

作者: 郝显 | 来源:发表于2014-11-13 22:50 被阅读119次


Jean Rhys, From an interview for The Paris Review when she was in her 80s, 1979

All of writing is a huge lake. There are great rivers that feed the lake, like Tolstoy or Dostoyevsky. And then there are mere trickles, like Jean Rhys. All that matters is feeding the lake. I don't matter. The lake matters. You must keep feeding the lake.



Kenneth Goldsmith(是那个屌炸天的网站ubuWeb), Being Boring, 2004

In 1969, the conceptual artist Douglas Huebler wrote, "The world is full of objects, more or less interesting; I do not wish to add any more." I've come to embrace Huebler's ideas, though it might be retooled as, "The world is full of texts, more or less interesting; I do not wish to add any more." It seems an appropriate response to a new condition in writing today: faced with an unprecedented amount of available text, the problem is not needing to write more of it; instead, we must learn to negotiate the vast quantity that exists. I've transformed from a writer into an information manager, adept at the skills of replicating, organizing, mirroring, archiving, hoarding, storing, reprinting, bootlegging, plundering, and transferring. I've needed to acquire a whole new skill set: I've become a master typist, an exacting cut-and-paster, and an OCR demon. There's nothing I love more than transcription; I find few things more satisfying than collation.





  • 同打一个球(37-38)

    三十七 Jean Rhys, From an interview for The Paris Review whe...

  • 同打一个球(目录)

    1、2014年即将过去,这个系列也将结束。为了让它更“完整”,我决定为它们做个目录。 2、这个系列的笔记都是文摘(...

  • 同打一个球(25-26)

    二十五 Mikhail Simkin, Scientific inquiry into poetry The av...

  • 同打一个球(23-24)

    二十三 陈嘉映,《书的长度》 你要是一年写出三四本大部头来吓人,我们只好同情挨吓的。你要是真以为自己有那么多精彩...

  • 同打一个球(27-28)

    二十七 托马斯·伯恩哈德,《历代大师》,p206 雷格尔说,在奥地利还从来不曾有过如此低劣和糟糕的社会,不曾有过如...

  • 同打一个球(29-30)

    二十九 理查德·克莱恩,《香烟:一个人类痼习的文化研究》,p5 写作这本书,其目的是使本书作为一种文学批评、一种大...

  • 同打一个球(33-34)

    三十三 伍尔夫,《我们应该怎样读书》 显而易见,书是分门别类的——小说,传记,诗歌等等——我们应该有所区别,从每一...

  • 同打一个球(9-10)

    九 达尔文,《对我的智力的评估》 我认为,我在探寻正确解释和想出一些实验核对的方法方面,已经比过去略微熟练了些;可...

  • 同打一个球(5-6)

    五 罗恩·拉什,《盗墓贼》 回家时,我顺道去了医院,护士只让我看妈妈几分钟,随后,护士说,妈妈三天后就能出院了。 ...

  • 同打一个球(11-12)

    十一 邓晓芒,《我与杨小凯》 但他的这种理论上居高临下的审视态度把我彻底震住了,我如梦初醒,深深地为自己以往的不动...


