talented adj. 有才能的,有才干的; 能干的
That's where they put pictures of the kids who get voted Most Popular and Most Talented and all that.
例句:Howard is a talented pianist.
造句:He was not only talented but immensely popular with his colleagues.
gears turning 这里指有了动力,使开窍
...this Class Favourites thing has really got my gears turning.
例句:New ideas get your mental gears turning and can build motivation.
造句:A few years later, because of his appearanced, finally got my gears turning.
drop out 辍学
... even though he ended up dropping out of high school.
例句:My dad and I had a strongly worded argument when I told him I wanted to drop out of school.
造句:When I saw my parents can't afford to our family cost, I had to drop out of school.
help out 协助
She used to be one of those parents who came in to help out in the classroom.
例句:He gave half of what he earned to charity and he would help out at the 'Home' almost everyday.
造句:My boss are always asking me to help out with new guys.
volunteered 志愿;自动请求去做
But that all changed after Mom volunteered to be a chaperone for our field trip to the zoo when I was in three grade.
例句:The doctor who had volunteered to settled down in the poor village became the chief fable of the villagers.
造句:I volunteered to be a teacher for the next year.
in reach 够得着
...so I'm going to have to find somthing that's a little bit more in reach.
造句:Your goals will be in reach if you direct your energy wisely.
Even if you don't live up to 即使你没有做到...
Even if you don't live up to what you got picked for, it doesn't really matter, because it's on permanent record.
造句:Even if you don't live up to your dream, you are still a good boy.
Today, our company held a connecting between the north company and the south company. I'm not really care about it, but I've made a lot of small gifts, which is the most interesting. I believe other colleagues should look forward to these as I do. These are include Memorial cups, cookies, and even hammocks.What a pleasant surprise day!
nerd 讨厌的人
pilgrim ['pɪlɡrɪm] n. 朝圣者,清教徒