Propertiesassociate values with a particular class, structure, or enumeration. Stored properties store constant and variable values as part of an instance, whereas computed properties calculate (rather than store) a value. Computed properties are provided by classes, structures, and enumerations. Stored properties are provided only by classes and structures.
Stored and computed properties are usually associated with instances of a particular type. However, properties can also be associated with the type itself. Such properties are known as type properties.
In addition, you can define property observers to monitor changes in a property’s value, which you can respond to with custom actions. Property observers can be added to stored properties you define yourself, and also to properties that a subclass inherits from its superclass.
Stored Properties (存储属性)
In its simplest form, a stored property is a constant or variable that is stored as part of an instance of a particular class or structure. Stored properties can be eithervariable stored properties(introduced by thevarkeyword) orconstant stored properties(introduced by theletkeyword).
You can provide a default value for a stored property as part of its definition, as described inDefault Property Values. You can also set and modify the initial value for a stored property during initialization. This is true even for constant stored properties, as described inAssigning Constant Properties During Initialization.
The example below defines a structure calledFixedLengthRange, which describes a range of integers whose range length cannot be changed once it is created:
struct FixedLengthRange {
var firstValue:Int
let length:Int
varrangeOfThreeItems = FixedLengthRange(firstValue:0,length:3)
// the range represents integer values 0, 1, and 2
// the range now represents integer values 6, 7, and 8
Instances ofFixedLengthRangehave a variable stored property calledfirstValueand a constant stored property calledlength. In the example above,lengthis initialized when the new range is created and cannot be changed thereafter, because it is a constant property.
Stored Properties of Constant Structure Instances (常量结构体的存储属性)
If you create an instance of a structure and assign that instance to a constant, you cannot modify the instance’s properties, even if they were declared as variable properties:
let rangeOfFourItems=FixedLengthRange(firstValue:0,length:4)
// this range represents integer values 0, 1, 2, and 3
// this will report an error, even though firstValue is a variable property
BecauserangeOfFourItemsis declared as a constant (with theletkeyword), it is not possible to change itsfirstValueproperty, even thoughfirstValueis a variable property.
This behavior is due to structures beingvalue types. When an instance of a value type is marked as a constant, so are all of its properties.
The same is not true for classes, which arereference types. If you assign an instance of a reference type to a constant, you can still change that instance’s variable properties.
Lazy Stored Properties (延迟存储属性)
Alazy stored propertyis a property whose initial value is not calculated until the first time it is used. You indicate a lazy stored property by writing thelazymodifier before its declaration.
You must always declare a lazy property as a variable (with thevarkeyword), because its initial value might not be retrieved until after instance initialization completes. Constant properties must always have a valuebeforeinitialization completes, and therefore cannot be declared as lazy.
Lazy properties are useful when the initial value for a property is dependent on outside factors whose values are not known until after an instance’s initialization is complete. Lazy properties are also useful when the initial value for a property requires complex or computationally expensive setup that should not be performed unless or until it is needed.
The example below uses a lazy stored property to avoid unnecessary initialization of a complex class. This example defines two classes calledDataImporterandDataManager, neither of which is shown in full:
class DataImporter{
DataImporter is a class to import data from an external file.//DataImporter 是一个负责将外部文件中的数据导入的类。
The class is assumed to take a non-trivial amount of time to initialize.//这个类的初始化会消耗不少时间。
var fileName = "data.txt"
// the DataImporter class would provide data importing functionality here
// 这里会提供数据导入功能
class DataManager {
lazy var importer=DataImporter()
var data= [String]()
// the DataManager class would provide data management functionality here
// 这里会提供数据管理功能
let manager=DataManager()"Some data")"Some more data")
// the DataImporter instance for the importer property has not yet been created
// DataImporter 实例的 importer 属性还没有被创建
TheDataManagerclass has a stored property calleddata, which is initialized with a new, empty array ofStringvalues. Although the rest of its functionality is not shown, the purpose of thisDataManagerclass is to manage and provide access to this array ofStringdata.
Part of the functionality of theDataManagerclass is the ability to import data from a file. This functionality is provided by theDataImporterclass, which is assumed to take a non-trivial amount of time to initialize. This might be because aDataImporterinstance needs to open a file and read its contents into memory when theDataImporterinstance is initialized.
It is possible for aDataManagerinstance to manage its data without ever importing data from a file, so there is no need to create a newDataImporterinstance when theDataManageritself is created. Instead, it makes more sense to create theDataImporterinstance if and when it is first used.
Because it is marked with thelazymodifier, theDataImporterinstance for theimporterproperty is only created when theimporterproperty is first accessed, such as when itsfileNameproperty is queried:
// the DataImporter instance for the importer property has now been created
// Prints "data.txt"
If a property marked with thelazymodifier is accessed by multiple threads simultaneously and the property has not yet been initialized, there is no guarantee that the property will be initialized only once.
Stored Properties and Instance Variables (存储属性和实例变量)
If you have experience with Objective-C, you may know that it providestwoways to store values and references as part of a class instance. In addition to properties, you can use instance variables as a backing store for the values stored in a property.
如果您有过 Objective-C 经验,应该知道 Objective-C 为类实例存储值和引用提供两种方法。除了属性之外,还可以使用实例变量作为属性值的后端存储。
Swift unifies these concepts into a single property declaration. A Swift property does not have a corresponding instance variable, and the backing store for a property is not accessed directly. This approach avoids confusion about how the value is accessed in different contexts and simplifies the property’s declaration into a single, definitive statement. All information about the property—including its name, type, and memory management characteristics—is defined in a single location as part of the type’s definition.
Swift 编程语言中把这些理论统一用属性来实现。Swift 中的属性没有对应的实例变量,属性的后端存储也无法直接访问。这就避免了不同场景下访问方式的困扰,同时也将属性的定义简化成一个语句。属性的全部信息——包括命名、类型和内存管理特征——都在唯一一个地方(类型定义中)定义。
Computed Properties (计算属性)
In addition to stored properties, classes, structures, and enumerations can definecomputed properties, which do not actually store a value. Instead, they provide a getter and an optional setter to retrieve and set other properties and values indirectly.
除存储属性外,类、结构体和枚举可以定义计算属性。计算属性不直接存储值,而是提供一个 getter 和一个可选的 setter,来间接获取和设置其他属性或变量的值。
struct Point {
var x = 0.0, y = 0.0
struct Size {
var width = 0.0, height = 0.0
struct Rect {
var origin = Point()
var size = Size()
var center: Point {
get {
let centerX = origin.x + (size.width / 2)
let centerY = origin.y + (size.height / 2)
return Point(x: centerX, y: centerY)
set(newCenter) {
origin.x = newCenter.x - (size.width / 2)
origin.y = newCenter.y - (size.height / 2)
var square = Rect(origin: Point(x: 0.0, y: 0.0),
size: Size(width: 10.0, height: 10.0))
let initialSquareCenter = = Point(x: 15.0, y: 15.0)
print("square.origin is now at (\(square.origin.x), \(square.origin.y))")
// 打印 "square.origin is now at (10.0, 10.0)”
This example defines three structures for working with geometric shapes:
这个例子定义了 3 个结构体来描述几何形状:
1. Pointencapsulates the x- and y-coordinate of a point.
Point封装了一个(x, y)的坐标
2. Sizeencapsulates awidthand aheight.
3. Rectdefines a rectangle by an origin point and a size.
TheRectstructure also provides a computed property calledcenter. The current center position of aRectcan always be determined from itsoriginandsize, and so you don’t need to store the center point as an explicitPointvalue. Instead,Rectdefines a custom getter and setter for a computed variable calledcenter, to enable you to work with the rectangle’scenteras if it were a real stored property.
Rect也提供了一个名为center的计算属性。一个矩形的中心点可以从原点(origin)和大小(size)算出,所以不需要将它以显式声明的Point来保存。Rect的计算属性center提供了自定义的 getter 和 setter 来获取和设置矩形的中心点,就像它有一个存储属性一样。
The preceding example creates a newRectvariable calledsquare. Thesquarevariable is initialized with an origin point of(0, 0), and a width and height of10. This square is represented by the blue square in the diagram below.
上述例子中创建了一个名为square的Rect实例,初始值原点是(0, 0),宽度高度都是10。如下图中蓝色正方形所示。
Thesquarevariable’scenterproperty is then accessed through dot syntax (, which causes the getter forcenterto be called, to retrieve the current property value. Rather than returning an existing value, the getter actually calculates and returns a newPointto represent the center of the square. As can be seen above, the getter correctly returns a center point of(5, 5).
square的center属性可以通过点运算符(来访问,这会调用该属性的 getter 来获取它的值。跟直接返回已经存在的值不同,getter 实际上通过计算然后返回一个新的Point来表示square的中心点。如代码所示,它正确返回了中心点(5, 5)。
Thecenterproperty is then set to a new value of(15, 15), which moves the square up and to the right, to the new position shown by the orange square in the diagram below. Setting thecenterproperty calls the setter forcenter, which modifies thexandyvalues of the storedoriginproperty, and moves the square to its new position.
center属性之后被设置了一个新的值(15, 15),表示向右上方移动正方形到如下图橙色正方形所示的位置。设置属性center的值会调用它的 setter 来修改属性origin的x和y的值,从而实现移动正方形到新的位置。
Shorthand Setter Declaration (简化 setter 声明)
If a computed property’s setter does not define a name for the new value to be set, a default name ofnewValueis used. Here’s an alternative version of theRectstructure, which takes advantage of this shorthand notation:
如果计算属性的 setter 没有定义表示新值的参数名,则可以使用默认名称newValue。下面是使用了简化 setter 声明的Rect结构体代码:
struct AlternativeRect {
var origin=Point()
var size=Size()
var center:Point{
get {
let centerX=origin.x+ (size.width/2)
let centerY=origin.y+ (size.height/2)
return Point(x:centerX,y:centerY)
set {
origin.x=newValue.x- (size.width/2)
origin.y=newValue.y- (size.height/2)
Read-Only Computed Properties (只读计算属性)
A computed property with a getter but no setter is known as aread-only computed property. A read-only computed property always returns a value, and can be accessed through dot syntax, but cannot be set to a different value.
只有 getter 没有 setter 的计算属性就是只读计算属性。只读计算属性总是返回一个值,可以通过点运算符访问,但不能设置新的值。
You must declare computed properties—including read-only computed properties—as variable properties with thevarkeyword, because their value is not fixed. Theletkeyword is only used for constant properties, to indicate that their values cannot be changed once they are set as part of instance initialization.
You can simplify the declaration of a read-only computed property by removing thegetkeyword and its braces:
struct Cuboid {
var width=0.0,height=0.0,depth=0.0
var volume:Double{
return width*height*depth
let fourByFiveByTwo=Cuboid(width:4.0,height:5.0,depth:2.0)
print("the volume of fourByFiveByTwo is\(fourByFiveByTwo.volume)")
// Prints "the volume of fourByFiveByTwo is 40.0"
This example defines a new structure calledCuboid, which represents a 3D rectangular box withwidth,height, anddepthproperties. This structure also has a read-only computed property calledvolume, which calculates and returns the current volume of the cuboid. It doesn’t make sense forvolumeto be settable, because it would be ambiguous as to which values ofwidth,height, anddepthshould be used for a particularvolumevalue. Nonetheless, it is useful for aCuboidto provide a read-only computed property to enable external users to discover its current calculated volume.
这个例子定义了一个名为Cuboid的结构体,表示三维空间的立方体,包含width、height和depth属性。结构体还有一个名为volume的只读计算属性用来返回立方体的体积。为volume提供 setter 毫无意义,因为无法确定如何修改width、height和depth三者的值来匹配新的volume。然而,Cuboid提供一个只读计算属性来让外部用户直接获取体积是很有用的。
Property Observers (属性观察器)
Property observers observe and respond to changes in a property’s value. Property observers are called every time a property’s value is set, even if the new value is the same as the property’s current value.
You can add property observers to any stored properties you define, except for lazy stored properties. You can also add property observers to any inherited property (whether stored or computed) by overriding the property within a subclass. You don’t need to define property observers for nonoverridden computed properties, because you can observe and respond to changes to their value in the computed property’s setter. Property overriding is described inOverriding.
可以为除了延迟存储属性之外的其他存储属性添加属性观察器,也可以通过重写属性的方式为继承的属性(包括存储属性和计算属性)添加属性观察器。你不必为非重写的计算属性添加属性观察器,因为可以通过它的 setter 直接监控和响应值的变化。 属性重写请参考重写。
You have the option to define either or both of these observers on a property:
1. willSet is called just before the value is stored.
2. didSet is called immediately after the new value is stored.
If you implement awillSetobserver, it’s passed the new property value as a constant parameter. You can specify a name for this parameter as part of yourwillSetimplementation. If you don’t write the parameter name and parentheses within your implementation, the parameter is made available with a default parameter name ofnewValue.
Similarly, if you implement adidSetobserver, it’s passed a constant parameter containing the old property value. You can name the parameter or use the default parameter name ofoldValue. If you assign a value to a property within its owndidSetobserver, the new value that you assign replaces the one that was just set.
ThewillSetanddidSetobservers of superclass properties are called when a property is set in a subclass initializer, after the superclass initializer has been called. They are not called while a class is setting its own properties, before the superclass initializer has been called.For more information about initializer delegation, seeInitializer Delegation for Value TypesandInitializer Delegation for Class Types.
父类的属性在子类的构造器中被赋值时,它在父类中的willSet和didSet观察器会被调用,随后才会调用子类的观察器。在父类初始化方法调用之前,子类给属性赋值时,观察器不会被调用。 有关构造器代理的更多信息,请参考值类型的构造器代理和类的构造器代理规则。
Here’s an example ofwillSetanddidSetin action. The example below defines a new class calledStepCounter, which tracks the total number of steps that a person takes while walking. This class might be used with input data from a pedometer or other step counter to keep track of a person’s exercise during their daily routine.
class StepCounter {
var totalSteps:Int=0{
willSet(newTotalSteps) {
print("About to set totalSteps to\(newTotalSteps)")
let stepCounter=StepCounter()
// About to set totalSteps to 200
// Added 200 steps
// About to set totalSteps to 360
// Added 160 steps
// About to set totalSteps to 896
// Added 536 steps
TheStepCounterclass declares atotalStepsproperty of typeInt. This is a stored property withwillSetanddidSetobservers.
ThewillSetanddidSetobservers fortotalStepsare called whenever the property is assigned a new value. This is true even if the new value is the same as the current value.
This example’swillSetobserver uses a custom parameter name ofnewTotalStepsfor the upcoming new value. In this example, it simply prints out the value that is about to be set.
ThedidSetobserver is called after the value oftotalStepsis updated. It compares the new value oftotalStepsagainst the old value. If the total number of steps has increased, a message is printed to indicate how many new steps have been taken. ThedidSetobserver does not provide a custom parameter name for the old value, and the default name ofoldValueis used instead.
If you pass a property that has observers to a function as an in-out parameter, thewillSetanddidSetobservers are always called. This is because of the copy-in copy-out memory model for in-out parameters: The value is always written back to the property at the end of the function. For a detailed discussion of the behavior of in-out parameters, seeIn-Out Parameters.
如果将属性通过 in-out 方式传入函数,willSet和didSet也会调用。这是因为 in-out 参数采用了拷入拷出模式:即在函数内部使用的是参数的 copy,函数结束后,又对参数重新赋值。关于 in-out 参数详细的介绍,请参考输入输出参数
Global and Local Variables (全局变量和局部变量)
The capabilities described above for computing and observing properties are also available toglobal variablesandlocal variables. Global variables are variables that are defined outside of any function, method, closure, or type context. Local variables are variables that are defined within a function, method, or closure context.
The global and local variables you have encountered in previous chapters have all beenstored variables. Stored variables, like stored properties, provide storage for a value of a certain type and allow that value to be set and retrieved.
However, you can also definecomputed variablesand define observers for stored variables, in either a global or local scope. Computed variables calculate their value, rather than storing it, and they are written in the same way as computed properties.
Global constants and variables are always computed lazily, in a similar manner toLazy Stored Properties. Unlike lazy stored properties, global constants and variables do not need to be marked with thelazymodifier.
Local constants and variables are never computed lazily.
Type Properties (类型属性)
Instance properties are properties that belong to an instance of a particular type. Every time you create a new instance of that type, it has its own set of property values, separate from any other instance.
You can also define properties that belong to the type itself, not to any one instance of that type. There will only ever be one copy of these properties, no matter how many instances of that type you create. These kinds of properties are calledtype properties.
Type properties are useful for defining values that are universal toallinstances of a particular type, such as a constant property that all instances can use (like a static constant in C), or a variable property that stores a value that is global to all instances of that type (like a static variable in C).
类型属性用于定义某个类型所有实例共享的数据,比如所有实例都能用的一个常量(就像 C 语言中的静态常量),或者所有实例都能访问的一个变量(就像 C 语言中的静态变量)。
Stored type properties can be variables or constants. Computed type properties are always declared as variable properties, in the same way as computed instance properties.
Unlike stored instance properties, you must always give stored type properties a default value. This is because the type itself does not have an initializer that can assign a value to a stored type property at initialization time.
Stored type properties are lazily initialized on their first access. They are guaranteed to be initialized only once, even when accessed by multiple threads simultaneously, and they do not need to be marked with thelazymodifier.
Type Property Syntax (类型属性语法)
In C and Objective-C, you define static constants and variables associated with a type asglobalstatic variables. In Swift, however, type properties are written as part of the type’s definition, within the type’s outer curly braces, and each type property is explicitly scoped to the type it supports.
在 C 或 Objective-C 中,与某个类型关联的静态常量和静态变量,是作为全局(global)静态变量定义的。但是在 Swift 中,类型属性是作为类型定义的一部分写在类型最外层的花括号内,因此它的作用范围也就在类型支持的范围内。
You define type properties with thestatickeyword. For computed type properties for class types, you can use theclasskeyword instead to allow subclasses to override the superclass’s implementation. The example below shows the syntax for stored and computed type properties:
struct SomeStructure {
static var storedTypeProperty="Some value."
static var computedTypeProperty:Int{
enum SomeEnumeration {
static var storedTypeProperty="Some value."
static var computedTypeProperty:Int{
class SomeClass {
static var storedTypeProperty="Some value." static var computedTypeProperty:Int{
class var overrideableComputedTypeProperty:Int{
The computed type property examples above are for read-only computed type properties, but you can also define read-write computed type properties with the same syntax as for computed instance properties.
Querying and Setting Type Properties (获取和设置类型属性的值)
Type properties are queried and set with dot syntax, just like instance properties. However, type properties are queried and set on thetype, not on an instance of that type. For example:
// Prints "Some value."
SomeStructure.storedTypeProperty="Another value."
// Prints "Another value."
// Prints "6"
// Prints "27"
The examples that follow use two stored type properties as part of a structure that models an audio level meter for a number of audio channels. Each channel has an integer audio level between0and10inclusive.
The figure below illustrates how two of these audio channels can be combined to model a stereo audio level meter. When a channel’s audio level is0, none of the lights for that channel are lit. When the audio level is10, all of the lights for that channel are lit. In this figure, the left channel has a current level of9, and the right channel has a current level of7:
The audio channels described above are represented by instances of theAudioChannelstructure:
struct AudioChannel {
static let thresholdLevel = 10
static var maxInputLevelForAllChannels = 0
var currentLevel: Int = 0 {
didSet {
if currentLevel > AudioChannel.thresholdLevel {
// 将当前音量限制在阀值之内
currentLevel = AudioChannel.thresholdLevel
if currentLevel > AudioChannel.maxInputLevelForAllChannels {
// 存储当前音量作为新的最大输入音量
AudioChannel.maxInputLevelForAllChannels = currentLevel
TheAudioChannelstructure defines two stored type properties to support its functionality. The first,thresholdLevel, defines the maximum threshold value an audio level can take. This is a constant value of10for allAudioChannelinstances. If an audio signal comes in with a higher value than10, it will be capped to this threshold value (as described below).
结构AudioChannel定义了 2 个存储型类型属性来实现上述功能。第一个是thresholdLevel,表示音量的最大上限阈值,它是一个值为10的常量,对所有实例都可见,如果音量高于10,则取最大上限值10(见后面描述)。
The second type property is a variable stored property calledmaxInputLevelForAllChannels. This keeps track of the maximum input value that has been received byanyAudioChannelinstance. It starts with an initial value of0.
TheAudioChannelstructure also defines a stored instance property calledcurrentLevel, which represents the channel’s current audio level on a scale of0to10.
ThecurrentLevelproperty has adidSetproperty observer to check the value ofcurrentLevelwhenever it is set. This observer performs two checks:
1. If the new value ofcurrentLevelis greater than the allowedthresholdLevel, the property observer capscurrentLeveltothresholdLevel.
2. If the new value ofcurrentLevel(after any capping) is higher than any value previously received byanyAudioChannelinstance, the property observer stores the newcurrentLevelvalue in themaxInputLevelForAllChannelstype property.
In the first of these two checks, thedidSetobserver setscurrentLevelto a different value. This does not, however, cause the observer to be called again.
You can use theAudioChannelstructure to create two new audio channels calledleftChannelandrightChannel, to represent the audio levels of a stereo sound system:
var leftChannel=AudioChannel()
var rightChannel=AudioChannel()
If you set thecurrentLevelof theleftchannel to7, you can see that themaxInputLevelForAllChannelstype property is updated to equal7:
// Prints "7"
// Prints "7"
If you try to set thecurrentLevelof therightchannel to11, you can see that the right channel’scurrentLevelproperty is capped to the maximum value of10, and themaxInputLevelForAllChannelstype property is updated to equal10:
// Prints "10"
// Prints "10"