第三部分 Drupal的美化

第三部分 Drupal的美化

作者: 王乂 | 来源:发表于2016-04-24 02:16 被阅读0次


    Make it look better: themes & theming


    Do you have a custom design to implement or are you looking for a fresh look with an out of the box theme?


    Design and Drupal, introduction to theming


    Finding themes


    Installing themes


    Theme HowTos


    Design and Drupal, introduction to theming


    This community documentation guide is about changing the look and feel of a Drupal site. The guide coversDrupal 6 & 7andDrupal 8.

    Changing Site Appearance

    In the administrative settings you can modify the appearance of the theme in three ways:

    Find a prefabricatedtheme provided by the Drupal communityor get one on a third-party website and modify the theme settings

    Copy anexisting themeand then change or extend the code

    Build a complete theme from scratch (For doing this you need to copy files from core theme and place it under sites/all/themes and do the necessary changes on .info, template, tpl and css files.)

    What else can you do?

    You can do more with a theme than change the appearance of an entire site. It is also possible to "theme" specific sections of a site, certain types of content, or even individual pages. For example, your theme could specify a different look for just the front page of your site.

    Some other things that you can do with a theme:

    Change layouts, regions, images and fonts.

    Hide or display fields based on user role.

    Dynamically respond to changes in content or user input.

    Modify or replace text (e.g. labels or attributes) and variables generated by modules.

    It's also possible toportopen source designs between other systems (Joomla!templates,WordPressthemes, etc.) and Drupal, orconvertany website layout or template into a Drupal theme.

    Create a sub-theme. Your own version of a theme (existing or one that you create) that you can modify, while protecting the functionality of the original (base-theme) for update purposescreating a sub-theme.

    Other Places to Explore

    Overview of theme files -Structure of Drupal 6 and Drupal 7 themes files individuallyhttps://drupal.org/node/171194

    Definitive Guide to Drupal 7 Theming -(Theming and Advanced Theming chapters from the Definitive Guide to Drupal 7) free online:http://themery.com/dgd7

    Installing Themes -To install existing, contributed themes, please visitInstalling themes.

    Contributed Themes -FreeContributed themesat drupal.org. See demos of some of them atTheme Garden. Drupal 7 themes can be previewed atdrupal7themes.arxic.com.

    Custom Themes -Unique custom themes created byDrupal designersthat you can hire.

    Theming Tutorials -View a number oftheming videoswhich guide you through common scenarios.

    Support -Having problems? Check thetroubleshooting FAQ, in thetheming forumor contact us on IRC @ #drupal-themes.

    Module Developer's Guide -Module developers can consult the module developer's guide, specificallyUsing the theme layer (Drupal 7.x)and(Drupal 6.x).

    HTML and CSS techniques -See thebest practices page.

    Sass techniques -See theSass Techniques and tools.

    Theming Drupal 8

    Theming Drupal 6 and 7

    Tools, best practices and conventions

    Upgrading a theme to a new version

    Create custom twig templates from custom module

    More theming resources and guides

    Theme HowTos

    Theme snippets

    Core themes

    Contributed themes

    Finding themes


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    Installing themes


    Installing themes

    Last updated November 4, 2015. Created on September 16, 2007.

    Edited bymgosur,NewSites,peterx,davidneedham.Log in to edit this page.

    Download the theme.

    You can find themes onhttp://drupal.org/project/themes, as well as some external sites. Make sure the version of the theme matches your version of Drupal. Note that themes labeled "DEV" are in a development stage. They may be written for a previous/current/future version of Drupal, and they are considered unstable and should be handled with care.

    Extract the files.

    When you first get the theme, it will appear in a compressed file format such as 'tar.gz'. On Windows, use a program like 7-Zip to extract it. On the Mac, you can use Stuffit Expander. To extract the file using the Unix command line:

    tar-zxvf themename-drupalversionnumber.tar.gz

    You should see a list of files extracted into a folder.

    Upload the folder.

    FTP/Copy/SCP your files to the desired themes folder in your Drupal installation. Since thethemes folder at the top level of Drupal is reserved for Drupal core themes, you should create asites/all/themes/directory for contributed (non-core) themes and put uploaded themes there. If you are running amulti-site installationof Drupal, you can create a themes folder under sites/my.site.folder and put themes there that are specific to a particular site in your installation. Themes that will be shared between all sites should be placed in sites/all/themes.

    Read the directions.

    If the theme has an installation file (usually INSTALL.txt and/or README.txt), read it for specific instructions. There are themes that require special treatment to function properly.

    Enable the theme.

    Go to "Appearance" on the main Administration menu of your site. Check the 'Enabled' box next to the theme.

    Optional: Make it the active, default theme.

    Check the 'default' box to make this the chosen theme for your site. Enabled alone will allow users to select the theme, if you have allowed that permission.

    Click the 'Save Configuration' button at the bottom.

    If you run into problems, check the themes issue queue and search the forums. If your problem hasn't already been addressed, post a question and someone will try to help you out.

    Drupal 8

    Drupal 8 places all core code and themes under a directory named/core./themes,/sites/all/themes, and the other Drupal 7 options are still available for your themes.

    The themes still download and expand the same. When you look inside, the main differences are:

    The.infofile changes to.info.yml.

    The.tpl.phpfiles change to.html.twig.

    The following is the README.txt from Drupal 8 directory/themes.

    Place downloaded and custom themes that modify your site's appearance in this

    directory to ensure clean separation from Drupal core and to facilitate safe,

    self-contained code updates. Contributed themes from the Drupal community may

    be downloaded athttp://drupal.org/project/themes.

    It is safe to organize themes into subdirectories and is recommended to use

    Drupal's sub-theme functionality to ensure easy maintenance and upgrades.

    In multisite configuration, themes found in this directory are available to

    all sites. In addition to this directory, shared common themes may also be kept

    in the sites/all/themes directory and will take precedence over themes in this

    directory. Alternatively, the sites/your_site_name/themes directory pattern may

    be used to restrict themes to a specific site instance.

    Refer to the "Appearance" section of the README.txt in the Drupal root

    directory for further information on theming.


    screencap-choose-a-theme.jpg336.16 KB

    Theme HowTos

    Last updated October 24, 2014. Created on May 13, 2005.

    Edited bycamorim,Heine,SLIU,LeeHunter.Log in to edit this page.

    The following section provides a collection of 'How-to' articles on subjects relevant to theme developers. For a selection of useful code samples, see theTheme Snippetssection.

    Add Default Menu to node without menu

    Change the favicon

    Clearing floats with class="clear-block"

    Collapsing default fieldsets: Tidying up the theme settings form

    Convert any website layout or template into a Drupal theme - easily!

    Create a Views event list grouped by month

    Create a new custom theme with CSS alone

    Create a web / ipad / facebook page friendly site with the zeropoint theme

    Creating and rendering CSS templates (eg. style.css.php)

    Creating automation tools for custom themes (Gulpjs)

    Custom ul list-style

    Customize Drupal User Profiles with CiviCRM Contact Fields

    Customize the User Edit page in Drupal 7 - an example

    Customize the front page template

    Customizing core and/or contributed themes

    Displaying random images

    Drupal8: HOWTO detect whether an entity reference field is a taxonomy term reference and flag it for targeting in field.html.twig and your CSS

    Dynamic Image Headers through Taxonomy Terms

    Enable submit via Enter key on Ajax forms

    Hide the Node Title on a Page (6.x)

    How To Add Most Recent Blog Entries by User List to Users Profile Page

    How to edit ALT tag on your site logo

    How to use images for NEXT and PREV links

    Image stretch in Internet Explorer

    Look and feel

    Move the help/description text on node forms

    Moving $tabs to a new region -- made easy

    Overriding Theme Templates in Drupal 6 and 7

    Porting A Joomla Template To Drupal - a simple approach.

    Prototyping XHTML/CSS with Drupal

    Put an HTML non breaking space ( ) in menu items titles

    Recipe for two column block of recent comments

    Rounded Corners in Drupal 7 (jquery corner)

    Static and Dynamic Thumbnails for Facebook

    Style a horizontal login block in the footer

    Subtheming Quick and Dirty

    Theming CCK fields within a content type

    Theming Web-Form

    Tips for designing themes in Dreamweaver, GoLive etc.

    Using the CSS Template module

    Welcome User custom block



          本文标题:第三部分 Drupal的美化
