操作环境:Win7 64位
- 已安装GO并设置好环境变量后。(例子:我的GOROOT=C:/Go ;GOPATH=D:/gogo;Path中已经添加%GOPATH%\bin)
- 如果是第二次安装并配置Sublime则需要把之前的Sublime文件删除干净,包括系统盘的有关sublime文件都删除干净,以免出现额外的问题。
- 已安装Git
1. 下载Sublime Text3
2. 安装Package Control
相关代码(只适用于Sublime Text3):
import urllib.request,os,hashlib; h = '6f4c264a24d933ce70df5dedcf1dcaee' + 'ebe013ee18cced0ef93d5f746d80ef60'; pf = 'Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp = sublime.installed_packages_path(); urllib.request.install_opener( urllib.request.build_opener( urllib.request.ProxyHandler()) ); by = urllib.request.urlopen( 'http://packagecontrol.io/' + pf.replace(' ', '%20')).read(); dh = hashlib.sha256(by).hexdigest(); print('Error validating download (got %s instead of %s), please try manual install' % (dh, h)) if dh != h else open(os.path.join( ipp, pf), 'wb' ).write(by)
安装完毕后,关闭sublime,再打开,点击Preferences,出现Package Control则安装成功。
3.1 GoSublime
方法1: 用git clone命令获取,应该会获得一个GoSublime的文件夹。把该文件夹拷贝到sublime的包位置,也就是打开sublime - Preferences - Browse Packages...,将该文件粘贴进来)。
方法2:(建议使用方法1)下载压缩包,解压后会得到一个长名字的文件夹,把文件名改为GoSublime,再把该文件夹移动到安装sublime包的位置,也就是打开sublime - Preferences - Browse Packages...,将文件粘贴进该位置)
依次按快捷键 ctrl+.,ctrl+x调出margo.go
package margo
import (
// Margo is the entry-point to margo
func Margo(m mg.Args) {
// See the documentation for `mg.Reducer`
// comments beginning with `gs:` denote features that replace old GoSublime settings
// add our reducers (margo plugins) to the store
// they are run in the specified order
// and should ideally not block for more than a couple milliseconds
// MOTD keeps you updated about new versions and important announcements
// It adds a new command `motd.sync` available via the UserCmd palette as `Sync MOTD`
// Interval can be set in order to enable automatic update fetching.
// When new updates are found, it displays the message in the status bar
// e.g. `★ margo.sh/cl/18.09.14 ★` a url where you see the upcoming changes before updating
// It sends the following data to the url https://api.margo.sh/motd.json:
// * current editor plugin name e.g. `?client=gosublime`
// this tells us which editor plugin's changelog to check
// * current editor plugin version e.g. `?tag=r18.09.14-1`
// this allows us to determine if there any updates
// * whether or not this is the first request of the day e.g. `?firstHit=1`
// this allows us to get an estimated count of active users without storing
// any personally identifiable data
// No other data is sent. For more info contact privacy at kuroku.io
// Interval, if set, specifies how often to automatically fetch messages from Endpoint
// Interval: 3600e9, // automatically fetch updates every hour
mg.NewReducer(func(mx *mg.Ctx) *mg.State {
// By default, events (e.g. ViewSaved) are triggered in all files.
// Replace `mg.AllLangs` with `mg.Go` to restrict events to Go(-lang) files.
// Please note, however, that this mode is not tested
// and saving a non-go file will not trigger linters, etc. for that go pkg
return mx.SetConfig(mx.Config.EnabledForLangs(
// Add `go` command integration
// this adds a new commands:
// gs: these commands are all callable through 9o:
// * go: Wrapper around the go command, adding linter support
// * go.play: Automatically build and run go commands or run go test for packages
// with support for linting and unsaved files
// * go.replay: Wrapper around go.play limited to a single instance
// by default this command is bound to ctrl+.,ctrl+r or cmd+.,cmd+r
// UserCmds are also added for `Go Play` and `Go RePlay`
// add the day and time to the status bar
// both GoFmt and GoImports will automatically disable the GoSublime version
// you will need to install the `goimports` tool manually
// https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports
// gs: this replaces settings `fmt_enabled`, `fmt_tab_indent`, `fmt_tab_width`, `fmt_cmd`
// golang.GoFmt,
// or
// golang.GoImports,
// Configure general auto-completion behaviour
// whether or not to include Test*, Benchmark* and Example* functions in the auto-completion list
// gs: this replaces the `autocomplete_tests` setting
ProposeTests: false,
// Don't try to automatically import packages when auto-compeltion fails
// e.g. when `json.` is typed, if auto-complete fails
// "encoding/json" is imported and auto-complete attempted on that package instead
// See AddUnimportedPackages
NoUnimportedPackages: false,
// If a package was imported internally for use in auto-completion,
// insert it in the source code
// See NoUnimportedPackages
// e.g. after `json.` is typed, `import "encoding/json"` added to the code
AddUnimportedPackages: false,
// Don't preload packages to speed up auto-completion, etc.
NoPreloading: false,
// Don't suggest builtin types and functions
// gs: this replaces the `autocomplete_builtins` setting
NoBuiltins: false,
// Enable auto-completion
// gs: this replaces the `gscomplete_enabled` setting
// show the function parameters. this can take up a lot of space
ShowFuncParams: true,
// show func arguments/calltips in the status bar
// gs: this replaces the `calltips` setting
// use guru for goto-definition
// new commands `goto.definition` and `guru.definition` are defined
// gs: by default `goto.definition` is bound to ctrl+.,ctrl+g or cmd+.,cmd+g
// add some default context aware-ish snippets
// gs: this replaces the `autocomplete_snippets` and `default_snippets` settings
// add our own snippets
// gs: this replaces the `snippets` setting
// check the file for syntax errors
// gs: this and other linters e.g. below,
// replaces the settings `gslint_enabled`, `lint_filter`, `comp_lint_enabled`,
// `comp_lint_commands`, `gslint_timeout`, `lint_enabled`, `linters`
// Add user commands for running tests and benchmarks
// gs: this adds support for the tests command palette `ctrl+.`,`ctrl+t` or `cmd+.`,`cmd+t`
// additional args to add to the command when running tests and examples
TestArgs: []string{},
// additional args to add to the command when running benchmarks
BenchArgs: []string{"-benchmem"},
// run `go install -i` on save
// golang.GoInstall("-i"),
// or
// golang.GoInstallDiscardBinaries("-i"),
// GoInstallDiscardBinaries will additionally set $GOBIN
// to a temp directory so binaries are not installed into your $GOPATH/bin
// the -i flag is used to install imported packages as well
// it's only supported in go1.10 or newer
// run `go vet` on save. go vet is ran automatically as part of `go test` in go1.10
// golang.GoVet(),
// run `go test -race` on save
// golang.GoTest("-race"),
// run `golint` on save
// &golang.Linter{Name: "golint", Label: "Go/Lint"},
// run gometalinter on save
// &golang.Linter{Name: "gometalinter", Args: []string{
// "--disable=gas",
// "--fast",
// }},
// DayTimeStatus adds the current day and time to the status bar
type DayTimeStatus struct {
func (dts DayTimeStatus) RMount(mx *mg.Ctx) {
// kick off the ticker when we start
dispatch := mx.Store.Dispatch
go func() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second)
for range ticker.C {
func (dts DayTimeStatus) Reduce(mx *mg.Ctx) *mg.State {
// we always want to render the time
// otherwise it will sometimes disappear from the status bar
now := time.Now()
format := "Mon, 15:04"
if now.Second()%2 == 0 {
format = "Mon, 15 04"
return mx.AddStatus(now.Format(format))
// MySnippets is a slice of functions returning our own snippets
var MySnippets = golang.SnippetFuncs(
func(cx *golang.CompletionCtx) []mg.Completion {
// if we're not in a block (i.e. function), do nothing
if !cx.Scope.Is(golang.BlockScope) {
return nil
return []mg.Completion{
Query: "if err",
Title: "err != nil { return }",
Src: "if ${1:err} != nil {\n\treturn $0\n}",
3.2 Goimports(它是一座大坑,爬过这个大坑有巨大的成就感。不把编辑器弄舒服以后怎么好好写代码呢?!所以希望小白的我们可以通过这个过程磨炼下耐心。)
- 由于网络原因无法直接下载goimports,需要先下载gopm包。
打开git Bash Here,输入如下代码:
go get -v github.com/gpmgo/gopm
1.1 GOPATH\src文件夹中看到github文件夹,以及很多文件。
1.2 GOPATH\bin文件夹中看到gopm的运行文件。
- 下载goimports
在git bash here中输入以下命令
gopm get -g -v -u golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports
- 安装goimports
go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports
打开sublime,调出marge.go(快捷键按ctrl+. ctrl+x),按照图片进行修改。
(灵感来自与这篇文章,《Go语言环境配置 Sublime Text + GoSublime+ gocode + MarGo组》,看来后隐约觉得margo.go很重要,所以抱着在margo里改改代码试试,结果还真成功了。虽然这篇文章的内容我没怎么看,但是给了我一个灵感,让我想到再去margo试试,这个很重要。可以仔细读下margo中关于goimports的描述。)
如果你的没反应,再试试:打开Sublime-Preferences-Package Settings-GoSublime-Settings-User,输入以下代码
"fmt_cmd": ["goimports"],
"env": {
"GOPATH": "/your/gopath/here" //输入你的GOPATH,如D:/gogo
.bash_profile 文件改坏了,什么命令都用不了了(https://blog.csdn.net/qq_16177481/article/details/55518267
(这个是查错的资料) -
go环境变量配置 (GOROOT和GOPATH)
) -
3.3 Gotests
打开sublime,Preferences-Package Control-Install Package-输入Gotests,点击安装。