

作者: cy_alice | 来源:发表于2019-07-08 14:38 被阅读0次


In 2015, It was the first time I joined Toastmaster. Three years later, it was the second time I joined Toastmaster. I have met three mentors, so I have some stories to share with you. Teachers, leaders and colleagues can be our mentors. But what makes mentors of toastmaster so different is that they are really a big fan of encouragement. Thanks to that, I am already on my way to a better me.

(legs trembling, face turning red, look around and look back)

Can you hear my voice? I am very shy and nervous. My name is is is ……. This is me stand in front of 30 person in the first year of college. I can’t even say my name out loud and almost burst into crying. But now, I have always receive compliment of my confidence on the stage from my evaluators in my previous speeches. All these thanks to my mentor——Bonnie’ s great encouragement. “You can do it! You are an elegant and beautiful girl. Just be the way you are. I trust in you.”  No one has ever encourage me as Bonnie do. She also told me that when I am nervous, just ignore the audience and look into the distance. With Bonnie’s word and encouragement, I suddenly have the courage and determination to overcome my fear of standing on the stage. The first speech, the second speech, the third speech……I finally conquer my fear.

Bonnie’s encouragement not only gave me the courage to come to the stage, but also grow confidence in my mind. Table topic speech is what I am most afraid of. Whenever I get a topic, my head will be blank. I told Bonnie my distress, and she said, If you are afraid of table topic speech, why don’t you try rainbow table topic. You would feel not so nervous when you do it online. Don’t to be strict on yourself. You are already doing good. So I sign up for every rainbow table topic session. It was Bonnie who evaluated my first speech. She also give me a lot of encouragement. Your voice are so melody. I love your speech especially the ending. The sentence you used is really amazing. That was the first time I trust in myself that I can do table topic speech. From then on, I even got the best speaker twice.

In SYSU MED, I have two mentors——Bonnie and Sissy. They are both good at English. I am also very upset about my pronunciation and the lack of vocabulary. Bonnie ,who always love to encourage me, start to encourage me again. Don’t be afraid. The reason why we join toastmaster is that we are not the perfect one we want us to be. We can always have chance to learn from others. Here are some videos about brilliant speeches. We can learn together. She help me to analyze every sentence they say in their speech and share lots of knowledge with me. But she also told me that active learning is the most important. So no matter how old I am, I will never stop learning.

In toastmaster, my mentor is not the only one person who are in fond of encouragement. Our evaluators are very good at discovering shinning points on us, constantly encouraging us and giving us opportunity to grow. They also provide useful feedback. This is a place where I find previous sincerity among peoples and where I explore a better me. Glory to encouragement.



(场景演示:脚发抖、脸很红,一直在扇手,左右环顾,背对观众)你们能听到我的声音?em,我叫陈燕。我很紧张。(站到右边)这就是我,在大学新生介绍会上,我一句话都说不出来,甚至要哭了。而现在的我,在以前做过的演讲中,总是被夸站在头上很自信、台风很好。那都是因为我的导师Bonnie的鼓励给了我勇气。“You can do it! You are elegant and beautiful. Just be the way you are. I trust in you. ”她也告诉我,当我紧张的时候,就不要看观众,看向远方。从来没有人不停地给我鼓励,正是因为这些鼓励,我突然有了勇气,知道自己必须要克服站在台上的恐惧。第一次、第二次、第三次……我终于不再害怕舞台。


Bonnie的鼓励不仅给了我上台的勇气,也给了我自信。即兴演讲是我最害怕的。因为每当拿到一个题目的时候,我的脑袋就会一片空白。我告诉了Bonnie我的苦恼。她说:你可以尝试一下rainbow table topic,先做线上的,再做线下的。不用太着急,不用对自己太严格。第一次做rainbow table topic的时候,正好是bonnie做我的evaluator,她很真诚地夸我:你的声音很动听。讲的内容特别地有逻辑。特别是最后一句话“that’s why human being being human ’说得非常好。”哇,原来我也可以做table topic的。于是,我每次都积极参加rainbow table topic,拿了2次最佳best speaker。





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