

作者: HellenJin | 来源:发表于2020-11-26 21:14 被阅读0次


    in danger (of) 处于 (……的) 危险中

    out of danger 脱离危险

    be a danger to 对……是个威胁

    be dangerous for / to sb 对某人是危险的

    it is dangerous (for sb) to do sth (某人)做某事是危险的

    out of date 过时的;陈旧的

    up to date 最新的

    date back to 追溯到;远在……年代

    all day (long) 一整天

    (all) day and (all) night 整日整夜地;日日夜夜地

    day after day 日复一日地

    day by day 一天天地;逐日地

    one day (过去或将来的) 某一天

    some day (将来) 总有一天;(日后) 某一天

    the other day 前几天;前不久

    these days 现在;如今

    to this day 至今

    a great / good deal 大量;很多

    a great / good deal of 大量的;很多的

    a big deal 没什么大不了的;重要的事情

    deal with 处理;对付;应付

    decide to do sth 决定做某事

    decide on / upon 决定;选定

    make a decision to do sth 决定做某事

    depend on 依靠;依赖;由……决定;取决于

    It / That (all) depends 那得看情况

    develop into 发展成

    with the development of 随着……的发展

    die down 逐渐变弱;逐渐降低

    die from 死于

    die of 死于

    die out 灭绝;消失

    make a difference 有影响;有作用

    be different from 与……不同

    It is difficult (for sb) to do sth (某人)做某事有困难

    have difficulty (in) doing sth 做某事有困难

    dig up 掘起;开垦 (荒地)

    have dinner 吃饭

    in the direction of 朝着……方向

    disagree with 不同意……;与……意见不一致

    discuss sth with sb 与某人讨论某事

    have a discussion about 讨论……

    dislike doing sth 不喜欢做某事

    divide sth into 把某物分成……

    do with 处置

    do without 没有……也行;将就

    have something to do with 与……有关

    (from) door to door 挨家挨户地

    out of doors 在户外;露天

    no doubt 无疑;很可能

    without doubt 毫无疑问;的确

    dream about / of 梦见……

    dress sb 给某人穿衣服

    dress up (给……) 穿上盛装;(给……) 乔装打扮

    drive away 驱车离开;赶跑

    drop by 顺便访问

    drop in 顺便走访

    drop off 顺便把……送到某处;让……下车

    drop out (of) 退学; 辍学

    dry up (河流、湖泊等) 干涸

    on duty 值班



