

作者: 过年好_ | 来源:发表于2021-04-20 10:33 被阅读0次


    Works for Vue2 now. This is a fullCalendar component based on vue.js . No Jquery or fullCalendar.js required. Currently, It only supports month view. It's inspired by fullCalendar.io but not cloned by it. So please read the docs here below to understand all features.

    Simple Live Demo



    By NPM

    @latest works for Vue2
    0.1.11 works for Vue1.*

    // for Vue2
    npm install vue-fullcalendar@latest --save 
    // for Vue1
    npm install vue-fullcalendar@0.1.11 --save 

    or download code and include it

    <script src='dist/vue-fulcalendar.min.js'>


    Register component globally

    // Your entry index.js
    import Vue from 'vue'
    import App from './App'
    import fullCalendar from 'vue-fullcalendar'
    Vue.component('full-calendar', fullCalendar)
    // Vue2
    new Vue({
      el : '#app',
      render: h => h(App),
      template : '<App/>',
      components : {
    new Vue({
        el : 'body',
        components : {

    or register locally in your .vue file


    <full-calendar :events="fcEvents" lang="en"></full-calendar>
    var demoEvents = [
          title : 'Sunny Out of Office',
          start : '2016-08-25',
          end : '2017-07-27'
    export default {
      data () {
        return {
          fcEvents : demoEvents
      components : {
        'full-calendar': require('vue-fullcalendar')    

    A sample screenshot is here,

    Yeah you see the calendar



    1. events : Events will be displayed on the calendar

      events = [
          title     :  'event1',
          start     : '2016-07-01',
          cssClass  : 'family',
          YOUR_DATA : {}
          title     : 'event2',
          start     : '2016-07-02',
          end       : '2016-07-03',
          cssClass  : ['family', 'career']
          YOUR_DATA : {}
      • title is the title of this event, will be displayed on calendar

      • start is the start day of this event

      • end is the end day of this event

      • cssClass is css class of each event label, such that, you will be able to set different colors, style ..

      • YOUR_DATA You can define as many data you want as possible

    2. lang : langague of things like monthNames weekNames and titleFormat

      export default {
        en : {
          weekNames :  ['Sun', 'Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'],
          monthNames : ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'],
          titleFormat : 'MM/yyyy'
        zh : {
          weekNames : ['周一','周二','周三','周四','周五','周六','周日'],
          monthNames : ['1月','2月','3月','4月','5月','6月','7月','8月','9月','11月','12月'],
          titleFormat : 'yyyy年MM月'
      • option : zh | en

      • default : zh

    3. monthNames

    4. weekNames

    5. titleFormat

    6. firstDay : first day of the week, Number, default: 0 (Sunday)
      Sunday=0, Monday=1, Tuesday=2, etc.
      Any number smaller than 0 or larger than 6 will be set to 0.


    fc will dispatch some events out.

    1. changeMonth : Every time you click arrow to next/last month, fc will dispatch changeMonth

      this.$dispatch('changeMonth', start, end, current)
      • start is the first day of current monthView

      • end is the last day of current monthView

      • current is the first day of current month

    2. eventClick : Every time you click a event, fc will dispatch eventClick

      this.$dispatch('eventClick', event, jsEvent, pos)
      • event is an Event object hold the event's information

      • jsEvent holds the native javascript event

      • pos is the relative coordinates of fc

    1. dayClick : fc dispatch it when you click a day slot.

      this.$dispatch('eventClick', day, jsEvent)
      • day is a Date Object of the day you click

      • jsEvent holds the native javascript event

    2. moreClick : fc dispatch it when you click a more button


    You will be able to register your own stuff by using slots

    1. fc-header-left : top left area

    2. fc-header-right : top right area. In my case, I added a filter menu there

    3. fc-body-card : inside the body area, usually working with EventClick, to display a event detail


      <div class="emergencyDuty">
    <!--    应急值守-->
    <!--    // 切换月时的事件,可自己定义事件 changeMonth-->
    <!--    // 点击当月的事件,可自己定义事件 eventClick-->
    <!--    // 点击当天的事件,可自己定义事件 dayClick-->
    <!--    // 点击 more, 展示当天所有事件,可自己定义事件 moreClick-->
    <script lang="ts">
    import fullCalendar from 'vue-fullcalendar'
    import { Vue, Component, Prop, } from "vue-property-decorator";// Minxins,Provice
    // 公共头部组件 必须写
      name: "emergencyDuty",
      components: { fullCalendar },
    export default class extends Vue {
      @Prop({ default: 0 })
      private propA!: Number;
      private monthData: any = [];
      mounted() {
      // 选择月份
      private changeMonth (start:any, end:any, current:any) {
        console.log('changeMonth', start.format(), end.format(), current.format())
      // 点击事件
      private eventClick (event:any, jsEvent:any, pos:any) {
        console.log('eventClick', event, jsEvent, pos)
      // 点击当天
      private dayClick (day:any, jsEvent:any) {
        console.log('dayClick', day, jsEvent)
      // 查看更多
      private moreClick (day:any, events:any, jsEvent:any) {
        console.log('moreCLick', day, events, jsEvent)
    <style lang="scss" scoped>



