【138】每日一题 着装礼仪——老夏考研

【138】每日一题 着装礼仪——老夏考研

作者: 夏徛荣考研 | 来源:发表于2020-12-06 22:40 被阅读0次


[A] for.

[B] of.

[C] about.

[D] back.


①Have you ever shown up at an event and realized you aren’t dressed properly?  ②It could be a job interview, a party, or anything else where what you wear might possibly be evaluated. ③If you’re dressed inappropriately, it can be embarrassing and awkward for you and others you’re with. ④For most events, what you should wear will be obvious. ⑤If you plan to go to your child’s Little League game and out for pizza afterward, jeans, a T-shirt, and athletic shoes or boots are perfect. ⑥Job interviews call for business formal or business casual. ⑦Sometimes when you ask—_______ the dress code, you’ll get a phrase, such as “casual Friday” or “formal business,” but still be unsure how you’re expected to dress. 




      本文标题:【138】每日一题 着装礼仪——老夏考研
