
作者: 小航的日记 | 来源:发表于2021-08-24 15:33 被阅读0次


Today's food is very magical. Is known to all of us. DeliciouDark chocolate cake.

The practice ofHerbs can be a bit difficult to cake. We need eggs, starch, flour. Tang Cream of tartar And light cream powder, and Pure Fresh Milk Black cocoa powder.

Take out two big bowls first. Take out three big, yellow eggs. Separation of egg white and egg yolk. Put each in a bowl. I made egg yolks first. Put it in the three egg yolks first. The road is in three egg yolks. 40g. Milk 40g corn oil. Blender. 10g starch in the road. And 40g flour. Beat with an egg beater until the dough is free of particles. And a little light golden yellow. The egg yolks are ready.

We're here to make egg whites. In protein, road, tower, tower powder and 40g white sugar. Beat slowly with an egg beater for one minute. In use. Stir quickly until you bring it up. A pointed, curved Fried with cream. It's ready. Pour in 1 / 3 of the cream first. And mix the two together. Hit it, hit it, hit it, hit it at high speed. Play it and put it next to you for later use.

Take out a small bowl and pour some cocoa powder into it. Fresh corn oil from rice. Stir with a small ladyroot to make a chocolate sauce. And put it on the side for later use. Preheat the oven, Lower the road. Yinghu. bitter at 180 degrees, and bake for 20 minutes.

Don't waste all this Take out the pure milk that has been frozen into a smoothie. Pour together with the dry cream powder and mix well to make a delicious cream. Poke it with your finger, lick it, like. It's delicious.

Ding Dong! The cake is ready. Open the oven and take out the mold. The cake is getting bigger. It's getting soft. The edge is beautiful. Cut everything around with a knife. On the plate upside down for a while. With a snap, the cake landed on the plate. Take the cake. Put it on the plate. Take out a knife, from the middle It's not cut high. The cake was cut into two pieces with the knife sideways. Pour most of the cream on top. Put another piece of cake on it. Melt the dark chocolate. Put it in a piping bag. Nail down the edge like a flowing white ocean. Drops of water sliding down the wall. This will make the cake beautiful. And then graze the rest of the cream.

If you want to make it look good. A head can be attached to the head of the piping bag. Will become more beautiful. There will be different patterns. Sprinkle a few more jelly beans. How many chocolates are you short of. Edition Engrave a happy birthday on it! Look. The chocolate birthday cake will be ready. Delicious, tempting and delicious.

The cost is much cheaper than buying outside. Have a seat, too.


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