每日读报BBC 审判-澳洲红衣主教

每日读报BBC 审判-澳洲红衣主教

作者: siya | 来源:发表于2018-05-16 18:35 被阅读12次


Cardinal Pell likely to face two trials, court hears法庭审判红衣大主教佩尔面临2项指控。

court hears,非常西式客观的表达,主语为法庭


Cardinal George Pell is expected to face two trials on sexual assault charges, an Australian court has heard.The Vatican treasurer, 76, has pleaded not guilty to all charges, and has strenuously denied any wrongdoing.On Tuesday, a magistrate ordered him to stand trial. The allegations relate to the 1970s and 1990s, a court heard.Cardinal Pell appeared at the County Court of Victoria on Wednesday, where prosecution and defence teams asked for the case to be split across two trials.


Vatican treasurer 梵蒂冈的财务主管

allegation 在新闻英语中经常出现,多是用于各种不法行为或是不当行为的指称。

magistrate 地方法官;文职官员;治安推事

prosecution 控告,起诉(很多案件报道新闻中会出现这个词),

If a judge agrees, separate juries would hear allegations against Cardinal Pell about his time as a priest in Ballarat in the 1970s, and charges relating to when he was  of Melbourne in the 1990s.Much of the evidence given at a previous hearing was not open to the public, and remains confidential.Cardinal Pell is Australia's most senior Catholic and one of the most powerful officials in the Vatican.

jury 陪审团

judge 法官

hearing  审问; ; 听证会,〈美〉意见听取会

不同时间两个职位期间的费用,一个牧师 priest ,一个大主教archbishop 。简单来说,梵蒂冈天主教的职位分为教皇Pope,枢机主教(红衣大主教)Cardinal, 大主教archbishop,主教bishop,牧师 priest ,传道(教士)等不同等级。教皇又称教宗,世界上只有一位。主教是每个教区一位。牧师是新教的神职人员,天主教的神职人员叫神父,相当于牧师.

第三部分 Speedy process urged 要求加快审理进程

On Wednesday, Judge Susan Pullen said a trial date was expected to be set during an administrative hearing on 16 May.The cardinal's lawyer, Robert Richter QC, argued for matters to proceed quickly because "my client is 76 years old [and] everyone needs to get on with their lives".

He also said one "critical witness" was now aged in his 80s, and that health was "important" for other witnesses.The court heard that one trial could examine charges relating to a swimming pool in Ballarat, while the other could hear of an alleged incident at Melbourne St Patrick's Cathedral."They are of a completely different nature... and separated by 20 years," Mr Richter told the court, Fairfax Media reported.

sth be expected to do sth 句式很常见,意为某事按照安排,预期在何时进行,很具西式表达风格

get on with their lives 继续他们的生活


witness, 证人,证词



trial n/adj  试验; [法] 审讯,审判;  磨难; [体] 选拔赛

第四部分  Vatican leave梵蒂冈请假离任,为“否定”各项指控做斗争

Last June, Cardinal Pell was charged in the state of Victoria with allegations involving "multiple complainants".Following a month-long preliminary hearing, a magistrate ruled that there was enough evidence for some charges to proceed to a jury.However, half of the original charges were struck out on the basis of insufficient evidence and doubt over the reliability of testimony.Cardinal Pell has strongly denied all accusations, saying last year: "I am innocent of these charges, they are false. The whole idea of sexual abuse is abhorrent to me."The cleric has taken a leave of absence from the Vatican to fight the charges in his home country.

be abhorrent to令人厌恶

taken a leave of absence请假


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