最近两个月胖了很多,体重一路飙升。和以往不一样的是,我并没有非常着急地减肥。我意识到,我已经开始发自内心地接受自己了。好与坏,胖与瘦。最近的状态让我想到了Wentworth Miller的那段演讲:
"In 2010, at the lowest point in my adult life, I was looking everywhere for relief/comfort/distraction. And I turned to food. It could have been anything. Drugs. Alcohol. Sex. But eating became the one thing I could look forward to. Count on to get me through. There were stretches when the highlight of my week was a favorite meal and a new episode of TOP CHEF. Sometimes that was enough. Had to be.
"And I put on weight. Big f--king deal."
"Now, when I see that image of me in my red t-shirt, a rare smile on my face, I am reminded of my struggle. My endurance and my perseverance in the face of all kinds of demons. Some within. Some without. Like a dandelion up through the pavement, I persist. Anyway. Still. Despite.