
作者: 晓楠得一录 | 来源:发表于2022-10-28 19:37 被阅读0次

In Victorian Britain, every schoolboy knew that Sir Isaac Newton was an unrivalled mathematical and scientific genius, and most would have been able to give a basic account of his central discoveries. In optics, Newton found that white light was not a fundamental element within nature but was composed of more basic, primary rays being mixed together. Bodies appeared a particular colour because they had a disposition to reflect or absorb certain colours rather than others. In the realm of mathematics, Newton discovered the binomial theorem for expanding the sum of two variables raised to any given power, as well as the basic laws of calculus. This treated the rate of change of any variable (the shape of a curve or the velocity of a moving object) at any moment, and also offered techniques for measuring areas and volumes under curves (amongst other things). Both his mathematical and optical work took many decades to be fully accepted by contemporaries, the first because his work was shown only to a handful of contemporaries, and the second because many found it hard to reproduce and too revolutionary to be easily grasped.




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