2019-10-11 #2 借过的好用东西

2019-10-11 #2 借过的好用东西

作者: 二天北 | 来源:发表于2019-10-11 10:55 被阅读0次

Part 2

Describe something you borrowed from others

You should say

· What it was

· When you borrowed it

· Who you borrowed it from

· And explain why you borrowed it


Ok, I'm going to talk about the time I borrowed an electric fan from a hotel staff last summer. Last year in August, I went back to my university in Wuhan city to visit my college teacher. The weather there was very hot. And it was not possible to fall asleep during the night without air conditioning.

One night, I found that the air conditioner was out of work. The room temperature became intolerable. And the hotel repairman couldn't fix it, either.
Since it was very late at night, and it was too much work to change for another room. I ask the repairman if he could lend me an electric fan. He was very helpful and went back with a fan in less than 10 minutes.
He was very sorry that I had to go through all these troubles, but he told me that the wind coming from the fan was like a natural breeze. And air conditioning could get people sick. When I was a young kid, I remembered that a lot of families had electric fans to get them through the hot summer days. People in my parents' age still believes fans are better than air conditioners.
Fortunately, with the fan, and the windows open, I had a rather good night's sleep that night.

Part 3

What kind of things do people borrow from each other?

Well, all sorts of things, actually. People borrow CD albums from their friends or lend them to get new friends. It is the same with small home appliances like electric fans, curling irons or hair straighteners. These are the things that people believe can be shared among friends or a good gesture to win others.

What other things that people don’t choose to lend to others?

I would have to say that there are two kinds of things most people won't lend out. First, people don't lend out refrigerators or TV sets. Because sharing them would be too much physical work. Second, if something too private, like toothbrushes or smartphones, it would be very inappropriate to lend to, even if it is a friend.


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      本文标题:2019-10-11 #2 借过的好用东西
