

作者: IPFS之路 | 来源:发表于2019-01-17 09:14 被阅读26次








    认识Jordyn Bonds和Tallilab的Mark Henderson

    在下周的ipfs周会上,Tallylab、Jordyn Bonds和Mark Henderson的创建者将到场解释他们如何使用ipfs来帮助他们构建加密的日记应用程序。除了担任Tallylab的首席技术官,Mark还是Haja Networks的分布式系统工程师(在OrbitDB上工作),并且是一名积极的IPF贡献者。他一边做播客,一边经营一家海洋科学黑客网站。Jordyn是Tallylab的首席执行官——在任何一天,这都意味着构建用户界面、与客户交谈、记账或其他任何事情。另一方面,她是一名为女孩们提供指导的老师,这些女孩每月都会在起居室里编码并举办一次卡拉OK派对。下周一下午5点在这里观看他们的演示。




    星际文件系统简介,Kishan Sagathiya,2019年1月9日


















    2-FEB 2019:IPFS将是FoDEM在布鲁塞尔讨论的话题。加入我们吧!

    2 MAR 2019:在全球多样性CFP第2019天,将有众多的研讨会在全球各地举办,鼓励和建议新手演讲者把你的第一个谈话建议放在一起,并分享你个人的观点在任何技术感兴趣的人对技术人员。

    2019年5月:数据Terra NEMO宣布Juan Benet为他们的第一位发言人。

    最后,IPFF CONF将在LX工厂在Lisbon,在星期第二十六-星期五2019年6月28日。更多关于我们的CFP和早期鸟类门票即将到来的信息!




    Welcome to the IPFS Weekly.

    The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identity. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open. Since that’s a pretty large scope, we track development across the ecosystem in this weekly dispatch.

    Looking to get involved? Click on some of the links below, see what we’re up to on GitHub, or join us on IRC.

    Want this update in your inbox? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter!

    Here are some of the highlights since the last IPFS Weekly.

    Announcing ProtoSchool

    This week we’re excited to announce the launch of ProtoSchool, an educational community that teaches decentralized web protocols and tools through online tutorials and local chapter events.

    Self-guided interactive tutorials teach new concepts through code challenges completed in the browser, with feedback to help you track your progress. Tutorials are built by community members like you with an interest in helping others learn about IPFS and other decentralized web projects such as IPLD, libp2p, Multiformats, and FileCoin.

    Local chapter events around the world use ProtoSchool tutorials as curriculum, with mentors available to help participants work through the challenges. ProtoSchool chapters operate independently, but each has its own repo in our org to facilitate chapter discussions and event planning, as well as easy hosting of a chapter website via GitHub Pages. Start your own chapter today!

    Meet Jordyn Bonds and Mark Henderson of TallyLab

    At next week’s IPFS Weekly Call, creators of TallyLab, Jordyn Bonds and Mark Henderson will be on hand to explain how they used IPFS to help them build the encrypted diary app. Besides being CTO for TallyLab, Mark is also Distributed Systems Engineer at Haja Networks (working on OrbitDB) and is an active IPFS contributor. On the side, he makes podcasts and runs a marine science hackathon. Jordyn is TallyLab’s CEO – which, on any given day can mean building the UI, talking to customers, bookkeeping, or anything else under the sun. On the side, she is an instructor for Girls Who Code and throws a monthly karaoke party out of her living room. See their presentation next Monday at 5pm UTC here.

    IPFS in the wild

    Do you follow IPFS on Twitter? For the latest mentions of IPFS in the news, check our Twitter feed or see the latest articles on Awesome IPFS.

    2018 in Decentralization, In the Mesh, 09 Jan 2019

    Introduction to InterPlanetary File System, Kishan Sagathiya, 09 Jan 2019

    Easy personal IPFS pinning service with Textile, Textile, 04 Jan 2019

    Blockchain Storage: Data Integrity Certification Is the Key, Ethereum World News, 03 Jan 2019

    Civil-Backed News Site Stores Full Article on Ethereum Blockchain, CoinDesk, 21 Dec 2018

    How one of the winning hacks beat the IPFS out of ETHBerlin… (and other hackathons), ETHBerlin, 20 Dec 2018

    Sludge Publishes Full Text of Investigation to Ethereum Blockchain, Sludge, 19 Dec 2018

    Updates and new releases

    See the latest releases of IPFS tools and projects across the ecosystem.

    IPFS Cluster 0.8.0-rc1 is here! For more, check out the changelog.

    Tools and projects we <3

    Awesome IPFS is a community maintained and updated list of projects, tools, or pretty much any things related to IPFS that are totally awesome. To see more, or add yours to the list, visit Awesome IPFS on GitHub.

    Sweet IPFS – Run and manage an IPFS node from your device

    Dweb.page (previously Pact.online) is an open source webpage that lets you share and search content on the distributed web based on IPFS.

    brig: Ship your data around the world

    Coming up in the Community

    Did you know IPFS has a community forum at discuss.ipfs.io? Sign up to participate in discussions about coding, tutorials, see announcements and learn about upcoming community events.

    25 Jan 2019:Graph Day was recently announced and will take place at the historic Grand Theater in San Francisco, California.

    29-30 Jan 29-30, 2019:AraCon, the first Aragon Conference, will take place in Berlin, Germany.

    2-3 Feb 2019:IPFS will be a topic of discussion at FOSDEM in Brussels. Join us there!

    2 Mar 2019:On Global Diversity CFP Day 2019 there will be numerous workshops hosted around the globe encouraging and advising newbie speakers to put together your very first talk proposal and share your own individual perspective on any subject of interest to people in tech.

    May 2019:Data Terra Nemo announced Juan Benet as their first speaker.

    And lastly,IPFS Conf will take place at LX Factory in Lisbon, on Wed 26th - Friday 28th June, 2019. More info about our CFP and early bird tickets coming soon!

    Thanks for reading

    That’s it for this week’s news on all things IPFS. If we missed something, reply to this email and let us know! That way we can feature you in next week’s edition.

    IPFS Newsletterby The IPFS Community

    548 Market St #51207 San Francisco, California94104-5401USA





