- SAP CRM, C4C和Hybris Commerce的数据迁
- 从零开始学习开发Hybris Commerce
- SAP Hybris Commerce,CRM和C4C的登录语言
- Hybris Commerce 在eclipse中开发和DEBU
- 使用 jMeter 对 SAP Spartacus 进行并发性能
- SAP CRM和C4C的产品主数据price维护
- CRM和C4C里的组织架构 - Organizational S
- SAP CRM呼叫中心和Hybris Commerce Back
- Hybris Enterprise Commerce Platf
- SAP CRM,C4C和Hybris的product Cockp
这三个SAP product都有个各自的data migration approach
通过XIF和IDOC来进行CRM和legacy system之前的数据交互
比如可以把系统里Service order的内容通过IDOC存成一个file: Step by step to send IDoc data into external receiver via XIF adapter
或者通过一个IDOC创建新的Service Order: Create new Service Order via XIF
See one example: Import Account data into C4C system via excel download and upload
The ImpEx extension allows you to create, update, remove, and export platform items such as customer, product, or order data to and from Comma-Separated Values (CSV) data files both during run time and during SAP Hybris Commerceinitialization or update process.
The ImpEx, extension is a converter between items in SAP Hybris Commerce and a CSV file, and the other way round.
Hybris和C4C类似,都提供了csv import和export的UI: