
作者: 阳春白鹅 | 来源:发表于2024-01-06 09:39 被阅读0次


他把装好柯达交卷的尼科相机拿出来,装在沉重的三脚架上,拧紧螺丝。 他取下装着的24毫米镜头,换上他最喜欢的105毫米镜头。东方已经出现灰蒙蒙的光线,他开始试验他的构图,把三脚架左移动二英尺,调整好陷入溪边烂泥中的那只脚,把相机袋子缠绕在左手腕上,这是他在水边照相时习惯动作, 因为由于三脚架倒在水里损坏的相机太多了。

The trick would be to put the bridge at an angel for some compositional tension,get a little of the stream at the same time,and miss the graffiti on the walls near the entrance. The telephone wires in the background were a problem,too, but that could be handled through careful framing.

He took out the Nikon loaded with the Koda chrome and screwed it onto the heavy tripod. The camera had the 24-millimeter lens on it , and he replaced that with his favorite105-millimeter. Gray light in the east now. and he began to experiment his composition. Move tripod two feet left, readjust legs sticking in muddy ground by the stream. He kept the camera strap wound over his left wrist,  a practice he always followed when working around water. He had seen too many cameras go into the water when tripods tipped over.



