"You know, all that really matters is that the people you love are happy and healthy. Everything else is just sprinkles on the sundae." - in Flaunt Magazine, July 2001
其实真正重要的是你所爱的人活得健康快乐。其他的一切都只是锦上添花而已。 - 2001年七月,《夸耀》杂志
When you put good will out there, it*s amazing what can be accomplished." - Paul Walker
施之以爱付出,喜出望外收获。 - 保罗沃克
Surfing soothes me, it*s always been a kind of zen experience for me. The ocean is so magnificent, peaceful, and awesome. The rest of the world disappears for me when I*m on a wave.
We all compromise ourselves, from time to time, because maybe it will lead to more opportunity... All of that*s cool, but we forget and we get caught up. If you want that nurturing, caring, empathetic, compassionate heart to keep on ticking and be around, and you want it to be strong, then don*t neglect 1. One way to feed it is just being truthful and listening to your heart. - Paul Walker
我们时常会妥协自己,因为那也许会给我们带来更多机遇……这样做当然没问题,但我们会忘乎自己,沉迷其中。如果你希望那颗能养育他人、关怀他人、同情他人、怜悯他人的心经久不衰、常伴自己,并变得强大,那就不要忽略第一点。培养它的一个方法是只需真诚待人,听从自己的内心。 - 保罗沃克
You know, I*m a pretty mellow guy. I*m pretty easy-going. I see everyone*s perspective.
My philosophy is: If you can*t have fun, there*s no sense in doing it.
I don*t go for the flash and panache.
Attitude is attitude, whether you're a West Coast gangster or East Coast gangster, you know?
You know what? If you've got haters then you're doing the right thing!