Initially, I contacted Professor X and wanted to do my doctoral research in X under her supervision. After getting permission from X, I believe that I am capable, regarding academic background, research and work experience, to apply for a doctoral placement at the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford.
Graduating from X in its X Engineering BSc programme, I have obtained a solid foundation academically and achieved outstanding result in my study. During the undergraduate stage, I got an average overall GPA of X, ranking in the top 1% students among X undergraduates in the course, with many remarkable honors, e.g. National Scholarship, X Scholarship, Excellent Student of X (Top Prize), Outstanding X Leader, and etc.
My excellent performance is not only demonstrated in theoretical study but also in lab practice. I spend most of my spare time in the laboratory in debugging laboratory apparatus or calculating experiment data. I conducted independent research, for instance, the design of X. I was enrolled in the X of China, participating in the research on X system. Based on my research projects, I have completed 4 papers, which were accepted by A, B, C, D, respectively. Also, an English paper will be submitted to E before X. Besides, another paper about X has been submitted to F. Recently, I am concentrated on a paper about X via X method.
I do want to pursue my doctoral studies at the University of Oxford. Oxford, well known for its spirit of creativity, excellence of academic atmosphere and the diversity in culture, will provide me a better prospected environment in scientific research, where I can grow successfully to be an expert in the field of X. In Oxford, I will get the chance of learning from the most reputable professors and acquainting myself with elites from the whole world. In my postgraduate period, I hope to make more progress in the research and have my papers published in top journals. My dream is to be a university teacher, devoting my whole life in researching for more advanced knowledge and imparting my knowledge to more students. Thus, after doctoral studies, I want to enter a leading university to start my teaching career and continue with my research projects.
2.首段:空洞且无说服力,且所提及的professor并未在套磁过程中有任何positive feedback,此处空穴来风为一大忌;
4.结尾段:没有将short-term goal与Long-term goal紧密联系,未提及从oxford可以得到的实际资源如何助力之后的所有goals,reviewer第一感觉是完全套模板,这里套用任何一个学校都可以用;
5.语言:纯中式思维,全篇基本都是baby language,完全口语化表达;
此学弟research proposal存在同样严重问题,但由于专业定向性较强,此处不予解析。综合PS和RP,作为系里的reviewer,我会直接把他的材料归为C档,连与第二轮申请者同时考虑的机会都不会给。