Economic Policy Splits Democrats

Economic Policy Splits Democrats

作者: 口口丁 | 来源:发表于2015-11-09 14:32 被阅读81次

民主党智库Third Way不久前发布了一篇52页的报告,指出现下民主党候选人们的激进纲领将导致他们最终的溃败。

Third Way认为,右翼的问题在于只关注经济发展,指望先富带动后富(即所谓的trikle-down),而左翼的问题则是过分强调使用“再分配”的方法来缓解不平等。

Third Way给出了一个更好的竞选计划:注重技能培训,提供更多工作机会和财富创造;此外,还要不再向中产阶级增收更多赋税,防止财政赤字扩大。

然而,Elizabeth Warren等人发声反对称,美国现在面临着重重困难,需要更有力和激进的改革行动,留给人们的时间已经不多了。

筹措到了巨量资金的民主党候选人Bernie Sanders,也在宣扬一项有关加强货币管制以削弱银行和企业影响的政策。

目前,主流的民主党政策预案包括将最低工资提高到15美元/小时、扩大社保福利、建设政府单方负担的医保体系(Single-payer health care[1])。

对此,Third Way的主席Jonathan Cowan深感忧虑。他认为如此激进的风格不会受到那些独立人士的欢迎。



原文:Economic Policy Splits Democrats


unveil [VERB-T]
: If you unveil something new, you show it or it make known for the first time

populist [ADJ]
: representing or connected with the ideas and opinions of ordinary people

pension [NOUN-C]
a sum of money paid regularly by the government or a private company to a person who does not work any more because they are too old or they have become ill

rigged [ADJ]
: Be controlled; Cheat;

astray [ADV]
: away from the correct path or correct way of doing something

be beholden to
: feeling you have a duty to someone because they have done something for you

placard [NOUN-C]
: a large piece of card, paper, etc. with a message written or printed on it, often carried in public places by people who are complaining about something

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  1. a system in which the government, rather than private insurers, pays for all health care costs. For more details, click here



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