本篇文章由现象级英语社群小伙伴组队解析,其中标题+前两段 from荆棘海,3-4段from飒,5-7段from xqh,8-9段from阿布,10-11段from灿灿,12-13段from罗罗。
Moving beyond nationalism
Three global problems create a need for loyalty to humankind and to planet Earth

moving beyond sth:把xx抛在脑后往前走,To move beyond is to leave something behind as you move forward (rather than carrying it with you. You get over it, rather than out of it.)
Paragraph 1
①TO COINCIDE with its 175th anniversary in 2018, The Economist launched Open Future, a conversation about the role of markets, freedom and technology in the 21st century. ②This special section presents some highlights, focusing on themes that will resonate in 2019 and beyond.
coincide这个单词在本文中的释义为“在…同时”,经常与with连用,英英释义为:to happen at the same time as something else, especially by chance.
第一句话TO COINCIDE with its 175th anniversary in 2018, The Economist launched…就可以理解为“在经济学人创刊175年同时,还推出了…”
如果想表达他的生日和结婚是同一天,可以说:His birthday coincided with his marriage.
if something such as an event or a message resonates, it seems important or good to people, or continues to do this 这个动词意为引起共鸣、引起反响,放在本句focusing on themes that will resonate 中可以理解为:聚焦那些可以广泛引起共鸣/得到关注的主题。
Dickens’s sparkling language and panoramic worldview continue to resonate.
A lot of us resonate with this matter.
3.2019 and beyond
这里的beyond用了它众多释义中的在xx时间以后:Happening or continuing after (a specified time, stage, or event),这里的“一个时间点+beyond”是一个惯用表达,意为这个时间点及以后的一段时间。
例句:The survey found that many parents go on providing help with money matters for their offspring into their middle age and beyond.
Paragraph 2
①For several generations the world has been governed by what today we call “the global liberal order”. ②Behind these lofty words is the idea that all humans share some core experiences, values and interests, and that no human group is inherently superior to all others. ③Co-operation is therefore more sensible than conflict. ④All humans should work together to protect their common values and advance their common interests. ⑤And the best way to foster such co-operation is to ease the movement of ideas, goods, money and people across the globe.
这个词非常有意思,它的原义为“高耸的”,多用来修饰山峰或大厦,引申义可以用于褒义和贬义,用于褒义时意为“高尚的、崇高的”:lofty ideas, beliefs, attitudes etc show high standards or high moral qualities - use this to show approval;用于贬义时意为“高傲的、傲慢的”:seeming to think you are better than other people - used to show disapproval,在文中的褒贬需要由上下文决定。
在本文中Behind these lofty words is the idea that…的lofty words指代前面提到的the global liberal order,这里是褒是贬呢?我觉得是somewhere in between.
如果想表达他给自己设立的宏大的目标为世界前五,可以说:He had set himself the lofty goal of reaching the world’s top five.
作贬义时,如果想说她为人处事很傲慢,可以说:She has such a lofty manner.
inherent这个词的意思为“本来的、固有的”:a quality that is inherent in something is a natural part of it and cannot be separated from it,使用inherent可以强调描述对象的天然性,在本句中and that no human group is inherently superior to all others.使用这个词就特别准确地说明没有任何人类群体是本来就凌驾于其他人之上的。
如果想说消防行业非常危险,还想强调这是个固化观点的时候,可以说:Firefighting is an inherently dangerous occupation.
foster是“促进、培养、抚养”的意思:to help a skill, feeling, idea etc develop over a period of time;to take someone else’s child into your family for a period of time but without becoming their legal parent,作“促进”含义的时候可以与encourage或promote进行同义替换。
比如想表达培养对音乐的兴趣,可以说:to foster an interest in music
再比如说想表达教师的任务是促进学习,可以说:the teacher's task is to foster learning.
我们从很小的时候就知道ease的形容词变形词easy,其实ease这个动词原形也很好用。在本文中,ease的含义为“使…容易、顺利些”:to make a process happen more easily,放在本文中And the best way to foster such co-operation is to ease the movement of ideas, goods, money and people across the globe.推进合作的最好方式就是让想法、货物、财力以及人才能来往得更顺畅。与它的同义词smooth类似,ease在本句中可以起到润滑的作用。
例句:The agreement will ease the way for other countries to join the EU.
Paragraph 3
①Though the global liberal order has many faults and problems, it has proved superior to all alternatives. ②The liberal world of the early 21st century is more prosperous, healthy and peaceful than ever before. ③For the first time in human history, starvation kills fewer people than obesity; plagues kill fewer people than old age; and violence kills fewer people than accidents.④ If you think we should go back to some pre-liberal golden age, please name the year in which humankind was in better shape than in the early 21st century. ⑤Was it 1918? 1718? 1218?
1.superior/su'pɪrɪɚ/(注意重音的位置) If one thing or person is superior to another, the first is better than the second. [oft ADJ to n], 比…好的; 比…强的; 优于…的,后面常接to.
文中例句:It has proved superior to all alternatives.
造句:Our cine lenses have proved technically superior to other lenses. (事实证明我们的电影镜头比其他镜头在技术上有优势的多。)
2.alternative /ɔl'tɝnətɪv/. 该词是我们在“每日一词”中学过的一个名词。写在这里做一下复习。If one thing is an alternative to another, the first can be found, used, or done instead of the second. [oft N to n]
文中例句:It has proved superior to all alternatives.
造句:It's necessary for us to offer our boss more alternatives when we make a plan.(当我们在做方案的时候,提供给老板更多的选择是必要的。)
3." ...starvation kills fewer people than obesity; plagues kill fewer people than old age; and violence kills fewer people than accidents. "这一段排比句可以提炼出句型:N+kill(s) fewer people than+N. 平时想表达“...比...杀死的人少”就可以用这个句型。文中这三个排比句是为了阐述“为什么21世纪初自由世界比以往任何时候都更繁荣、健康及和平?”论点一一对应,读来更有气势,值得学习!
造句:Nuclear power kills fewer people than petroleum.
4.shape. 该词是我们"每日一词”里刚开始学到的一个词。我们学习了它的动词用法——“塑造”。但是在本段中的这句话里:...please name the year in which humankind was in better shape than in the early 21st century. 做“情况”解,习惯用法,以后写作可借鉴。
该词组在实际中的应用:(标题)A city in good shape: Town planning and public health.

in bad shape,in better shape,in fair shape,in good shape,in such shape 等表达方式里的 shape 作“情况”解,原来是美国用法,但现在也用在英国。
Paragraph 4
①Nevertheless, people are losing faith in the liberal order. ②Governments throughout the world are increasingly restricting immigration, imposing high tariffs, censoring foreign ideas and turning their countries into walled fortresses. ③If this continues, the global liberal order will collapse. ④What might replace it? ⑤While nationalism has many good ideas about how to run a particular nation, unfortunately it has no viable plan for running the world as a whole.
1.throughout. 在文中的用法是做介词,后接名词:as a preposition (followed by a noun),表示“in every part of a place”.
文中例句:Governments throughout the world are increasingly ...
造句:Pollution is a serious problem in major cities throughout the world. / He remained in Paris throughout the war.
2. walled(adj), 我们很熟悉wall做名词时“墙”的含义,但是在本段中“walled”是形容词。译为:有围墙的,有城墙的。顺便记一下:fortress(堡垒)。
文中例句: ... turning their countries into walled fortresses.
造句:The farmer stays in a walled rose garden all day.
3. restrict immigration, impose high tariffs, censor foreign ideas. 这几组表达用词非常简练,准确度极高。希望可以常记心间,日后能出现在自己的习作中。
4.collapse/kə'læps/. [VERB 动词] (体系或机构)崩溃,瓦解,突然失败。If something, for example a system or institution, collapses, it fails or comes to an end completely and suddenly.
(另)比较实用的表达是:a state of collapse 崩溃的状态。eg: He was in a state of mental and physical collapse.
5.viable /ˈvaɪəbəl/.切实可行的;能办到的;Something that is viable is capable of doing what it is intended to do. 该词很常用,但不一定能第一时间想到。
文中例句:unfortunately it has no viable plan for running the world as a whole.
造句:It's a commercially viable venture.(这是一项商业上可行的投资。)
Paragraph 5:
①Some nationalists hope the world will become a network of walled-but-friendly fortresses.②Each national fortress will protect its unique identity and interests,but all the fortress could nevertheless co-operate and trade peacefully.③There will be no immigration,no multiculturalism,no global elites-but also no global war.④The problem with this vision is that walled fortresses are seldom friendly. ⑤In the past, all attempts to divide the world into clear-cut nations have resulted in war. ⑥Without some universal values and global organisations, rival nations cannot agree on any common rule.
①a network of walled-but-friendly fortresses封闭但友好的防御网络
②nevertheless 副词,意为“仍然”
•But life is nevertheless better, because I've readjusted my whole attitude to food.
③clear-cut nations(边界)分明的国家
•There is not always a clear-cut distinction between right and wrong.对错之间并不总是有着明确的区分。
Paragraph 6
①Other nationalists adopt an even more extreme position, saying that we don’t need any global cooperation whatsoever. ②Each nation should care only about its own interests, and should have no obligations towards the rest of the world. ③The fortress should just raise its drawbridge and man its walls—and the rest of the world can then go to hell.
•My parents always took the position that early nights meant healthy children.我的父母总是认为孩子早睡就会身体健康。
2.whatsoever 副词,意为“丝毫” 〔用于强调否定句〕
•He's had no luck whatsoever.他一点儿也不走运。
3.raise its drawbridge and man its walls 升起吊桥,守着围墙
Soldiers manned barricades around the city.士兵把守着城市周围的路障。
4.go to hell 短语,意为“滚开,去你的”
•"Anyway, it's your own fault." "Oh, go to hell!"“总之是你自己的错。”“啊,去你的!”
好句赏析: The fortress should just raise its drawbridge and man its walls—and the rest of the world can then go to hell.三个动词短语,生动描述了“极端防御主义世界秩序”的状态-阻断来路,把守入口,只顾自己。
Paragraph 7
Balancing nationalism with globalism
①This nihilistic positionis nonsensical. ②No modern economy can survive without a global trade network. ③And, like it or not,humankind today faces three common problems that make a mockery of all national borders, and that can be solved only through global co-operation. ④These are nuclear war, climate change and technological disruption.
1.nihilistic position 虚无主义的观点
•She exhibited none of the narcissistic and nihilistic tendencies of her peers. 她一点儿都没表现出同龄人那种自恋和虚无主义的性格倾向。
2.nonsensical 形容词,意为“愚蠢的;荒谬的”
•Their methods of assessment produce nonsensical results.他们的评估方法会得出可笑的结果。
3.make a mockery of sth 使…显得荒谬(或无价值)
•The fact that he sent his children to private school makes a mockery of his socialist principles.他奉行社会主义原则,但却把自己的孩子送到私立学校,未免也太荒谬了。
Paragraph 8
①You cannot build a wall against nuclear winter or against global warming, and no nation can regulate artificial intelligence or bioengineering singlehandedly. ②It won’t be enough if only the European Union forbids producing killer robots or only the United States bans genetic ally engineering human babies. ③If even one country decides to pursue these high-risk high-gain paths,other countries will be forced to follow its dangerous lead for fear of being left behind. ④So whenever a politician says “My Country First”, we should ask him or her: how can your country by itself prevent nuclear war, stop climate change and regulate disruptive technologies?
1、singlehandedly 单手地,独力地,单枪匹马地,当我们用腻了do something by oneself时,不妨换一下这个副词。How can your country by itself prevent nuclear war?我们也可以说How can your country prevent nuclear war singlehandedly?
2、注意并列句中同义词替换: ②It won’t be enough if only the European Union forbids producing killer robots or only the United States bans genetic ally engineering human babies.
3、high-risk high-gain,大部分人做理财时,常会选择low-risk low-gain的理财产品。
4、前文已经说到了nuclear war, climate change and technological disruption三大全球性的问题,如果你要去联合国做演讲(美一下),那么分别避免这三个问题,对应的动词可以灵活多样而精准:prevent nuclear war,stop climate change and echnologies (technological disruption)。
Paragraph 9
①To successfully confront these three problems we need more, rather than less, global co-operation.②We need to create a global identity and encourage people to be loyal to humankind and to planet Earth in addition to their particular nation. ③Nationalism need not prove an impossible barrier to creating such a global identity. ④Human identities are quite adaptable.
1、提炼句型:To successfully confront this problem/challenge/dilemma/task, we need sth/to do sth
To successfully confront this challenge—appreciative analysis onThe Economist, we need clear-cut divisions and more exchanges of information and views.
2、“忠诚”的三个进阶:be loyal to our particular nation, be loyal to humankind, be loyal to planet Earth.
Paragraph 10:
①Today’s nation-states are not an eternal part of human biology or psychology. ②There were no Italians, Russians or Turks 5,000 years ago. ③True, humans are social animals through and through, with group loyalty imprinted in our genes. ④However, for millions of years humans lived in small, intimate communities rather than in large nation-states. ⑤Homo sapiens eventually learned to use culture as a basis for large-scale cooperation, which is the key to our success as a species. ⑥But cultures are flexible. Unlike ants or chimpanzees, Sapiens can organise themselves in many different ways, none of which is “the natural way”. ⑦City-states are not more natural than empires, and nation-states are not more natural than tribes. ⑧They are different options on the Sapiens menu, and the choice between them depends on changing circumstances.
③True, humans are social animals through and through, with group loyalty imprinted in our genes.
through and through, 意思是“完全,彻底”,thoroughly or completely,in every way, manner, or aspect. 用这个表达除了表达完全彻底,还能感觉到是在起强调的作用。比如说想表达,我特别特别生气,我得坐一会儿恢复一下才能跟别人说话,就可以这样说:I was angry through and through, and I had to sit and recover before I could talk to anyone. 再比如说,如果你的心是清净的,你就能清澈通透地看穿他人,这就是纯真的力量,就可以说:If your heart is clean,you can see other persons clearly through and through.Innocence is such a powerful thing.
imprint,意思是“印刻”,mark or stamp with or as if with pressure,本文是说对群体的忠诚印刻在我们的基因之中。这是一个很好的表达,我们可以直接拿来仿写,比如想说,勤劳勇敢的品质印刻在我们中国人的基因之中,就可以说:The character of diligence and bravery has imprinted in our Chinese genes. 这个词还有引申含义“铭记在心,留在脑海里”,to become fixed in your mind or memory so that you never forget. 通常的搭配是“imprint sth on your mind/memory/brain etc”,比如我们想表达,“只因为在人群中多看了你一眼 再也没能忘掉你的容颜”,就可以说:The sight of her gorgeous image was imprinted on his mind forever. 其实,我第一次遇到imprint这个词是看电影《暮光之城》系列(The Twilight Saga),狼人Jacob所在的狼族有一种“印记”(imprint)的功能,特有的寻求伴侣的方法,是不受自己控制的,是命中注定,when you imprint on someone, he/she is your soul mate by destiny.

⑧They are different options on the Sapiens menu, and the choice between them depends on changing circumstances.
这句话的表达很好,通过on the Sapiens menu,用比喻的方式来说明tribe、empire、city-state、nation-state这些组织形式都是智人的菜单上的不同选择而已。我们可以直接来仿写,居住在大城市、小城市或国外,都是我们生活根据不同情形而做出的不同选择而已,就可以说:Living in a big city or small city or even abroad,these are different options on my life menu, and the choice between them depends on changing circumstances.
nation-state,民族国家,单一民族独立国家,an independent state which consists of people from one particular national group. 我们可以通过一个形象的表达来加深对这个概念的理解,“拥有自己的国旗,国歌,货币,机构,制度和政策,长期以来,欧盟就像一个筹备中的民族国家”,With its flag, anthem, currency, institutions, regulations, and directives, the EU has long been indistinguishable from anation-state-in-waiting.
city-state,城邦,an independent state that consists of a city and the surrounding country area, especially in the past,曾经最著名的城邦是雅典、斯巴达、罗马,之前读《哲学的故事》(The Story of Philosophy)中有读到:苏格拉底是在雅典的黄金岁月——一个雄心勃勃的,激进的,想象中的城邦——越上了世界领袖的巅峰之时去世的,在此之后雅典开始分化瓦解。Socrates died when Golden Age Athens – an ambitious, radical, visionary city-state– had triumphed as a leader of the world, and then over-reached herself and begun to crumble.
Homo sapiens, 智人,Homo sapiens is used to refer to modern human beings as a species, in contrast to other species of ape or animal, or earlier forms of human. 一开始,我并没有关注这篇文章的作者是谁,直到看到这个词,我突然想到了《人类简史》的作者尤瓦尔·赫拉利(Yuval Noah Harari),可以说这个词就像是他的专属用词一般,再去看文章篇头,发现的确是他的特约撰稿。有的时候,看一个作者的文字多了,他的风格和用词自然就亲切熟悉很多,这也算是坚持阅读的收获了。What distinguishes homo sapiens from every other living creature is the mind. 使智人区别于其他生物的是心智。

Paragraph 11:
①Large nations appeared only in the past few thousand years—yesterday morning, on the timetable of evolution—and they developed in order to deal with large-scale problems that small tribes could not solve by themselves. ②In the 21st century we face global problems that even large nations cannot solve by themselves. ③Hence it makes sense to switch at least some of our loyalties to a global identity.
③Hence it makes sense to switch at least some of our loyalties to a global identity.
switch one's loyalty to...,意思是“转移某人的忠诚到...”,除了表达loyalty的转移,还可以转移注意力或兴趣,switch one's interest/attention to,if you switch your attention from one thing to another or if your attention switches, you stop paying attention to the first thing and start paying attention to the second. 比如想表达,我母亲的兴趣已转移到我的健康上来了,就可以说:My mother's interest had switched to my health.
global identity,意思是“全球身份或全球认同”,我的理解是打破了国与国的界限,认同自己是世界公民的身份,这种感觉就是“我们不单是自己国家的一员,还是整个世界大家庭的一员,这赋予了我们世界大同的情怀”,In addition to being a member of our country, we are members of the world community, and this gives us a global identity. 这让我想到习大大(President Xi)多次提到的“人类命运共同体”,“人类命运共同体,顾名思义,就是每个民族、每个国家的前途命运都紧紧联系在一起” ,Building a community with a shared future for mankind is in essence to connect the prospects and destinies of every nation and country closely together. 同样,表示“命运共同体”,还可以像金博士(Martin Luther King, Jr)在I Have a Dream中说的那样,Their destiny is tied up with our destiny; and their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom.
Paragraph 12
It does not mean establishing a global government or abolishing all cultural, religious and national differences. I can be loyal at one and the same time to several identities—to my family, my village, my profession, my country, and also to my planet and the whole human species.It is true that sometimes different loyalties might collide, and then it is not easy to decide what to do. But who said life was easy? Life is difficult.Deal with it.
1. mean 当我们想表达“包含,涉及”或者“结果”的意思,mean + doing, 不能使用时动词不定式。
e.g.Reversing these changes would meen challenging the power of the government.
当mean+ to do 动词不定式时,常用作被动语态,表示“someone intend to do sth”某人打算做某事
e.g.Whoops! I didn't mean to step on your toe.
2. at one and same time
刚开始我觉得这个表达很奇怪,为什么不说at the same time 而说at one and the same time?我在字典上查到one and the same 用来强调当两个或者两个以上的人或者事物其实是用一个人或事时,就可以使用。
e.g. Are you saying that your cousin Alessandro and my friend Alex are one and the same?
3.句型总结 It is adjective that + a clause,通常 从句用should或虚拟动词来表达愿望,推荐或者建议等,见图

4.Deal with 口语中经常用到的表达,"处理"
例:...the way that banks deal with complaints.…银行处理投诉的方式。
近义词:manage, cope with, handle, take care of
Sometimes we put work before family, sometimes family before work.Similarly, sometimes we need to put the national interest first, but there are occasions when we need to privilege the global interests of humankind.
1)put A before B 认为A比B重要
2)A take priority over B A优先于B
3)privilege A 给予A特权
4)give priority to A 优先考虑A
2.occasions这里只时机,情况,也可以用situations,circumstances,occurrences 来替换。
Paragraph 13
Vote for visionaries
What does all that mean in practice? Well, when the next elections come along, and politicians want you to vote for them, ask these politicians four questions:
·If you are elected, what actions will you take to lessen the risks of nuclear war?
·What actions will you take to lessen the risks of climate change?
·What actions will you take to regulate disruptive technologies such as AI and bioengineering?
·And finally, how do you see the world of 2040? What is your worst-case scenario, and what is your vision for the best-case scenario?
If some politicians don’t understand these questions, or if they constantly talk about the past without being able to formulate a meaning full vision for the future, don't vote for them.
其他表示使...减少,使...减轻的词 reduce, subside, play down, minimize, downplay,
weaken, fade,
3.worst-case scenario & best-case scenario你能想象的最糟糕和最好的事情
scenario 英 [sɪ'nɑːrɪəʊ]美 [sə'nærɪo]“方案;情节;剧本;设想”
(worst-case )doomsday scenario,crisis,battle,nightmare
(best-case)ideal situation,optimum
e.g.书名:The worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook逆境求生手册