The resiliency of our algorithm is optimal: 3f + 1 is the minimum number of replicas that allow an asynchronous system to provide the safety and liveness properties when up to f replicas are faulty (see [2] for a proof). This many replicas are needed because it must be possible to proceed after communicating with n - f replicas, since f replicas might be faulty and not responding. However, it is possible that the f replicas that did not respond are not faulty and, therefore, f of those that responded might be faulty. Even so, there must still be enough responses that those from non-faulty replicas outnumber those from faulty ones, i.e., n - 2f > f. Thereforen n > 3f.
在n-f个状态复制机的沟通内,就要做出决定。而且我们无法预测这f个作恶节点做了什么(错误消息/不发送),所以我们并不知道,这n-f个里面有几个是作恶节点,我们必须保证正常的节点大于作恶节点数。所以有 n-f-f > f,从而得出了n > 3f。