2024-05-21 Spine

2024-05-21 Spine

作者: 祺邱 | 来源:发表于2024-05-20 07:59 被阅读0次

In Chinese, spine is always connected with virtues. A man without "spine" is wicked, fluky and untrustworthy.  But in reality, maybe problematic spines are more than normal ones. As you can see, there are some many people with lordosis and flat back. Some are caused by overworking, which can't be condemned. But some are indeed bad in spiritual and physical spines. A man can sell his wife, daughters in exchange for a chance to his dreamed land that is against his country. A woman betrayed his husband and sold the credentials of her country just for a romance that is predisposed to be a trap. 

As time goes by, traditional values are getting destructed. But I just hope this process can be slower. 


In Chinese culture, the concept of "spine" is intricately linked with virtues. A person lacking "spine" is often perceived as morally corrupt, unreliable, and lacking in integrity. However, in reality, the prevalence of spinal issues may be more common than we realize. It is evident that conditions such as lordosis and flat back affect many individuals, with some cases stemming from the strains of overwork, a circumstance that warrants empathy rather than condemnation.

Nevertheless, there are instances where the metaphorical "spine" is truly compromised, both in physical and spiritual realms. Consider the distressing scenarios where individuals are willing to betray their loved ones and their principles for personal gain. For instance, a man may barter away his family for the promise of a better life in a distant land, an act that contradicts the values of his own nation. Similarly, a woman might deceive her spouse and jeopardize national security for the fleeting allure of a romantic entanglement destined to end in betrayal.

Over time, traditional values face erosion in the face of changing societal norms. While evolution is inevitable, there is a plea for this transition to occur with more deliberation and care. It is crucial to navigate this transformation mindfully, preserving the essence of moral fortitude and integrity that the concept of "spine" symbolizes in Chinese culture.


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      本文标题:2024-05-21 Spine
