
作者: 言ru玉 | 来源:发表于2022-08-03 23:59 被阅读0次

    1 冤家宜解不宜结。

    Better to get rid of an enmity than keep it alive.

    2 知识胜过财富。

    Better to know than to have.

    3  学而不化,不如不学。

    Better understand than ill-learned.

    4 慎始为上。

    Beware beginning.

    5 静水危险,小心为上。

    Beware of a still water.

    6 过犹不及。

    Beyond is as wrong as falling short.

    7 辞旧迎新。

    Bid farewell to the old and usher to the new.

    8 肉是强事。

    Big fish eat little fish.

    9 贪多嚼不烂。

    Big mouthfuls often choke.

    10 物以类聚,人以群分。

    Birds of a feather flock together.

    11 恩将仇报。

    Bite the hand that feeds one.

    12 良药苦口利于心。

    Bitter pills may have blessed effects.

    13 吉人自有天相。

    Blessed are the good man.

    14 揠苗助长。

    Blind zeal only does harm.

    15 血浓于水。

    Blood is thicher than water.



