Essential Operating Principles(续

Essential Operating Principles(续

作者: 刘东利2020 | 来源:发表于2023-07-25 18:14 被阅读0次

    这一部分讲的是四条中的第一条:Understand your values


    This was the story Eli told: When he was around seven or eight, his mom fell very ill. Later, he would learn that she had breast cancer, but at the time no one in his family told him what was going on. They wanted to keep things as normal as possible. Of course, things were far from normal, and Eli noticed how much his mother was not herself, physically or emotionally. His mother’s condition deteriorated, and she eventually had to go to the hospital. Eli was not allowed to visit her. One day, while his mother was in the hospital, Eli’s stepdad came to pick him up from school. They drove to Eli’s favorite diner and ordered pancakes. While Eli poked at his pancakes, syrup dripping down the sides, his stepdad told him that his mom had died.


    Eli’s value was transparency.


    First, you never know someone else’s story. When you’re finding a report difficult to work with, there’s almost always a deeper reason for their behavior that ’s worth trying to understand. 

    Second, some people don’t necessarily understand why they act the way they do. If you don’t understand how your actions are driven by your underlying beliefs, you’ll never be able to adapt them, no matter how hard you try.




          本文标题:Essential Operating Principles(续
