定位 windows10 虚拟机多显卡蓝屏重启问题

定位 windows10 虚拟机多显卡蓝屏重启问题

作者: cloudFans | 来源:发表于2020-09-02 15:44 被阅读0次


  1. turnedontimesview用于显示系统重启的时间和错误状态码


  1. 设置dump

Capturing application crash or TDR dump files on Windows


Enabling crash dumps(https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3335

Two registry files are available for download from the File Attachment section at the bottom to assist you in configuring Windows to automatically generate dumps files when an application or process crashes. These crash dump files are available in one of the two formats. Please choose the registry file according to the type of dump file you wish to share with an NVIDIA Customer Care agent.

Mini dump - This is the Windows setting by default. This is a very small file which does not contain a lot of information. Due to the small file size, it makes it easier to share with an NVIDIA Customer Care agent. If you are unable to upload large file sizes, you may choose this by downloading the file minidump.reg below and then double-click on the file to add the contents to your Windows registry.

Full dump - This format creates a file that can be quite large in size. Usually a full dump file will be approximately 1000MB+ in size although you can compress the file which greatly reduces the file size. Due to the much bigger size, you will need to upload the file to use a file sharing service to provide the file to an NVIDIA Customer Care agent. This format includes much more information that a mini dump file and therefore is much more useful in finding the root cause of a crash. Download the file fulldump.reg from the bottom of the page and open the file to merge its contents with your Windows registry if you have good internet speeds.






    本文标题:定位 windows10 虚拟机多显卡蓝屏重启问题
