When I was a corporate finance manager, I happened to have achance to know that we could do business with Sinosure, which means theinsurance provided by Sinosure is recognized as a guarantee for banks. Later I learnta course from our online university conducted by Specialized Finance Dept, thatour oversea business had lot interactions with Sinosure. I recognize the potentialopportunity for further cooperation when we might have a chance to sit and talkto people from Sinosure. We seized this precious opportunity by asking officeto make this communication session.
I never thought that one day I would encounter people fromSinosure in a way like this in the States. Office helped to set a meeting withthem in the 2ed floor of Union.
At 5:30 pm, when we arrived 210, people from Sinosure hadalready been there. A lesson for me. Next time we should be there earlier tospare us more room to chat and social.
Divided into small groups, 3 or 4 of us sat around a tablewith 3 to 4 people from Sinosure. Though I did our homework last night, I foundmy brain goes blank, knowing nothing about the people sat next to me, eventheir names! However, soon it turned out that I worried too much. Grabbing somefood and drinks, we launched our small talks. It feels like that last time wehave chance to talk to so many Chinese was centuries ago. And our new friendswere really nice and excellent guys. We made self-introductions, talked aboutthe food, our missions, professors and courses we shared, and the conversationwent quite well. I was not surprised to learn they came from different offices acrossChina.
What impressed me most was the words said by Mr. Xiong. “Ourdomestic working experience limit the way we think; the words of the professorsenlighten us a lot; they have rich working experience and they come back toclass on campus. Besides, they know what works in the real life”. When talkingabout our financial discussion instructor, he admired him obviously. His words remindme of an old saying, after fighting 100 wars, we read books. This way, theorycan give more impressive instructions than it ever did.
The discussion was not restraint by the sharing ofexperience, we also talked about the differences how we do business, the regulatorypart, the structure of each other’s organization, what might be the business potentialsfor us. As the senior managers, both Mr. Xiong and Mr. Liu gave us a lot practicaladvice. Got chance to talk to instructors from the office, too. What a niceevening I had had!
Living and working abroad is not as easy as I thought. Youmight be confronted with difficulties and obstacles from every aspect now andthen. Never give up. If you get the chance to talk to someone to cheer you up,do it. If you get the chance to create an opportunity to talk to new friends,create it. You could not evaluate how much you can benefit from your slightmove beforehand. Hope I can learn more in the future. Interesting.