environments, so air, water, and organic materials are mixed in the soil, which is highly beneficial for soil health.




    Changes in weather conditions and food availability are not the only changing features of ecosystems. In fact, an entire ecosystem can change during a process called ecosystem succession. Scientists have studied how the diversity of soil animals changes during ecosystem succession, focusing on a group of soil mites called oribatids. Oribatids are tiny, abundant, and diverse, which means that you can find an entire community of them in a small sample of soil. There are also many resources available to help identify various oribatid species, so they are a perfect organism to observe to study changes in soil ecosystem diversity. Also, the mobility of oribatids is relatively limited, since they exist in the deep soil are restricted to moving through soil pores and can occasionally move by passive dispersal. Therefore, oribatid communities mainly develop through the process of ecosystem succession.

    在最近的一项研究中,科学家们对一片森林的年代序列进行了深入研究,这片森林是农田被废弃后重新生长的。他们想知道同一类的森林在不同的年龄阶段下所含的土壤生物群落是否相同。科学家们假定农田上可能只有少数丰富度较低的甲螨,在古老的森林中会形成具有高度多样性的复杂群落。将当前的航拍照片与1950年的照片作比较,科学家们确定哪些地区在1950年代曾是森林(历史悠久的森林long-established forests),以及哪些曾经是农田(近期森林recent forests),在近期森林中,我们还将其区分为孤立的森林(主要被农田包围着,很可能显示出的甲螨群落与在农田中发现的相似)和与其他森林相连接的森林( 可能与古老的森林发现的甲螨群落相似)。

    In a recent study, scientists carried out in a chronosequence of forests that are re-growing after cropland abandonment. They wanted to know if similar forests of different ages have the same soil communities. Scientists hypothesized that croplands probably had only a few oribatid species in low abundances, but that complex communities with high diversity would develop in older forests. Comparing current aerial photographs with others from the 1950s, scientists determined which areas had been forests in the 1950s (long-established forests), and which had been croplands (recent forests). Among the recent forests, we also distinguished between isolated forests (surrounded mainly by croplands and most likely showing oribatid communities similar to those found in croplands) and those connected to other forests (probably with oribatid communities similar to those found in old forests).

    科学家们观察到两个重要的结果。第一,在历史悠久的森林(long-established forests)和与其他森林相连接的近期森林(recent forests which connected to other forests)当中,显示出了相似的甲螨数量和甲螨物种数量,这比在孤立森林中所看到的数量要高。第二,在孤立森林和与其他森林相连接的森林里的甲螨群落共有的物种比在历史悠久的森林中多(图三,底部)。很有可能,在生态系统发展的早期,甲螨主要是通过被动分散到达的。这大概就是为什么与历史悠久的森林相连的近期森林会迅速形成与历史悠久森林相类似的甲螨群落。但随着近期森林生态系统的继续发展,庇护所的缺乏和食物可获得性降低可能会阻止一些甲螨物种在那永久定居。这就可以解释为什么在与其他森林相连接的近期森林里的甲螨群落会与孤立森林和田地里的甲螨群落更相像。

    Scientists observed two important results. First, long-established and recent but connected forests showed similar numbers of oribatids and similar numbers of species, which were higher than what was seen in the isolated forests. Second, oribatid communities in isolated and connected recent forests shared more species than they did with long-established forests (Figure 3, bottom). Likely, oribatids arrive mainly by passive dispersal early in ecosystem development. That is probably why recent forests connected to long-established forests quickly establish oribatid communities similar to those in the long-established forests. But as the recent forest ecosystem continues to develop, lack of refuge availability and access to food may prevent some oribatid species from permanently settling there. This could explain why oribatid communities in recent and connected forests are more like those of isolated forests and thus to those of croplands (Figure 3).



        Figure 3 - Ecosystems change and grow over time.

    In the 1950s (top), there were more abundant and rich communities of oribatids in the forest than in croplands. After crop abandonment (middle), individuals of some species from the forest arrived in the connected croplands mainly by passive dispersal (arrows). Finally, the disappearance (dashed arrow) of a few species, which probably needed a more developed soil, created the current differences among the three kinds of forests (bottom).


    Ecosystems not only “grow,” but can also “age” if no major disturbance occur, such as fires. Scientists studied ecosystem aging in Canadian boreal forests [4]. They sampled oribatids in a chronosequence based on the time since the last forest fire, which was estimated from 100-year-old maps, tree rings from trees up to 200 years old, and chemical dating of deep soil, which was up to 700 years old! Although oribatid abundance was drastically reduced during the first 200 years of forest development after the last fire, the number of different species was not really affected until the later stages of forest aging. This means that the progressive diminution of nutrients as phosphor and nitrogen could not maintain abundant populations, and later on, not even entire populations of some species. Scientists also studied soil samples beneath tree logs and exposed soil and found that oribatids beneath logs were less abundant than those living in exposed soil, although maintained their populations stable. This led lead scientists to conclude that oribatids living on exposed soil were more affected by aging, probably because of a reduction in the availability of leaf litter as the forest aged.



    我希望现在, 当你想象一个森林里的生态系统多样性时,你的脑海里不仅仅是一幅静止不动的画面,因为这些生物都在变化和移动,出现和消失…我希望你也想象能到栖息在我们脚下土壤里的生物!生态系统作为活跃的脚本,并不是静止不动的,而是随着时间的变化高度充满活力的。这些生活在土壤里的微小生物会采用许多与众不同和令人惊奇的策略来随着生态系统的变化而变化。生活在土壤里的生物对生态系统尤为重要,因为它们可以维持土壤的健康,还是枯叶和根部循环利用的很关键的一部分,更是一个可以帮助减轻全球变暖,有助于整个地球健康的过程。

    I hope that now, when you imagine ecosystem diversity in a forest, you have more than just a still picture in your head, since all these living creatures change and move, appear and vanish…and I hope that you also imagine the creatures inhabiting the soil beneath our feet! Ecosystems, as living scenarios, are not static but are highly dynamic over time. The tiny, diverse creatures living in the soil change with the ecosystems, using many different and amazing strategies. Soil-living creatures are especially important for the ecosystem, as they maintain soil health and are a critical part of the recycling of dead leaves and roots, a process that actually helps to reduce global warming and contributes to the health of our entire planet.

    Glossary 术语表

    Soil Biodiversity: ↑ The total variety of living creatures inhabiting soils.


    Invertebrates: ↑ Animals with no bones. In the soil, that means mainly worms and arthropods (centipedes, woodlices, insects, spiders…).


    Soil Pores: ↑ Extremely small (<0.075 mm) spaces in the solid structure of the soil, filled mainly with air and water [1].

    土壤空隙:在土壤固态结构中极其微小(<0.075 mm)的空间,主要充满着空气和水。

    Vertical Migration: ↑ Vertical migration is typical of soil and aquatic environments, where mobile organisms are not limited to move over a (horizontal) surface. Like any other migration, it is normally guided to find resources or better environmental conditions.


    Soil Mesofauna: ↑ Soil inhabitants, smaller than 2 mm, such as springtails, mites, and tiny worms [2].

    土壤中型动物: 小于2毫米的土壤居民,如跳虫、螨虫和小型蠕虫[2]。

    Passive Dispersal: ↑ Mobile organism can move actively (using their legs or appendices to go through the territory) or let themselves “go with the flow” (of water, wind or even other animals), which is call passive movement or dispersal.

    被动散布:流动的生物体可以主动移动(用它们的腿或附肢穿行于领地),也可以让自己 "随波逐流"(被水、风甚至其他动物带走),这就是所谓的被动移动或被动散布。

    Ecosystem Succession: ↑ The process by which ecosystems are “born” and “grow” after the creation of new surfaces, like a new coral island or the soil revealed after glaciers melt, or how ecosystems “regrow” after disturbances like forest fires.

    生态系统的演替:生态系统在形成新的地表后 "诞生 "和 "生长发展"的过程,如新的珊瑚岛或冰川融化后露出的土壤,或生态系统在森林火灾等干扰后是如何 "重新生长"的。

    Chronosequence: ↑ A group of ecosystems studied at the same time, which are similar in origin, plant species, and geographical area, but have different ages. Studying ecosystems in chronosequence is necessary because we cannot wait decades to sample one ecosystem over the course of its development.


    —The End—












