01. Ethical and Professional Standards 职业伦理道德
新增一个reading,Ethics and Trust in the Investment Profession,这一部分包含了六个考点。
2. Economics 经济学
自2012年经济学部分考试大纲进行重大调整后,四年以来经济学部分基本未变,针对2017年考试,经济学部分又进行了重新组合,将原本的三个Study Session的内容合并至两个Study Session。内容包含了微观经济学、宏观经济学和国际经济学三大主题。
其中,微观经济学部分变化最大,将原本的四个Reading的内容合并至两个Reading,这两个Reading分别介绍Topics in Demand and Supply Analysis和The Firm and Market Structures,内容大幅减少,大大减轻了考生的备考负担。宏观经济学内容和国际经济学内容保持不变,考生可参考过往年份的复习资料。
3. Financial Reporting and Analysis 财务报表分析
原考点要求为“describe key aspects of the converged accounting standards issued by the International Accounting Standards Board and Financial Accounting Standards Board in May 2014”修改为“describe key aspects of the converged accounting standards for revenue recognition issued by the International Accounting Standards Board and Financial Accounting Standards Board in May 2014”,范围缩小至for revenue recognition。
原考点要求为“describe the financial reporting treatment and analysis of non-recurring items (including discontinued operations, extra ordinary items,unusual or infrequent items) and changes in accounting policies”修改为“describe the financial reporting treatment and analysis of non-recurring items (including discontinued operations, unusual or infrequent items) and changes in accounting policies”,删除了对于extra ordinary items 的要求。
4. Corporate Finance 公司金融
新增一个reading,Corporate Governance and ESG: An Introduction,这类内容多数考生会认为枯燥,但是考题一般难度有限,易于拿分。