An operating system is a set of norms and actions that are shared with everyone in the company. These shared systems and parameters are essential to growth and success. Keystones like an annual plan, quarterly goals, and regular communications allow everyone at the company to track progress and common priorities at the highest level. These systems can then replicate down through divisions and teams to help clarify priorities and resolve dependencies. At every level, a good operating system makes clear the desired results, how and when to communicate progress, and how to measure achievement.
是类似于DSTE的一套东西 —— 不过作者下面这段话说到了点儿上:
Above all, a well-articulated operating system establishes a clear foundation of trust. People grow uncomfortable when they’re unsure what is expected of them. This is especially true in the workplace. Folks need to know how they’re expected to work together, what they’re working on, and why, or they may feel like the ground is too shaky to take a single step. I remember an all-company meeting at Google where the CEO articulated this point: “Every day, you all choose where to put your time. My goal is to give you the information to make the best decision.”
坦诚带来清晰的理解,然后承担各自的责任带来了信任 —— 起点是坦诚。
The operating system also represents a stable, consistent frame of reference. It serves as a touchstone when external forces inevitably affect your priorities, and it helps gird the company amid the chaos of rapid growth. Replicating the structures of the operating system at the company, division, and team levels creates a conceptual throughline, allowing people from across the company to speak the same language and removing friction from execution.
Once a company can no longer fit into a single meeting room, it’s time to start writing down your operating system and its component structures.