In addition to the operators described inBasic Operators,...[作者空间]
Access controlrestricts access to parts of your code from...[作者空间]
Generic codeenables you to write flexible, reusable funct...[作者空间]
Declaring Protocol Adoption with an Extension (通过扩展遵循协议) ...[作者空间]
Aprotocoldefines a blueprint of methods, properties, and ...[作者空间]
Extensionsadd new functionality to an existing class, str...[作者空间]
Enumerations are often created to support a specific clas...[作者空间]
Type castingis a way to check the type of an instance, or...[作者空间]
Error handlingis the process of responding to and recover...[作者空间]
Optional chainingis a process for querying and calling pr...[作者空间]
Swift usesAutomatic Reference Counting(ARC) to track and ...[作者空间]
Adeinitializeris called immediately before a class instan...[作者空间]
Automatic Initializer Inheritance (构造器的自动继承) As mentioned...[作者空间]
Initializationis the process of preparing an instance of ...[作者空间]
A class caninheritmethods, properties, and other characte...[作者空间]
Classes, structures, and enumerations can definesubscript...[作者空间]
Methodsare functions that are associated with a particula...[作者空间]
Propertiesassociate values with a particular class, struc...[作者空间]
Classesandstructuresare general-purpose, flexible constru...[作者空间]
Anenumerationdefines a common type for a group of related...[作者空间]