猴子 我,是怎样的一个人? 思绪是框架的集装箱。 手指从键盘掠过, 一半代码,一半创作。 原来,我已经在动物园里关得太久。 我不是游客。
单车物语 "好伤心。"它说。 原本,我承载着更多的欢乐。 "吱吱”的声音,渐见,那边天。
It's beautiful feeling
It’s not just a feeling, it’s a philosophy. (A line from ...
The feeling of the Job's speech After seeing Job's speech...
早晨,起床,借书,买早餐,看书 一切看似平凡的一天却让我经历了无数次思想自虐 为什么叫自虐呢 可能找不到更好的词儿...
Feeling stuckbetween a rock and a hard place is a daily s...
Looked at jobs's speech, the in the mind is feeling, expe...
—What's the feeling of loving someone? —Like a dog,like a...
It's an amazing feeling to realize how one person who was...
You [feeling defensive because you realize your friend’s ...
本文标题:it's feeling