作者: LuckySilly | 来源:发表于2016-10-22 23:43 被阅读428次


在天时地利人和的幸运下,我的CC1得到了BEST SPEAKER AWARD。
还要特别感谢我的IE Elena,你帮统计了词数,给出了标准,让我能够修正我的稿子。学习的标准分为:知晓、理解、使用、应用、评估、创新。你做事的标准非常高,很厉害!

XDFTMC-The 30th meeting-20161022.jpeg

The true self

Last month, I followed a series of Yangzhiping's articles about work.
Some words impressed me very much. I was confused by the writer's wisdom. Now I wanna share it with you.
Any girl who chased after her true self was cheated by the old drivers on her way.
People who wants to know his or her own will be a poet after all ,and be named 'Haizi',maybe.
The one who believed in 10 thousands hours of practicing will be the intelligence quotient taxpayer.
Oh what dose the writer mean?
Finding one's true self is a popular subject on the social network. We can see that it's almost a trend for people to quit their job ,start a journal to find their real one inside .
If searching for one's true self has no meaning by the writer ,what's worth pursuing?
Just keep it in mind. I'll talk about it later.
Do you think this question hard to understand or interesting to think?
That shows you a characteristic of mine .
I love thinking even it makes God laugh.
Have you ever heard about Zhou Guoping. Once. He said "If a lady study philosophy ,it's a disaster for both the lady and philosophy ."(thanks our vpm Carol. She translated this sentence for me.)
Unfortunately I am this lady. But fortunately philosophy and me haven't kill each other yet.
Studying is a common way to achieve wisdom. We can study from the book ,the people,and the task. And the social learning is an efficient alternative . That's why we meet each others in the toastmasters .
There're so many wonderful people here. Everyone is so charmful. Such as the gentle BOB, the smart Maggie, and the active Ivy.
At the very first meeting I met Ivy, I could see her spirt of youth and some of my school days memories occurred.
I uesed to be a basketball-holic as Ivy. I love the the Bulls dynasty M.Jordan made.
I enjoy playing guard on the court. It's the same positon as Ivy's .
I could remeber the the moment that I just picked up the defensive rebound and started a fast break all by myself. Then I left the other 9 players in backcourt and scored with a layup.WOW~I was so excitied at that moment. I walked to spectators and began yelling for cheering. The crowd gone wild for me.

Now you get my story.

This's me a lady who loves both the brain and body practice ,and want to be a efficient person.
After all I want to be a sportive one in our club. Any time you call me , I 'll be there.
Let's go back to the question. Why does the true self has no meaning to pursue and what's worth pursuing?
Because there is no such ting as a true self.
I perfer the infinite self.
For more information ,see you in my next speech.
Thank you.


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    本文标题:头马备稿 CC1 THE TRUE SELF
