

作者: 微笑的旗子萝卜 | 来源:发表于2022-02-23 16:43 被阅读0次

Georgia Lifts Part of COVID-Related Restrictions

22 Feb, 2022

Photo: Tbilisi City Hall

Today, by the Interagency Coordination Council (ICC) decision, Georgia eased or completely lifted part of the restrictions imposed due to the pandemic.

In particular, as announced by the Head of the Task Force under the ICC, Giorgi Ghibradze:

From March 1, nationals of 67 countries will be able to enter Georgia with the PCR test. Until then, foreign visitors are required to present both the PCR test and vaccination certificate;

Georgian citizens are able to enter the country if they have neither PCR test, nor vaccination certificate, however, they will be obliged to undergo a 5-day self-isolation. If a Georgian citizen enters the country with a PCR test, he/she will be exempted from the obligation to repeat the test within 72 hours;

Applications, required for the entrance of visitors from the aforementioned 67 countries, will be abolished. Those are: so-called business application, “Remotely from Georgia” and student application;

It was also decided to increase the number of people allowed to sit at one table in a closed space from 6 to 10, and from 10 to 15 people - in an open space. The limit on the maximum number of invited guests has also been lifted. Social events, such as birthdays, weddings, funeral repasts will follow the same logic;

From March 1 quarantine spaces will be abolished, in particular, the so-called Covid-hotels;

The obligation of thermo-screening is also abolished. Hotels will be allowed to serve the guests at the canteen;

From March 4, clubs will be allowed to operate using only 60% of their area;

From March 15, conferences, seminars and trainings will be allowed to be held without any restrictions;

International rugby match between Georgia and Russia, scheduled for February 27, will be held with 50% of visitors allowed;

According to Giorgi Ghibradze, from March 1 more restrictions might be lifted, however it will depend on the epidemiological situation. He also noted that the ICC is moving to a 2-week working regime, which means that the Council will meet once every two weeks, instead of every week.


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