

作者: 卤蛋Aunm | 来源:发表于2018-07-09 14:03 被阅读0次

    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    CS330 Software Engineering

    Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Template

    Items that are intended to stay in as part of your document are in bold​;

    explanatory comments are in italic text. Plain text is used where you might

    insert wording about your project.

    The document in this file is an annotated outline for specifying software

    requirements, adapted from the IEEE Guide to Software Requirements

    Specifications (Std 830-1993).

    Tailor this to your needs, removing explanatory comments as you go along.

    Where you decide to omit a section, keep the header, but insert a comment

    saying why you omit the data.



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    (Project Title)

    (Team Name and Number)

    (Team Members)

    Software Requirements Specification


    Version: (n) Date: (mm/dd/yyyy)



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    Table of Contents

    1. Introduction 5

    1.1 Purpose

    1.2 Scope

    1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

    1.4 References

    1.5 Overview

    2. The Overall Description

    2.1 Product Perspective

    2.1.1 System Interfaces

    2.1.2 Interfaces

    2.1.3 Hardware Interfaces

    2.1.4 Software Interfaces

    2.1.5 Communications Interfaces

    2.1.6 Memory Constraints

    2.1.7 Operations

    2.1.8 Site Adaptation Requirements

    2.2 Product Functions

    2.3 User Characteristics

    2.4 Constraints

    2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

    2.6 Apportioning of Requirements

    3. Specific Requirements

    3.1 External interfaces

    3.2 Functions

    3.3 Performance Requirements

    3.4 Logical Database Requirements

    3.5 Design Constraints

    3.5.1 Standards Compliance

    3.6 Software System Attributes

    3.6.1 Reliability

    3.6.2 Availability

    3.6.3 Security

    3.6.4 Maintainability

    3.6.5 Portability

    3.7 Organizing the Specific Requirements



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    3.7.1 System Mode

    3.7.2 User Class

    3.7.3 Objects

    3.7.4 Feature

    3.7.5 Stimulus

    3.7.6 Response

    3.7.7 Functional Hierarchy

    3.8 Additional Comments

    4. Change Management Process

    5. Document Approvals

    6. Supporting Information



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    1. Introduction

    The following subsections of the Software Requirements Specifications (SRS) document

    should provide an overview of the entire SRS. The thing to keep in mind as you write

    this document is that you are telling what the system must do – so that designers can

    ultimately build it. Do not use this document for design!!!

    1.1 Purpose

    Identify the purpose of this SRS and its intended audience. In this subsection, describe the

    purpose of the particular SRS and specify the intended audience for the SRS.

    1.2 Scope

    In this subsection:

    (1) Identify the software product(s) to be produced by name

    (2) Explain what the software product(s) will, and, if necessary, will not do

    (3) Describe the application of the software being specified, including relevant

    benefits, objectives, and goals

    (4) Be consistent with similar statements in higher-level specifications if they exist

    This should be an executive-level summary. Do not enumerate the whole requirements

    list here.

    1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations.

    Provide the definitions of all terms, acronyms, and abbreviations required to properly

    interpret the SRS. This information may be provided by reference to one or more

    appendices in the SRS or by reference to documents. This information may be provided

    by reference to an Appendix.

    1.4 References

    In this subsection:

    (1) Provide a complete list of all documents referenced elsewhere in the SRS

    (2) Identify each document by title, report number (if applicable), date, and

    publishing organization

    (3) Specify the sources from which the references can be obtained.

    This information can be provided by reference to an appendix or to another document. If

    your application uses specific protocols or RFC’s, then reference them here so designers

    know where to find them.



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    1.5 Overview

    In this subsection:

    (1) Describe what the rest of the SRS contains

    (2) Explain how the SRS is organized

    Don’t rehash the table of contents here. Point people to the parts of the document they

    are most concerned with. Customers/potential users care about section 2, developers

    care about section 3.

    2. The Overall Description

    Describe the general factors that affect the product and its requirements. This section

    does not state specific requirements. Instead, it provides a background for those

    requirements, which are defined in section 3, and makes them easier to understand. In a

    sense, this section tells the requirements in plain English for the consumption of the

    customer. Section3 will contain a specification written for the developers.

    2.1 Product Perspective

    Put the product into perspective with other related products. If the product is

    independent and totally self-contained, it should be so stated here. If the SRS defines a

    product that is a component of a larger system, as frequently occurs, then this subsection

    relates the requirements of the larger system to functionality of the software and

    identifies interfaces between that system and the software. If you are building a real

    system,compare its similarity and differences to other systems in the marketplace. If you

    are doing a research-oriented project, what related research compares to the system you

    are planning to build.

    A block diagram showing the major components of the larger system, interconnections,

    and external interfaces can be helpful. This is not a design or architecture picture. It is

    more to provide context, especially if your system will interact with external actors. The

    system you are building should be shown as a black box. Let the design document

    present the internals.

    The following subsections describe how the software operates inside various constraints.

    2.1.1 System Interfaces

    List each system interface and identify the functionality of the software to accomplish the

    system requirement and the interface description to match the system. These are external

    systems that you have to interact with. For instance, if you are building a business



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    application that interfaces with the existing employee payroll system, what is the API to

    that system that designer’s will need to use?

    2.1.2 Interfaces


    (1) The logical characteristics of each interface between the software product and its


    (2) All the aspects of optimizing the interface with the person who must use the system

    This is a description of how the system will interact with its users. Is there a GUI, a

    command line or some other type of interface? Are there special interface requirements?

    If you are designing for the general student population for instance, what is the impact of

    ADA (American with Disabilities Act) on your interface?

    2.1.3 Hardware Interfaces

    Specify the logical characteristics of each interface between the software product and the

    hardware components of the system. This includes configuration characteristics. It also

    covers such matters as what devices are to be supported, how they are to be supported

    and protocols. This is not a description of hardware requirements in the sense that “This

    program must run on a Mac with 64M of RAM”. This section is for detailing the actual

    hardware devices your application will interact with and control. For instance, if you

    are controlling X10 type home devices, what is the interface to those devices? Designers

    should be able to look at this and know what hardware they need to worry about in the

    design. Many business type applications will have no hardware interfaces. If none, just

    state “The system has no hardware interface requirements” If you just delete sections

    that are not applicable, then readers do not know if: a. this does not apply or b. you

    forgot to include the section in the first place.

    2.1.4 Software Interfaces

    Specify the use of other required software products and interfaces with other application

    systems. For each required software product, include:

    (1) Name

    (2) Mnemonic

    (3) Specification number

    (4) Version number

    (5) Source

    For each interface, provide:

    (1) Discussion of the purpose of the interfacing software as related to this software




    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    (2) Definition of the interface in terms of message content and format

    Here we document the APIs, versions of software that we do not have to write, but that

    our system has to use. For instance if your customer uses SQL Server 7 and you are

    required to use that, then you need to specify i.e. Microsoft SQL Server 7. The system must use SQL Server as its database

    component. Communication with the DB is through ODBC connections. The system

    must provide SQL data table definintions to be provided to the company DBA for setup.

    A key point to remember is that you do NOT want to specify software here that you think

    would be good to use. This is only for customer-specified systems​ that you have to​

    interact with. Choosing SQL Server 7 as a DB without a customer requirement is a

    Design choice, not a requirement. This is a subtle but important point to writing good

    requirements and not over-constraining the design.

    2.1.5 Communications Interfaces

    Specify the various interfaces to communications such as local network protocols, etc.

    These are protocols you will need to directly interact with. If you happen to use web

    services transparently to your application then do not list it here. If you are using a

    custom protocol to communicate between systems, then document that protocol here so

    designers know what to design. If it is a standard protocol, you can reference an existing

    document or RFC.

    2.1.6 Memory Constraints

    Specify any applicable characteristics and limits on primary and secondary memory.

    Don’t just make up something here. If all the customer’s machines have only 128K of

    RAM, then your target design has got to come in under 128K so there is an actual

    requirement. You could also cite market research here for shrink-wrap type applications

    “Focus groups have determined that our target market has between 256-512M of RAM,

    therefore the design footprint should not exceed 256M.” If there are no memory

    constraints, so state.

    2.1.7 Operations

    Specify the normal and special operations required by the user such as:

    (1) The various modes of operations in the user organization

    (2) Periods of interactive operations and periods of unattended operations

    (3) Data processing support functions

    (4) Backup and recovery operations

    (Note: This is sometimes specified as part of the User Interfaces section.) If you

    separate this from the UI stuff earlier, then cover business process type stuff that would



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    impact the design. For instance, if the company brings all their systems down at

    midnight for data backup that might impact the design. These are all the work tasks that

    impact the design of an application, but which might not be located in software.

    2.1.8 Site Adaptation Requirements

    In this section:

    (1) Define the requirements for any data or initialization sequences that are specific

    to a given site, mission, or operational mode

    (2) Specify the site or mission-related features that should be modified to adapt the

    software to a particular installation

    If any modifications to the customer’s work area would be required by your system, then

    document that here. For instance, “A 100Kw backup generator and 10000 BTU air

    conditioning system must be installed at the user site prior to software installation”.

    This could also be software-specific like, “New data tables created for this system must

    be installed on the company’s existing DB server and populated prior to system

    activation.” Any equipment the customer would need to buy or any software setup that

    needs to be done so that your system will install and operate correctly should be

    documented here.

    2.2 Product Functions

    Provide a summary of the major functions that the software will perform. Sometimes the

    function summary that is necessary for this part can be taken directly from the section of

    the higher-level specification (if one exists) that allocates particular functions to the

    software product.

    For clarity:

    (1) The functions should be organized in a way that makes the list of functions

    understandable to the customer or to anyone else reading the document for the first


    (2) Textual or graphic methods can be used to show the different functions and their

    relationships. Such a diagram is not intended to show a design of a product but

    simply shows the logical relationships among variables.

    AH, Finally the real meat of section 2. This describes the functionality of the system in

    the language of the customer. What specifically does the system that will be designed

    have to do? Drawings are good, but remember this is a description of what the system

    needs to do, not how you are going to build it. (That comes in the design document).

    2.3 User Characteristics



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    Describe those general characteristics of the intended users of the product including

    educational level, experience, and technical expertise. Do not state specific requirements

    but rather provide the reasons why certain specific requirements are later specified in

    section 3.

    What is it about your potential user base that will impact the design? Their experience

    and comfort with technology will drive UI design. Other characteristics might actually

    influence internal design of the system.

    2.4 Constraints

    Provide a general description of any other items that will limit the developer's options.

    These can include:

    (1) Regulatory policies

    (2) Hardware limitations (for example, signal timing requirements)

    (3) Interface to other applications

    (4) Parallel operation

    (5) Audit functions

    (6) Control functions

    (7) Higher-order language requirements

    (8) Signal handshake protocols (for example, XON-XOFF, ACK-NACK)

    (2118506792) Reliability requirements

    (10) Criticality of the application

    (11) Safety and security considerations

    This section captures non-functional requirements in the customers language. A more

    formal presentation of these will occur in section 3.

    2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

    List each of the factors that affect the requirements stated in the SRS. These factors are

    not design constraints on the software but are, rather, any changes to them that can

    affect the requirements in the SRS. For example, an assumption might be that a specific

    operating system would be available on the hardware designated for the software

    product. If, in fact, the operating system were not available, the SRS would then have to

    change accordingly.

    This section is catch-all for everything else that might influence the design of the system

    and that did not fit in any of the categories above.

    2.6 Apportioning of Requirements.

    Identify requirements that may be delayed until future versions of the system. After you

    look at the project plan and hours available, you may realize that you just cannot get



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    everything done. This section divides the requirements into different sections for

    development and delivery. Remember to check with the customer – they should prioritize

    the requirements and decide what does and does not get done. This can also be useful if

    you are using an iterative life cycle model to specify which requirements will map to

    which interation.

    3. Specific Requirements

    This section contains all the software requirements at a level of detail sufficient to enable

    designers to design a system to satisfy those requirements, and testers to test that the

    system satisfies those requirements. Throughout this section, every stated requirement

    should be externally perceivable by users, operators, or other external systems. These

    requirements should include at a minimum a description of every input (stimulus) into the

    system, every output (response) from the system and all functions performed by the

    system in response to an input or in support of an output. The following principles apply:

    (1) Specific requirements should be stated with all the characteristics of a good SRS

    ● correct

    ● unambiguous

    ● complete

    ● consistent

    ● ranked for importance and/or stability

    ● verifiable

    ● modifiable

    ● traceable

    (2) Specific requirements should be cross-referenced to earlier documents that relate

    (3) All requirements should be uniquely identifiable (usually via numbering like

    (4) Careful attention should be given to organizing the requirements to maximize

    readability (Several alternative organizations are given at end of document)

    Before examining specific ways of organizing the requirements it is helpful to understand

    the various items that comprise requirements as described in the following subclasses.

    This section reiterates section 2, but is for developers not the customer. The customer

    buys in with section 2, the designers use section 3 to design and build the actual


    Remember this is not design. Do not require specific software packages, etc unless the

    customer specifically requires them. Avoid over-constraining your design. Use proper


    The system shall… A required, must have feature

    The system should… A desired feature, but may be deferred til later

    The system may… An optional, nice-to-have feature that may never make it to




    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    Each requirement should be uniquely identified for traceability. Usually, they are

    numbered 3.1, 3.1.1, etc. Each requirement should also be testable. Avoid

    imprecise statements like, “The system shall be easy to use” Well no kidding, what does

    that mean? Avoid “motherhood and apple pie” type statements, “The system shall be

    developed using good software engineering practice”

    Avoid examples, This is a specification, a designer should be able to read this spec and

    build the system without bothering the customer again. Don’t say things like, “The

    system shall accept configuration information such as name and address.” The designer

    doesn’t know if that is the only two data elements or if there are 200. List every piece of

    information that is required so the designers can build the right UI and data tables.

    3.1 External Interfaces

    This contains a detailed description of all inputs into and outputs from the software

    system. It complements the interface descriptions in section 2 but does not repeat

    information there. Remember section 2 presents information oriented to the

    customer/user while section 3 is oriented to the developer.

    It contains both content and format as follows:

    ● Name of item

    ● Description of purpose

    ● Source of input or destination of output

    ● Valid range, accuracy and/or tolerance

    ● Units of measure

    ● Timing

    ● Relationships to other inputs/outputs

    ● Screen formats/organization

    ● Window formats/organization

    ● Data formats

    ● Command formats

    ● End messages

    3.2 Functions

    Functional requirements define the fundamental actions that must take place in the

    software in accepting and processing the inputs and in processing and generating the

    outputs. These are generally listed as “shall” statements starting with "The system


    These include:



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    ● Validity checks on the inputs

    ● Exact sequence of operations

    ● Responses to abnormal situation, including

    ● Overflow

    ● Communication facilities

    ● Error handling and recovery

    ● Effect of parameters

    ● Relationship of outputs to inputs, including

    ● Input/Output sequences

    ● Formulas for input to output conversion

    It may be appropriate to partition the functional requirements into sub-functions or

    sub-processes. This does not imply that the software design will also be partitioned that


    3.3 Performance Requirements

    This subsection specifies both the static and the dynamic numerical requirements placed

    on the software or on human interaction with the software, as a whole. Static numerical

    requirements may include:

    (a) The number of terminals to be supported

    (b) The number of simultaneous users to be supported

    (c) Amount and type of information to be handled

    Static numerical requirements are sometimes identified under a separate section entitled


    Dynamic numerical requirements may include, for example, the numbers of transactions

    and tasks and the amount of data to be processed within certain time periods for both

    normal and peak workload conditions.

    All of these requirements should be stated in measurable terms.

    For example,

    95% of the transactions shall be processed in less than 1 second

    rather than,

    An operator shall not have to wait for the transaction to complete.

    (Note: Numerical limits applied to one specific function are normally specified as part of

    the processing subparagraph description of that function.)



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    3.4 Logical Database Requirements

    This section specifies the logical requirements for any information that is to be placed

    into a database. This may include:

    ● Types of information used by various functions

    ● Frequency of use

    ● Accessing capabilities

    ● Data entities and their relationships

    ● Integrity constraints

    ● Data retention requirements

    If the customer provided you with data models, those can be presented here. ER

    diagrams (or static class diagrams) can be useful here to show complex data

    relationships. Remember a diagram is worth a thousand words of confusing text.

    3.5 Design Constraints

    Specify design constraints that can be imposed by other standards, hardware limitations,


    3.5.1 Standards Compliance

    Specify the requirements derived from existing standards or regulations. They might


    (1) Report format

    (2) Data naming

    (3) Accounting procedures

    (4) Audit Tracing

    For example, this could specify the requirement for software to trace processing activity.

    Such traces are needed for some applications to meet minimum regulatory or financial

    standards. An audit trace requirement may, for example, state that all changes to a

    payroll database must be recorded in a trace file with before and after values.

    3.6 Software System Attributes

    There are a number of attributes of software that can serve as requirements. It is

    important that required attributes by specified so that their achievement can be

    objectively verified. The following items provide a partial list of examples. These are

    also known as non-functional requirements or quality attributes.



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    These are characteristics the system must possess, but that pervade (or cross-cut) the

    design. These requirements have to be testable just like the functional requirements. Its

    easy to start philosophizing here, but keep it specific.

    3.6.1 Reliability

    Specify the factors required to establish the required reliability of the software system at

    time of delivery. If you have MTBF requirements, express them here. This doesn’t refer

    to just having a program that does not crash. This has a specific engineering meaning.

    3.6.2 Availability

    Specify the factors required to guarantee a defined availability level for the entire system

    such as checkpoint, recovery, and restart. This is somewhat related to reliability. Some

    systems run only infrequently on-demand (like MS Word). Some systems have to run 24/7

    (like an e-commerce web site). The required availability will greatly impact the design.

    What are the requirements for system recovery from a failure? “The system shall allow

    users to restart the application after failure with the loss of at most 12 characters of


    3.6.3 Security

    Specify the factors that would protect the software from accidental or malicious access,

    use, modification, destruction, or disclosure. Specific requirements in this area could

    include the need to:

    ● Utilize certain cryptographic techniques

    ● Keep specific log or history data sets

    ● Assign certain functions to different modules

    ● Restrict communications between some areas of the program

    ● Check data integrity for critical variables

    3.6.4 Maintainability

    Specify attributes of software that relate to the ease of maintenance of the software itself.

    There may be some requirement for certain modularity, interfaces, complexity, etc.

    Requirements should not be placed here just because they are thought to be good design

    practices. If someone else will maintain the system

    3.6.5 Portability

    Specify attributes of software that relate to the ease of porting the software to other host

    machines and/or operating systems. This may include:



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    ● Percentage of components with host-dependent code

    ● Percentage of code that is host dependent

    ● Use of a proven portable language

    ● Use of a particular compiler or language subset

    ● Use of a particular operating system

    Once the relevant characteristics are selected, a subsection should be written for each,

    explaining the rationale for including this characteristic and how it will be tested and

    measured. A chart like this might be used to identify the key characteristics (rating them

    High or Medium), then identifying which are preferred when trading off design or

    implementation decisions (with the ID of the preferred one indicated in the chart to the

    right). The chart below is optional (it can be confusing) and is for demonstrating

    tradeoff analysis between different non-functional requirements. H/M/L is the relative

    priority of that non-functional requirement.

    ID Characteristic H/M/L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    1 Correctness

    2 Efficiency

    3 Flexibility

    4 Integrity/Security

    5 Interoperability

    6 Maintainability

    7 Portability

    8 Reliability

    9 Reusability

    10 Testability

    11 Usability

    12 Availability

    Definitions of the quality characteristics not defined in the paragraphs above follow.

    • Correctness - extent to which program satisfies specifications, fulfills user’s

    mission objectives

    • Efficiency - amount of computing resources and code required to perform function

    • Flexibility - effort needed to modify operational program

    • Interoperability - effort needed to couple one system with another

    • Reliability - extent to which program performs with required precision

    • Reusability - extent to which it can be reused in another application

    • Testability - effort needed to test to ensure performs as intended

    • Usability - effort required to learn, operate, prepare input, and interpret output



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    THE FOLLOWING (3.7) is not really a section, it is talking about how to organize

    requirements you write in section 3.2. At the end of this template there are a bunch of

    alternative organizations for section 3.2. Choose the ONE best for the system you are

    writing the requirements for.

    3.7 Organizing the Specific Requirements

    For anything but trivial systems the detailed requirements tend to be extensive. For this

    reason, it is recommended that careful consideration be given to organizing these in a

    manner optimal for understanding. There is no one optimal organization for all systems.

    Different classes of systems lend themselves to different organizations of requirements in

    section 3. Some of these organizations are described in the following subclasses.

    +3.7.1 System Mode

    Some systems behave quite differently depending on the mode of operation. When

    organizing by mode there are two possible outlines. The choice depends on whether

    interfaces and performance are dependent on mode.

    3.7.2 User Class

    Some systems provide different sets of functions to different classes of users.

    3.7.3 Objects

    Objects are real-world entities that have a counterpart within the system. Associated

    with each object is a set of attributes and functions. These functions are also called

    services, methods, or processes. Note that sets of objects may share attributes and

    services. These are grouped together as classes.

    3.7.4 Feature

    A feature is an externally desired service by the system that may require a sequence of

    inputs to effect the desired result. Each feature is generally described in as sequence eof

    stimulus-response pairs.

    3.7.5 Stimulus

    Some systems can be best organized by describing their functions in terms of stimuli.

    3. 7.6 Response



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    Some systems can be best organized by describing their functions in support of the

    generation of a response.

    3.7.7 Functional Hierarchy

    When none of he above organizational schemes prove helpful, the overall functionality

    can be organized into a hierarchy of functions organized by either common inputs,

    common outputs, or common internal data access. Data flow diagrams and data

    dictionaries can be use dot show the relationships between and among the functions and


    3.8 Additional Comments

    Whenever a new SRS is contemplated, more than one of the organizational techniques

    given in 3.7 may be appropriate. In such cases, organize the specific requirements for

    multiple hierarchies tailored to the specific needs of the system under specification.

    Three are many notations, methods, and automated support tools available to aid in the

    documentation of requirements. For the most part, their usefulness is a function of

    organization. For example, when organizing by mode, finite state machines or state

    charts may prove helpful; when organizing by object, object-oriented analysis may prove

    helpful; when organizing by feature, stimulus-response sequences may prove helpful;

    when organizing by functional hierarchy, data flow diagrams and data dictionaries may

    prove helpful.

    In any of the outlines below, those sections called “Functional Requirement i” may be

    described in native language, in pseudocode, in a system definition language, or in four

    subsections titled: Introduction, Inputs, Processing, Outputs.

    4. Change Management Process

    Identify the change management process to be used to identify, log, evaluate, and update

    the SRS to reflect changes in project scope and requirements. How are you going to

    control changes to the requirements. Can the customer just call up and ask for

    something new? Does your team have to reach consensus? How do changes to

    requirements get submitted to the team? Formally in writing, email or phone call?

    5. Document Approvals

    Identify the approvers of the SRS document. Approver name, signature, and date should

    be used.



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    6. Supporting Information

    The supporting information makes the SRS easier to use. It includes:

    ● Table of Contents

    ● Index

    ● Appendices

    The Appendices are not always considered part of the actual requirements specification

    and are not always necessary. They may include:

    (a) Sample I/O formats, descriptions of cost analysis studies, results of user


    (b) Supporting or background information that can help the readers of the SRS

    (c) A description of the problems to be solved by the software

    (d) Special packaging instructions for the code and the media to meet security,

    export, initial loading, or other requirements

    When Appendices are included, the SRS should explicitly state whether or not the

    Appendices are to be considered part of the requirements.

    Tables on the following pages provide alternate ways to structure section 3 on the specific

    requirements. You should pick the best one of these to organize section 3 requirements.



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    Outline for SRS Section 3

    Organized by mode: Version 1

    3. Specific Requirements

    3.1 External interface requirements

    3.1.1 User interfaces

    3.1.2 Hardware interfaces

    3.1.3 Software interfaces

    3.1.4 Communications interfaces

    3.2 Functional requirements

    3.2.1 Mode 1 Functional requirement 1.1


    3.2.1.n Functional requirement 1.n

    3.2.2 Mode 2


    3.2.m Mode m

    3.2.m.1 Functional requirement m.1


    3.2.m.n Functional requirement m.n

    3.3 Performance Requirements

    3.4 Design Constraints

    3.5 Software system attributes

    3.6 Other requirements



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    Outline for SRS Section 3

    Organized by mode: Version 2

    3. Specific Requirements

    3.1 Functional Requirements

    3.1.1 Mode 1 External interfaces User interfaces Hardware interfaces Software interfaces Communications interfaces Functional Requirement Functional requirement 1

    ..... Functional requirement n Performance

    3.1.2 Mode 2


    3.1.m Mode m

    3.2 Design constraints

    3.2118507016 Software system attributes

    3.2118507017 Other requirements



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    Outline for SRS Section 3

    Organized by user class (i.e. different types of users ->System Adminstrators, Managers,

    Clerks, etc.)

    3. Specific Requirements

    3.1 External interface requirements

    3.1.1 User interfaces

    3.1.2 Hardware interfaces

    3.1.3 Software interfaces

    3.1.4 Communications interfaces

    3.2 Functional requirements

    3.2.1 User class 1 Functional requirement 1.1


    3.2.1.n Functional requirement 1.n

    3.2.2 User class 2


    3.2.m User class m

    3.2.m.1 Functional requirement m.1


    3.2.m.n Functional requirement m.n

    3.3 Performance Requirements

    3.4 Design Constraints

    3.5 Software system attributes

    3.6 Other requirements



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    Outline for SRS Section 3

    Organized by object (Good if you did an object-oriented analysis as part of your requirements)

    3 Specific Requirements

    3.1 External interface requirements

    3.1.1 User interfaces

    3.1.2 Hardware interfaces

    3.1.3 Software interfaces

    3.1.4 Communications interfaces

    3.2 Classes/Objects

    3.2.1 Class/Object 1 Attributes (direct or inherited) Attribute 1

    ..... Attribute n Functions (services, methods, direct or inherited) Functional requirement 1.1

    ..... Functional requirement 1.m Messages (communications received or sent)

    3.2.2 Class/Object 2


    3.2.p Class/Object p

    3.3 Performance Requirements

    3.4 Design Constraints

    3.5 Software system attributes

    3.6 Other requirements



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    Outline for SRS Section 3

    Organized by feature (Good when there are clearly delimited feature sets.

    3 Specific Requirements

    3.1 External interface requirements

    3.1.1 User interfaces

    3.1.2 Hardware interfaces

    3.1.3 Software interfaces

    3.1.4 Communications interfaces

    3.2 System features

    3.2.1 System Feature 1 Introduction/Purpose of feature Stimulus/Response sequence Associated functional requirements Functional requirement 1

    ..... Functional requirement n

    3.2.2 System Feature 2


    3.2.m System Feature m


    3.3 Performance Requirements

    3.4 Design Constraints

    3.5 Software system attributes

    3.6 Other requirements



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    Outline for SRS Section 3

    Organized by stimulus (Good for event driven systems where the events form logical


    3 Specific Requirements

    3.1 External interface requirements

    3.1.1 User interfaces

    3.1.2 Hardware interfaces

    3.1.3 Software interfaces

    3.1.4 Communications interfaces

    3.2 Functional requirements

    3.2.1 Stimulus 1 Functional requirement 1.1


    3.2.1.n Functional requirement 1.n

    3.2.2 Stimulus 2


    3.2.m Stimulus m

    3.2.m.1 Functional requirement m.1


    3.2.m.n Functional requirement m.n

    3.3 Performance Requirements

    3.4 Design Constraints

    3.5 Software system attributes

    3.6 Other requirements



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    Outline for SRS Section 3

    Organized by response (Good for event driven systems where the responses form logical


    3 Specific Requirements

    3.1 External interface requirements

    3.1.1 User interfaces

    3.1.2 Hardware interfaces

    3.1.3 Software interfaces

    3.1.4 Communications interfaces

    3.2 Functional requirements

    3.2.1 Response 1 Functional requirement 1.1


    3.2.1.n Functional requirement 1.n

    3.2.2 Response 2


    3.2.m Response m

    3.2.m.1 Functional requirement m.1


    3.2.m.n Functional requirement m.n

    3.3 Performance Requirements

    3.4 Design Constraints

    3.5 Software system attributes

    3.6 Other requirements



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    Outline for SRS Section 3

    Organized by functional hierarchy (Good if you have done structured analysis as part of your


    3 Specific Requirements

    3.1 External interface requirements

    3.1.1 User interfaces

    3.1.2 Hardware interfaces

    3.1.3 Software interfaces

    3.1.4 Communications interfaces

    3.2 Functional requirements

    3.2.1 Information flows Data flow diagram 1 Data entities Pertinent processes Topology Data flow diagram 2 Data entities Pertinent processes Topology


    3.2.1.n Data flow diagram n

    3.2.1.n.1 Data entities

    3.2.1.n.2 Pertinent processes

    3.2.1.n.3 Topology

    3.2.2 Process descriptions Process 1 Input data entities Algorithm or formula of process Affected data entities Process 2 Input data entities Algorithm or formula of process Affected data entities


    3.2.2.m Process m

    3.2.2.m.1 Input data entities

    3.2.2.m.2 Algorithm or formula of process

    3.2.2.m.3 Affected data entities

    3.2.3 Data construct specifications Construct 1 Record type Constituent fields Construct 2



    Software Requirements Specifications Document Record type Constituent fields


    3.2.3.p Construct p

    3.2.3.p.1 Record type

    3.2.3.p.2 Constituent fields

    3.2.4 Data dictionary Data element 1 Name Representation Units/Format Precision/Accuracy Range Data element 2 Name Representation Units/Format Precision/Accuracy Range


    3.2.4.q Data element q

    3.2.4.q.1 Name

    3.2.4.q.2 Representation

    3.2.4.q.3 Units/Format

    3.2.4.q.4 Precision/Accuracy

    3.2.4.q.5 Range

    3.3 Performance Requirements

    3.4 Design Constraints

    3.5 Software system attributes

    3.6 Other requirements



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    Outline for SRS Section 3

    Showing multiple organizations (Can’t decide? Then glob it all together)

    3 Specific Requirements

    3.1 External interface requirements

    3.1.1 User interfaces

    3.1.2 Hardware interfaces

    3.1.3 Software interfaces

    3.1.4 Communications interfaces

    3.2 Functional requirements

    3.2.1 User class 1 Feature 1.1 Introduction/Purpose of feature Stimulus/Response sequence Associated functional requirements Feature 1.2 Introduction/Purpose of feature Stimulus/Response sequence Associated functional requirements


    3.2.1.m Feature 1.m

    3.2.1.m.1 Introduction/Purpose of feature

    3.2.1.m.2 Stimulus/Response sequence

    3.2.1.m.3 Associated functional requirements

    3.2.2 User class 2


    3.2.n User class n


    3.3 Performance Requirements

    3.4 Design Constraints

    3.5 Software system attributes

    3.6 Other requirements



    Software Requirements Specifications Document

    Outline for SRS Section 3

    Organized by Use Case (Good when following UML development)

    3. Specific Requirements

    3.1 External Actor Descriptions

    3.1.1 Human Actors

    3.1.2 Hardware Actors

    3.1.3 Software System Actors

    3.2 Use Case Descriptions

    3.2.1 Use Case 1

    3.2.2 Use Case 2

    3.2.n Use Case n

    3.3 Performance Requirements

    3.4 Design Constraints

    3.5 Software system attributes

    3.6 Other requirements





