

作者: 茶馆小冬藏 | 来源:发表于2018-01-25 19:48 被阅读0次

    Sometimes we need to take a break to prepare a better future

    Sometimes we need to play like a child to live a happier life

    Be a happiness independent

    Don't expect others to give you happiness

    Set your soul free, you don't need a pair of wings to fly

    Try not to dislike, try to appreciate

    Try not to judge, try to understand

    Try not to escape, try to fix

    Try not to ask, try to give

    Try not to regret, try to live harder

    Try not to hold, try to let go

     My notes:

    Sometimes we need to take a break to prepare a better future我们现在的暂时止步,只为了筹划一个更加美好的未来,所以,无需悲伤,无需绝望,we are moving on for a great future

    Sometimes we need to play like a child to live a happier life,有时候,我们需要用一颗童心来生活,这样,才不会忘记生活的本质,这样,我们才能拥有一颗宁静的心,这样,我们才能快乐,也只有如此,我们才会感觉到自己是在生活,而不是生存

    Be a happiness independent

    Don't expect others to give you happiness.快乐是独立的,无需别人的施舍,快乐是自己找寻的,它其实一直在那里,关键是你有没有一双善于发现的眼睛,只有你发现快乐,快乐才会出现,只有你对生活微笑,生活才会对你微笑

    Set your soul free, you don't need a pair of wings to fly,一直以为,有一双翅膀才能够飞翔,原来,飞翔无需翅膀。

    学会欣赏,学会坚强,学会勇敢的生活,不要逃避现实,你要做的就是fix it ,当你成为生活的强者,别人也会为你让路,该放弃的时候懂得放手,只有舍才会有得,抓的太多,最后都会丢失的不是吗。懂得放手的人才能获得的更多。




