

作者: Mandy_梓彤 | 来源:发表于2019-02-21 21:44 被阅读0次

dictate v.

释义:to influence something or make it necessary

例句: Why does society try to dictate how people should die?

“dictate”作为动词可以表示“听写”,我们常说的“听写法”就是它的名词形式“dictation”。dictate 作为动词还可以表示“决定” “支配” “控制”,在一些语境下我们可以用它替换 decide, control, influence 等词。

例① 你想毕业后就周游世界,不过因为现实条件不允许,你不得不先工作几年。

As much as I want to travel around the world after graduation, my financial situation dictates that I have a job first.

例② 我们常说“走社会主义政治发展道路,是由中国国情和历史条件决定的”,用英文就可以说成:

The reality dictates which route China should take.

当我们想表示受某种条件约束,有些事不得不做的时候就可以用 dictate。

例③ 我们常说“养儿防老”,受这种文化影响,许多老人会认为儿子才是要肩负起自己养老生活的人。

Chinese tradition dictates that sons are responsible for providing support and security for their aging parents.

例④《经济学人》在一篇讨论安乐死的文章中就用到了 dictate:

In a liberal democracy we don't try and dictate how people should live so why does society try to dictate how people should die?


Social etiquette dictates how we should behave in public.

(参考翻译:The social code/etiquette dictates how we should behave in public. )


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