2018-7-28 雅思强化口语

2018-7-28 雅思强化口语

作者: L7_526d | 来源:发表于2018-07-28 22:16 被阅读0次

Part 2 人物题

1. Direct answer


2. detail


身高/ 体型 面部特征 见上一次笔记

穿衣风格 clothing/ dressing style

Casual.                                          T-shirts and shorts hoodie jumper
Formal.                                            a suit and tie, a vintage suit
Business casual.  a blazer.   
Chic.                                              Be regarded as a fashion icon.        among teenagers all over the world follow/ copy her style.
Be out of style.                                a pair of sweatpants with leather shoes/ high heels.


Example (when,where,who,what)

1. Determined a spirit of never giving up

2. versatile.  3. foresighted. visionary n.

③feeling: explain why



姓名(与你的关系)                                    定语从句,年龄,职业 detail

Well, I want to talk about...                      Well,  I want to talk about...                  Well,  I am going to talk about...        Well, I'm gonna talk about...

怎么认识/ 知道.                                  I got to know sb from

a movie/ TV series named...                    之前讲的那些种类

one of his her hits, named...

a report on a newspaper/ TV/                    in a magazine a launch saying that

a photo / video that had gone viral          on the Internet.

the orientation week, the enrollment day

an unforgettable encounter...                  on the street/ in the hallway

and I was impressed by

his/ her convincing/ brilliant acting.          his/ her convincing portrayal                    of 角色名+角色简介

his deep voice her hauntingly/ sweet voice his/ her smokey / unique voice

The song's catchy tune/ hauntingly beautiful melody/ heart-breaking / wreching lyrics.

massive wealth and success 据report内容

How inspiring/ warm

His or her look since he or she seemed

a bit fragile/ nerdy with a pale skin & a skinny figure.                                      quite stunning / masculine with a strong jaw line & a well-built body.


1. 外貌平平——性格好

Although judging from the look,            he/ she is quite ordinary/ not that good looking/ eyecatching/ masculine/stunning with +2-3外貌特征

yet he/ she is one of the most【最高级】  Example When/ Where/ Who/ What

2. 外貌好——性格好.      ..., plus...
3. feeling: explain why

the reason why.... 扣题部分.                      is not only cause that/  because of+名词/短语,  but also that/  +名词/短语

The reason why Jack Ma is the businessman I admire is not only because of his massive success but also his spirit of never giving up.

The reason why my dad is a good parent is not only because of his good skills of parent parenting but also his open mind.



      本文标题:2018-7-28 雅思强化口语
