1Patience is the road to understanding.耐心促成理解。
2.You only get one life. It's actually your duty to live it as fully as possible.生命仅此一次,应该尽力活得精彩。
3.Open your mind to the possibilities.敞开心扉,拥抱一切可能。
4.Never let your head hang down.永远不要轻易低头。
5.Your fate is in your hands.命运掌握在自己手中。
6.It's better to be safe than sorry.不怕一万,只怕万一.
7.To begin the journey of change,we must pull on the boots of selfawareness.要想踏上改变之旅,需先真正看清自己。
8.The one who sticks with you is the one who cares.坚守在你身边的人,才是关心你的人。
9.A judging brain requires a listening ear.仔细聆听方能明智决断。
10.The beauty of music is that it connects people.音乐之美在于它使人心相连。
11.God helps those who help themselves.自助者天助也.
12.Be content with who we are.接纳自己。
13.We cannot escape the past.我们逃避不了过去。
14.There is no time like the present.当下就是最好的时刻。
15.Find the joy in your life.找到你生命中的快乐。
16.Peace comes from within.平静源于内心。
17.Make your own future.创造属于你的未来。
19.A gemstone is not polished without rubbing, nor a man perfected without his trials.玉因打磨而莹润,人因历练而完美。
20.Be what you always wanted to be.成为你想成为的人。
21.There's always something to be learned.
22.Live every day like its your last.把每一天都当成生命的最后一天来度过。
23.The greatest joy in life is the pleasure of finding things out.人生最大的乐趣莫过于知。24.When you love someone, you have to take them as they are.爱一个人,就要接受他最真实的样子。
25.Time and tide wait for no man.时光不等人。
26.When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.保持单纯的内心,就能获得长久的快乐。
27.Sometimes what the rest of the world sees as having us pinned actually ends up pushing us forward.有时旁人眼中的绊脚石,反而会成为我们的垫脚。
28.Slow progress is lasting progress.慢慢来,才长久。
29. You never find yourself until you face the truth.直面真相,才能找到自我。
30.The beginning is always the hardest.万事开头难。
31.Modesty is a virtue.谦虚是种美德。