

作者: 小丸子爱太阳星 | 来源:发表于2018-05-24 20:32 被阅读0次

    Dough面团,钱! Cheung Chau Bun包子 Festival

    ① The traditions of the five-day celebration, which starts today, are said to stretch back to回溯到 the 18th century.

    ② When the small island south-west of Hong Kong fell victim to遭受……困扰 plague瘟疫,鼠疫 and pirates海盗, villagers assumed the guise装扮 of deities神仙 to drive off驱离 malevolent邪恶的 spirits鬼魂.

    ③ These days it is children parading游行 through the streets dressed as gods and political figures.

    ④ Visitors can also enjoy Chinese opera performances中国戏曲表演, dragon dances舞龙 and martial arts武术.

    ⑤ But the highlight is the bun scrambling抢,夺取 competition, wherein在哪里 participants climb a 14-metre tower snatching抢夺,抓紧时间做 as many as possible in three minutes.

    ⑥ After a bamboo tower collapsed in 1978, injuring more than 100 people, the structure is now made of steel.

    ⑦ And competition buns, once fluffy松软的, are now plastic.

    ⑧ But fear not: in recent years a food-processing machine has helped to speed up production of the 60,000 real buns munched狼吞虎咽 at each festival.

    ⑨ Tradition, with a helping hand from modernity现代性.



    1. dough

    Let's go make some dough.

    How much dough (do) you make every month?

    2. scramble

    scrambled eggs: 炒鸡蛋

    scramble for exams: 临时抱佛脚

    3. wherein

    the cave in which they live = the cave wherein they live

    4. snatch

    We are going to snatch a few hours' sleep.

    5. 麦兜妈妈写给奥委会主席的信(节选)

    你有孩子嗎? 我有一個孩子,麥兜。他是一個好男孩,他非常懂得搶那些包子。有一天,我看見他搶包山,搶了一個奧運金牌,那便是一個母親能夠有的最大的安慰。孩子的才幹,得到了世界人類的知道,父母願意做什麼的東西都行。於是我寫了這封信給你,雖然你不知道我是什麼微細的東西,但我的孩子很大,很大!有一天,你都會知道。多謝合作!




