2020-03-05-Jack Welch, G.E. Chie

2020-03-05-Jack Welch, G.E. Chie

作者: Mandy生活札记 | 来源:发表于2020-03-06 11:02 被阅读0次

    Jack Welch, who led General Electric through two decades of extraordinary corporate prosperity and became the most influential business manger in his generation, died at 84 on Sunday.


    Combative and blunt, Mr. Welche became the chief executive of General Electric in 1981. The company's revenue jumped nearly five fold, to 130 billion, during Mr. Welch's tenure, while the value of its shares on the stock market soared from 14 billion to more than 410 billion.


    The Welch years at GE. Combined strategic insights and managerial innovations. Mr. Welch early on recognized  the rise of Asia, then led by Japan, as a manufacturing powerhouse, and he shed G.E. businesses that the deemed vulnerable, moving into new ones.


    He attached democracy and made sweeping payroll cuts, creating a more entrepreneurial, if more Darwinian, corporate culture. And he made G.E. far more dependent on finance, as banking and investment grew as a share of the American economy.


    Mr. Welch distilled his management concepts into once-sentence nuggets. "Bureaucrats must be ridiculed and removed." "If we wait for perfect answer, the world will pass us by."


    Combative adj. 有野心的, Ambitious/Aggressive 一样

    Five fold, 五倍, Five times

    Shed v.摆脱, 去除 get rid off 

    Tenure n.任期

    Distill v.提炼

    Darwinian adj.达尔文的,这里指达尔文的进化论,适者生存,末位淘汰制的管理方式 

    Bunt adj.直率的



          本文标题:2020-03-05-Jack Welch, G.E. Chie
