Enjoy Running (Ocean CC3)

作者: Ocean_Chen | 来源:发表于2017-03-28 16:04 被阅读22次

Today, I want to share my experience about running.

Give us a pair of shoes, we could run. We don’t have to depend on others. We could run in anytime any place.So running is a kind of very convenient sport. Because I have not run for along time, and my objective is to take part in a half marathon in May this year,so i'd better find a scientific way to train and try to be qualified for the race.

Good luck, colleague beside me have a book about running called 'The beginning runner's handbook'. There is a very detailed 13 weeks training plan for beginning runners. And the plan have been practiced by a lot of people of different ages in Canada. So the plan have proved to be safe.

I will share 3 importantrules about running with you tonight.

The 3 rulesare, moderation, consistency and rest.


Moderation means to bemoderate and avoiding extremes, don't push yourself too hard.

There are specialmusculoskeletalstresses peculiar to running.Even experiencedrunners (andwalkers) need to take care not to overstressthemselves.

The majority ofpeople whohaven’t been very active are susceptible to bonestress fractures in the firstthree months if they continually push their training. In other words, whileyour heartand lungs may be urging you to go, your bones, ligaments,tendons andmuscles may want you to ease up.

In the detailed plan of thebook, the training session consists of run and walk in the first six weeks. Inthe remaining seven weeks training, there are 2 different versions of trainingplan, the second one is easier to practice than the first one, because there ismore walk time during training. I can choose any one of 2 options according tostatus of your body and how i am feeling.

So the plan is very flexible and moderate to practice.


Consistency mean the quality of always behaving or  performing in a similar way.

The virtues of consistency cannot be overstated. When you work out consistently, your body has more time to adapt to the stress of training. Refer to the plan of the book, I plan to do 3 training each week. Every training session consists of three parts. Warm up, exercise and cooling down.

1)warm up

The purpose of a warm-up routine is to prepare your body for exercise. Cold muscles work less efficiently and are more easily injured.

A low-intensity,rhythmic activity like gentle jogging, which takes your muscles through a limited range of motion, will increase muscle and body temperature gradually and thus minimize the risk of injury.”

Walk or jog for about 5-10 mins and then do some light stretch could be a good warm up session for exercise.


During exercise the key is to feel comfortable throughout the program, I can always choose the RunWalk option presented each week, depending on how you are feeling.

If let me unstop running for 3 or 5 km, I will give up from the very beginning.

RunWalk option is really agood idea. I don't have to exhaust during exercise. Run a few minutes and thenwalk a few minutes, and repeated them several times. Gradually, I find i couldrun for more time.

During running, stay relaxed,concentrate on standing tall and swinging yourarms naturally as you run. After4 weeks of training, my body and mind begin to benefit from exercise. I findmyself craving training. Instead of forcing myself to do it.

3)Cooling Down

It’s a good ideato keep yourmuscles active for10 minutes after exercising using a similar but less intenseversion of what you didduring your warm-up.

The mostimportant reason ofstretching after exercise is that muscles tighten during exercise, and unlessyoustretch them out again, they tend to stay tight


Rest gives your body time and energy to adapt to the changes you bring to it by training. Once your body has adapted, you’ll be stronger and more efficient. Build time for rest and recovery into your training plan and be sure to space your workouts over the entire week,not pile them up in a few days.

After exercise, we should give us body more rest time.


The three rules are simple, and if you live by them you will find that moving from a sedentary life to an active one can be quite enjoyable rather than a trip through training hell.

I am still carrying out my plan and training for half marathon in Dongyin. Refer to the three rules could keep me health during the process. And running has been part of my life.

We usually talkabout how hard it is to insist a good habit. Find the right way is crucial todo it.

Search on the internet orconsult with friends who are experienced in the field both are good way to findthe method which is suitable for us. Once we find a good way to carry out. Agood habit could be daily routine.

If you love life, life will love you back.



    本文标题:Enjoy Running (Ocean CC3)
