09110 邓萌
封面《Proud》. What is pride? Pride is a feeling. It is normal to have many kinds of feelings every day. Some feelings are nice to have. Pride is a nice feeling. We feel proud when we are pleased with ourselves.
What makes people feel proud? When somebody says that we are kind or look good, we feel proud. It is nice to get a compliment. We feel proud when we do something well or achieve a goal. We feel proud when we are brave and do something that scares us.
What does pride feel like? when you are proud, you feel good about yourself. You might feel more confident. Pride can make you want to work hard and do well again.
How can pride make other people feel? People show their feelings in different ways. Feeling proud can make us act like we are more important than other people.
这本《Proud 》是由英国Raintree出版社出版的情绪系列丛书,属于初级桥梁书。这套书适合5-8岁对英文有一定基础的孩子进行亲子或自主阅读。
good feeling: pride happy caring compliment confident
bad feeling: boast sad mad jealous show off
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