quic transport rfc

quic transport rfc

作者: 涵仔睡觉 | 来源:发表于2019-03-29 14:58 被阅读0次


    2 Stream

    2.1 Stream Identifiers

    Streams are identified by an unsigned 62-bit integer, referred to as
    the Stream ID. Stream IDs are encoded as a variable-length integer. The least significant two bits of the Stream ID
    are used to identify the type of stream (unidirectional or
    bidirectional) and the initiator of the stream.

    The least significant bit (0x1) of the Stream ID identifies the
    initiator of the stream. Clients initiate even-numbered streams
    (those with the least significant bit set to 0); servers initiate
    odd-numbered streams (with the bit set to 1).

    The second least significant bit (0x2) of the Stream ID
    differentiates between unidirectional streams and bidirectional
    streams. Unidirectional streams always have this bit set to 1 and
    bidirectional streams have this bit set to 0.


    | Low Bits | Stream Type |


    | 0x0 | Client-Initiated, Bidirectional |

    | 0x1 | Server-Initiated, Bidirectional |

    | 0x2 | Client-Initiated, Unidirectional |

    | 0x3 | Server-Initiated, Unidirectional |


    A QUIC endpoint MUST NOT reuse a Stream ID.

    2.2 Stream Concurrency

    QUIC allows for an arbitrary number of streams to operate
    concurrently. An endpoint limits the number of concurrently active
    incoming streams by limiting the maximum stream ID.

    The maximum stream ID is specific to each endpoint and applies only
    to the peer that receives the setting.

    A receiver MUST ignore any MAX_STREAM_ID frame that does not increase the maximum stream ID.

    2.3 Sending and Receiving Data

    Endpoints uses streams to send and receive data. Endpoints send
    STREAM frames, which encapsulate data for a stream.

    2.4 Stream Prioritization

    QUIC does not provide frames for exchanging prioritization
    information. Instead it relies on receiving priority information
    from the application that uses QUIC.

    3 Stream States: Life of a Stream

    3.1 Send Stream States

    The sending part of stream that the endpoint initiates (types 0 and 2
    for clients, 1 and 3 for servers) is opened by the application or
    application protocol.

    • The "Ready" state represents a newly created
      stream that is able to accept data from the application. Stream data
      might be buffered in this state in preparation for sending.
    • Sending the first STREAM or STREAM_BLOCKED frame causes a send stream
      to enter the "Send" state. In the "Send" state, an endpoint transmits data in STREAM frames.
    • After the application indicates that stream data is complete and a
      STREAM frame containing the FIN bit is sent, the send stream enters
      the "Data Sent" state.
    • Once all stream data has been successfully acknowledged, the send
      stream enters the "Data Recvd" state, which is a terminal state.
    • From any of the "Ready", "Send", or "Data Sent" states, an
      application can signal that it wishes to abandon transmission of
      stream data. Similarly, the endpoint might receive a STOP_SENDING
      frame from its peer. In either case, the endpoint sends a RST_STREAM
      frame, which causes the stream to enter the "Reset Sent" state.
    • Once a packet containing a RST_STREAM has been acknowledged, the send
      stream enters the "Reset Recvd" state, which is a terminal state.

    3.2 Receive Stream States

    The receiving part of a stream initiated by a peer (types 1 and 3 for
    a client, or 0 and 2 for a server) are created when the first STREAM,
    STREAM_BLOCKED, RST_STREAM, or MAX_STREAM_DATA (bidirectional only,
    see below) is received for that stream.


    3.3 Permitted Frame Types

    The sender of a stream sends just three frame types that affect the
    state of a stream at either sender or receiver: STREAM, STREAM_BLOCKED, and RST_STREAM.

    The receiver of a stream sends MAX_STREAM_DATA and STOP_SENDING frames.

    3.4 Bidirectional Stream States


    3.5 Solicited State Transitions

    If an endpoint is no longer interested in the data it is receiving on
    a stream, it MAY send a STOP_SENDING frame identifying that stream to
    prompt closure of the stream in the opposite direction. This
    typically indicates that the receiving application is no longer
    reading data it receives from the stream, but is not a guarantee that
    incoming data will be ignored.

    4 Flow Control

    A receiver advertises the number of octets it is prepared
    to receive on a given stream and for the entire connection. This
    leads to two levels of flow control in QUIC:

    • Stream flow control, which prevents a single stream from consuming
      the entire receive buffer for a connection.
    • Connection flow control, which prevents senders from exceeding a
      receiver’s buffer capacity for the connection, and A data receiver sets initial credits for all streams by sending transport parameters during the handshake.

    A data receiver sends MAX_STREAM_DATA or MAX_DATA frames to the
    sender to advertise additional credit.

    • MAX_STREAM_DATA frames send the maximum absolute byte offset of a stream,
    • MAX_DATA frames send the maximum of the sum of the absolute byte offsets of all streams.

    4.1 Handling of Stream Cancellation

    the RST_STREAM frame (Section 19.2) includes the
    largest offset of data sent on the stream. On receiving a RST_STREAM
    frame, a receiver definitively knows how many bytes were sent on that
    stream before the RST_STREAM frame, and the receiver MUST use the
    final offset to account for all bytes sent on the stream in its
    connection level flow controller.

    4.2 Data Limit Increments

    A receiver MAY use an autotuning mechanism to tune the frequency and
    amount that it increases data limits based on a round-trip time
    estimate and the rate at which the receiving application consumes
    data, similar to common TCP implementations.

    4.3 Stream Final Offset

    The final offset is the count of the number of octets that are
    transmitted on a stream. For a stream that is reset, the final
    offset is carried explicitly in a RST_STREAM frame. Otherwise, the
    final offset is the offset of the end of the data carried in a STREAM
    frame marked with a FIN flag, or 0 in the case of incoming
    unidirectional streams.

    4.4 Flow Control for Cryptographic Handshake

    QUIC relies on the cryptographic protocol
    implementation to avoid excessive buffering of data.

    4.5 Stream Limit Increment

    An endpoint limits the number of concurrently active incoming streams
    by limiting the maximum stream ID.

    An initial value is set in the transport parameters and is subsequently increased by MAX_STREAM_ID frames.

    5 Connections

    A QUIC connection is a single conversation between two QUIC endpoints.

    QUIC’s connection establishment combines version
    negotiation with the cryptographic and transport handshakes to reduce
    connection establishment latency.

    5.1 Connection ID

    Each connection possesses a set of connection identifiers, or
    connection IDs, each of which can be identify the connection.Connection IDs are independently selected by endpoints; each endpoint
    selects the connection IDs that its peer uses.

    5.1.1 Issuing Connection IDs

    Each Connection ID has an associated sequence number to assist in
    deduplicating messages. The sequence number of
    the initial connection ID is 0. If the preferred_address transport
    parameter is sent, the sequence number of the supplied connection ID
    is 1.

    Additional connection IDs are communicated to the peer using
    NEW_CONNECTION_ID frames. The sequence number on
    each newly-issued connection ID MUST increase by 1.

    5.1.2 Consuming and Retiring Connection IDs

    An endpoint can change the connection ID it uses for a peer to
    another available one at any time during the connection.

    An endpoint maintains a set of connection IDs received from its peer,
    any of which it can use when sending packets. When the endpoint
    wishes to remove a connection ID from use, it sends a
    RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID frame to its peer, indicating that the peer
    might bring a new connection ID into circulation using the

    As discussed in Section 9.5, each connection ID MUST be used on
    packets sent from only one local address. An endpoint that migrates
    away from a local address SHOULD retire all connection IDs used on
    that address once it no longer plans to use that address.

    5.2 Matching Packets to Connections

    Incoming packets are classified on receipt. Packets can either be
    associated with an existing connection, or - for servers -
    potentially create a new connection.

    5.2.1 Client Packet Handling

    Valid packets sent to clients always include a Destination Connection
    ID that matches a value the client selects. Clients that choose to
    receive zero-length connection IDs can use the address/port tuple to
    identify a connection. Packets that don’t match an existing
    connection are discarded.

    5.2.2 Server Packet Handling

    • If a server receives a packet that has an unsupported version, but
      the packet is sufficiently large to initiate a new connection for any
      version supported by the server, it SHOULD send a Version Negotiation
    • Packets with a supported version, or no version field, are matched to
      a connection using the connection ID or - for packets with zerolength connection IDs - the address tuple. If the packet doesn’t
      match an existing connection, the server continues below.
      • If the packet is an Initial packet fully conforming with the
        specification, the server proceeds with the handshake.
      • If a server isn’t currently accepting any new connections, it SHOULD
        send an Initial packet containing a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame with error
        code SERVER_BUSY.
      • If the packet is a 0-RTT packet, the server MAY buffer a limited
        number of these packets in anticipation of a late-arriving Initial
    • Servers MUST drop incoming packets under all other circumstances.

    6 Version Negotiation

    Version negotiation ensures that client and server agree to a QUIC
    version that is mutually supported.


    6.1 Sending Version Negotiation Packets

    If the version selected by the client is not acceptable to the
    server, the server responds with a Version Negotiation packet. This includes a list of versions that the server will accept.

    6.2 Handling Version Negotiation Packets

    The client selects an acceptable protocol version from the list
    provided by the server. The client then attempts to create a connection using that version.

    The client MUST use the long header format and include its selected
    version on all packets until it has 1-RTT keys and it has received a
    packet from the server which is not a Version Negotiation packet.

    6.3 Using Reserved Versions

    7 Cryptographic and Transport Handshake

    QUIC relies on a combined cryptographic and transport handshake to
    minimize connection establishment latency.

    7.1 Example Handshake Flows


    7.2 Negotiating Connection IDs

    During the handshake, packets with the long header are
    used to establish the connection ID that each endpoint uses. Each
    endpoint uses the Source Connection ID field to specify the
    connection ID that is used in the Destination Connection ID field of
    packets being sent to them. Upon receiving a packet, each endpoint
    sets the Destination Connection ID it sends to match the value of the
    Source Connection ID that they receive.

    7.3 Transport Parameters

    During connection establishment, both endpoints make authenticated
    declarations of their transport parameters. These declarations are
    made unilaterally by each endpoint. Endpoints are required to comply
    with the restrictions implied by these parameters; the description of
    each parameter includes rules for its handling.

    7.3.1 Values of Transport Parameters for 0-RTT

    A client that attempts to send 0-RTT data MUST remember the transport
    parameters used by the server. The transport parameters that the
    server advertises during connection establishment apply to all
    connections that are resumed using the keying material established
    during that handshake.

    7.3.2 New Transport Parameters

    New transport parameters can be used to negotiate new protocol behavior.

    7.3.3 Version Negotiation Validation

    To protect against QUIC version downgrade attacks, the transport parameters include three fields that encode version information. These parameters are used to retroactively authenticate the choice of version.

    8 Address Validation

    Address validation is used by QUIC to avoid being used for a traffic
    amplification attack.

    8.1 Address Validation During Connection Establishment

    Connection establishment implicitly provides address validation for
    both endpoints. In particular, receipt of a packet protected with
    Handshake keys confirms that the client received the Initial packet
    from the server. Once the server has successfully processed a
    Handshake packet from the client, it can consider the client address
    to have been validated.

    8.1.1 Address Validation using Retry Packets

    QUIC uses token-based address validation during connection

    Upon receiving the client’s Initial packet, the server can request address validation by sending a Retry packet containing a token. This token is repeated by the client in an Initial packet after it receives the Retry packet. In response to receiving a token in an Initial packet, a server can either abort the connection or permit it to proceed.


    8.1.2 Address Validation for Future Connections

    A server MAY provide clients with an address validation token during
    one connection that can be used on a subsequent connection.

    The server uses the NEW_TOKEN frame to provide the
    client with an address validation token that can be used to validate
    future connections. The client may then use this token to validate
    future connections by including it in the Initial packet’s header.

    8.1.3 Address Validation Token Integrity

    An address validation token MUST be difficult to guess. Including a
    large enough random value in the token would be sufficient, but this
    depends on the server remembering the value it sends to clients.

    A token could include information about the claimed client address (IP
    and port), a timestamp, and any other supplementary information the
    server will need to validate the token in the future.

    8.2 Path Validation

    Path validation is used during connection migration by the migrating endpoint to verify reachability of a peer from a new local address.

    Path validation can be used at any time by either endpoint.

    8.3 Initiating Path Validation

    To initiate path validation, an endpoint sends a PATH_CHALLENGE frame
    containing a random payload on the path to be validated.

    8.4 Path Validation Responses

    On receiving a PATH_CHALLENGE frame, an endpoint MUST respond
    immediately by echoing the data contained in the PATH_CHALLENGE frame
    in a PATH_RESPONSE frame.

    8.5 Successful Path Validation

    A new address is considered valid when a PATH_RESPONSE frame is
    received containing data that was sent in a previous PATH_CHALLENGE.

    For path validation to be successful, a PATH_RESPONSE frame MUST be
    received from the same remote address to which the corresponding
    PATH_CHALLENGE was sent.

    8.6 Failed Path Validation

    Path validation only fails when the endpoint attempting to validate
    the path abandons its attempt to validate the path.

    9 Connection Migration

    9.1 Probing a New Path

    An endpoint MAY probe for peer reachability from a new local address
    using path validation prior to migrating the connection to the new local address.

    9.2 Initiating Connection Migration

    A migrating endpoint can send to its peer
    knowing that the peer is willing to receive at the peer’s current
    address. Thus an endpoint can migrate to a new local address without
    first validating the peer’s address.

    9.3 Responding to Connection Migration

    Receiving a packet from a new peer address containing a non-probing
    frame indicates that the peer has migrated to that address.
    In response to such a packet, an endpoint MUST start sending
    subsequent packets to the new peer address and MUST initiate path
    validation to verify the peer’s ownership of the unvalidated address.

    9.3.1 Handling Address Spoofing by a Peer

    An endpoint is required to validate a
    peer’s new address to confirm the peer’s possession of the new
    address. Until a peer’s address is deemed valid, an endpoint MUST
    limit the rate at which it sends data to this address. The endpoint
    MUST NOT send more than a minimum congestion window’s worth of data
    per estimated round-trip time.

    9.3.2 Handling Address Spoofing by an On-path Attacker

    An on-path attacker could cause a spurious connection migration by
    copying and forwarding a packet with a spoofed address such that it
    arrives before the original packet. The packet with the spoofed
    address will be seen to come from a migrating connection, and the
    original packet will be seen as a duplicate and dropped.

    To protect the connection from failing due to such a spurious
    migration, an endpoint MUST revert to using the last validated peer
    address when validation of a new peer address fails.

    9.4 Loss Detection and Congestion Control

    The capacity available on the new path might not be the same as the
    old path. Packets sent on the old path SHOULD NOT contribute to
    congestion control or RTT estimation for the new path.

    A sender can make exceptions for probe packets so that their loss detection is
    independent and does not unduly cause the congestion controller to
    reduce its sending rate. An endpoint might set a separate timer when
    a PATH_CHALLENGE is sent, which is cancelled when the corresponding
    PATH_RESPONSE is received. If the timer fires before the
    PATH_RESPONSE is received, the endpoint might send a new
    PATH_CHALLENGE, and restart the timer for a longer period of time.

    9.5 Privacy Implications of Connection Migration

    An endpoint that moves between networks might not wish to have their
    activity correlated by any entity other than their peer, so different
    connection IDs are used when sending from different local addresses,
    as discussed in Section 5.1. For this to be effective endpoints need
    to ensure that connections IDs they provide cannot be linked by any
    other entity.

    The goal here is to ensure that packets
    sent on different paths cannot be correlated. To fulfill this
    privacy requirement, endpoints that initiate migration and use
    connection IDs with length greater than zero SHOULD provide their
    peers with new connection IDs before migration.

    9.6 Server’s Preferred Address

    QUIC allows servers to accept connections on one IP address and
    attempt to transfer these connections to a more preferred address
    shortly after the handshake.

    9.6.1 Communicating A Preferred Address

    A server conveys a preferred address by including the
    preferred_address transport parameter in the TLS handshake.
    Once the handshake is finished, the client SHOULD initiate path
    validation of the server’s preferred address using
    the connection ID provided in the preferred_address transport parameter.

    9.6.2 Responding to Connection Migration

    A server might receive a packet addressed to its preferred IP address
    at any time after it accepts a connection. If this packet contains a
    PATH_CHALLENGE frame, the server sends a PATH_RESPONSE frame.

    The server SHOULD also initiate path validation of the client using
    its preferred address and the address from which it received the
    client probe.

    9.6.3 Interaction of Client Migration and Preferred Address

    A client might need to perform a connection migration before it has
    migrated to the server’s preferred address. In this case, the client
    SHOULD perform path validation to both the original and preferred
    server address from the client’s new address concurrently.

    If path validation of the server’s preferred address succeeds, the
    client MUST abandon validation of the original address and migrate to
    using the server’s preferred address. If path validation of the
    server’s preferred address fails but validation of the server’s
    original address succeeds, the client MAY migrate to its new address
    and continue sending to the server’s original address.

    10. Connection Termination

    Connections should remain open until they become idle for a prenegotiated period of time. A QUIC connection, once established, can
    be terminated in one of three ways:

    • idle timeout
    • immediate close
    • stateless reset

    10.1 Closing and Draining Connection States

    The closing and draining connection states exist to ensure that connections close cleanly and that delayed or reordered packets are properly discarded.

    10.2 Idle Timeout

    If the idle timeout is enabled, a connection that remains idle for
    longer than the advertised idle timeout is closed.

    10.3 Immediate Close

    An endpoint sends a closing frame (CONNECTION_CLOSE or
    APPLICATION_CLOSE) to terminate the connection immediately. Any
    closing frame causes all streams to immediately become closed; open
    streams can be assumed to be implicitly reset.

    10.4 Stateless Reset

    A stateless reset is provided as an option of last resort for an
    endpoint that does not have access to the state of a connection.


    10.4.1 Detecting a Stateless Reset

    An endpoint detects a potential stateless reset when a packet with a
    short header either cannot be decrypted or is marked as a duplicate

    The endpoint then compares the last 16 octets of the packet
    with the Stateless Reset Token provided by its peer.
    If these values are identical, the endpoint MUST enter the draining
    period and not send any further packets on this connection. If the
    comparison fails, the packet can be discarded.

    10.4.2 Calculating a Stateless Reset Token

    The stateless reset token MUST be difficult to guess. In order to create a Stateless Reset Token, an endpoint could randomly generate a secret for every connection that it creates.

    A single static key can be used across all connections to the same
    endpoint by generating the proof using a second iteration of a
    preimage-resistant function that takes a static key and the
    connection ID chosen by the endpoint as input. An
    endpoint could use HMAC (for example, HMAC(static_key,
    connection_id)) or HKDF (for example, using the static key
    as input keying material, with the connection ID as salt). The
    output of this function is truncated to 16 octets to produce the
    Stateless Reset Token for that connection.

    10.4.3 Looping

    A Stateless Reset might trigger the sending of a Stateless Reset in response, which could lead to infinite exchanges.

    An endpoint MUST ensure that every Stateless Reset that it sends is
    smaller than the packet which triggered it, unless it maintains state
    sufficient to prevent looping. In the event of a loop, this results
    in packets eventually being too small to trigger a response.

    11 Error Handling

    An endpoint that detects an error SHOULD signal the existence of that
    error to its peer.

    Both transport-level and application-level errors can affect an entire connection, while only application-level errors can be isolated to a single stream.

    11.1 Connection Errors

    Errors that result in the connection being unusable, such as an
    obvious violation of protocol semantics or corruption of state that
    affects an entire connection, MUST be signaled using a

    11.2 Stream Errors

    If an application-level error affects a single stream, but otherwise leaves the connection in a recoverable state, the endpoint can send a RST_STREAM frame with an appropriate error code to terminate just the affected stream. RST_STREAM MUST be instigated by the application and MUST carry an application error code.

    12 Packets and Frames

    QUIC endpoints communicate by exchanging packets. Packets are carried in UDP datagrams and have confidentiality and integrity protection.

    • Packets that carry the long header are Initial, Retry, Handshake, and 0-RTT Protected packets.
    • Packets with the short header are designed for minimal overhead and are used after a connection is established.
    • Version negotiation uses a packet with a special format.

    12.1 Protected Packets

    All QUIC packets except Version Negotiation and Retry packets use authenticated encryption with additional data (AEAD) to provide confidentiality and integrity protection.

    • Initial packets:are protected using keys that are statically derived. It only exists to ensure that the sender of the packet is on the network path.
    • All other packets are protected with keys derived from the cryptographic handshake. Packets protected with 0-RTT and 1-RTT keys are expected to have
      confidentiality and data origin authentication; the cryptographic
      handshake ensures that only the communicating endpoints receive the
      corresponding keys.

    12.2 Coalescing Packets

    A sender can coalesce multiple QUIC packets into one UDP datagram.

    Every QUIC packet that is coalesced into a single UDP datagram is
    separate and complete. Though the values of some fields in the
    packet header might be redundant, no fields are omitted. Retry packets, Version Negotiation packets, and packets with a short header cannot be followed by other packets in the same UDP datagram.

    12.3 Packet Numbers

    The packet number is an integer in the range 0 to 2^62-1.

    This number is used in determining the cryptographic nonce for packet protection. Each endpoint maintains a separate packet number for sending and receiving.

    12.4 Frames and Frame Types

    QUIC payloads MUST contain at least one frame, and MAY contain
    multiple frames and multiple frame types.

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    13 Packetization and Reliability

    A sender can minimize per-packet bandwidth and computational costs by
    bundling as many frames as possible within a QUIC packet. A sender
    MAY wait for a short period of time to bundle multiple frames before
    sending a packet that is not maximally packed, to avoid sending out
    large numbers of small packets.

    13.1 Packet Processing and Acknowledgment

    A packet MUST NOT be acknowledged until packet protection has been successfully removed and all frames contained in the packet have been processed.

    13.1.1 Sending ACK Frames

    To avoid creating an indefinite feedback loop, an endpoint MUST NOT
    send an ACK frame in response to a packet containing only ACK or
    PADDING frames, even if there are packet gaps which precede the
    received packet. The endpoint MUST however acknowledge packets
    containing only ACK or PADDING frames when sending ACK frames in
    response to other packets.

    13.1.2 ACK Frames and Packet Protection

    ACK frames MUST only be carried in a packet that has the same packet
    number space as the packet being ACKed.

    13.2 Retransmission of Information

    In general, information is sent again when a packet containing that information is determined to be lost and sending ceases when a packet containing that information is acknowledged.

    • CRYPTO frames: retransmitted according to the rules in [QUIC-RECOVERY], until all data has been acknowledged.
    • STREAM frames: retransmitted in new STREAM frames unless the endpoint has sent a RST_STREAM for that stream.
    • ACK frames: An ACK frame SHOULD contain all unacknowledged acknowledgments.
    • RST_STREAM frame: is sent until acknowledged or until all stream data is acknowledged by the peer.
    • STOP_SENDING frame: is sent until the receive stream enters either a "Data Recvd" or "Reset Recvd" state.
    • CONNECTION_CLOSE and APPLICATION_CLOSE frames: are not sent again when packet loss is detected.
    • MAX_DATA frames: if the packet containing the most recently sent MAX_DATA frame is declared lost, or when the endpoint decides to update the limit.
    • MAX_STREAM_DATA frames:
    • MAX_STREAM_ID frames:
    • BLOCKED, STREAM_BLOCKED, and STREAM_ID_BLOCKED frames: if packets containing the most recent frame for a scope is lost, but only while the endpoint is blocked on the corresponding limit.
    • PATH_CHALLENGE frames: is sent periodically until a matching PATH_RESPONSE frame is received or until there is no remaining need for liveness or path validation checking.
    • PATH_RESPONSE frames:are sent just once.
    • NEW_CONNECTION_ID frames、RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID frames: retransmitted if the packet containing them is lost.
    • PADDING frames: not require repair.

    13.3 Explicit Congestion Notification(ECN)

    QUIC endpoints use Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to detect and respond to network congestion.

    ECN allows a network node to indicate congestion in the network by setting a codepoint in the IP header of a packet instead of dropping it.



    • 00 - 非ECN能力的运输,非ECT
    • 10 - ECN能力运输,ECT(0)
    • 01 - ECN能力运输,ECT(1)
    • 11 - 遇到拥堵,CE。

    当两个端点都支持ECN时,它们使用ECT(0)或ECT(1)标记其数据包。如果分组遍历正在经历拥塞的活动队列管理(AQM)队列(例如,使用随机早期检测(RED)的队列)并且相应的路由器支持ECN,则它可以将代码点改变为CE而不是丢弃分组。该行为被称为“标记”,其目的是通知接收端点即将发生的拥塞。在接收端点处,该拥塞指示由上层协议(传输层)处理 协议)并且需要回送到发送节点以便发信号以降低其传输速率。

    13.3.1 ECN Counters

    On receiving a packet with an ECT(ECN Capable Transport) or CE(Congestion Experienced) codepoint, an endpoint that can access the IP ECN codepoints increases the corresponding ECT(0), ECT(1), or CE count, and includes these counters in subsequent ACK frames

    13.3.2 ECN Verification

    Each endpoint independently verifies and enables use of ECN by
    setting the IP header ECN codepoint to ECN Capable Transport (ECT)
    for the path from it to the other peer.

    To verify both that a path supports ECN and the peer can provide ECN
    feedback, an endpoint MUST set the ECT(0) codepoint in the IP header
    of all outgoing packets.

    14 Packet Size

    The QUIC packet size includes the QUIC header and integrity check,
    but not the UDP or IP header.

    • The payload of a UDP datagram carrying the Initial packet MUST be
      expanded to at least 1200 octets, by adding PADDING frames to the
      Initial packet and/or by combining the Initial packet with a 0-RTT

    14.1 Path Maximum Transmission Unit

    The Path Maximum Transmission Unit (PMTU) is the maximum size of the
    entire IP header, UDP header, and UDP payload. The UDP payload
    includes the QUIC packet header, protected payload, and any
    authentication fields.

    Endpoints MAY use PMTU Discovery for detecting the PMTU, setting the PMTU appropriately, and storing the result of previous PMTU determinations. In the absence of these mechanisms, QUIC endpoints SHOULD NOT send IP packets larger than 1280 octets.

    14.1.1 IPv4 PMTU Discovery

    Endpoints that implement PMTUD in IPv4:

    • Set the IPv4 Don’t Fragment (DF) bit on a small proportion of packets, so that most invalid ICMP messages arrive when there are no DF packets outstanding, and can therefore be identified as spurious.
    • Store additional information from the IP or UDP headers from DF packets (for example, the IP ID or UDP checksum) to further authenticate incoming Datagram Too Big messages.
    • Any reduction in PMTU due to a report contained in an ICMP packet is provisional until QUIC’s loss detection algorithm determines that the packet is actually lost.

    14.2 Special Considerations for Packetization Layer PMTU Discovery

    15 Versions

    QUIC versions are identified using a 32-bit unsigned number.

    • The version 0x00000000 is reserved to represent version negotiation.
    • Versions that follow the pattern 0x?a?a?a?a are reserved for use in
      forcing version negotiation to be exercised.

    16 Variable-Length Integer Encoding

    QUIC packets and frames commonly use a variable-length encoding for
    non-negative integer values. This encoding ensures that smaller
    integer values need fewer octets to encode.

    The QUIC variable-length integer encoding reserves the two most
    significant bits of the first octet to encode the base 2 logarithm of
    the integer encoding length in octets. The integer value is encoded
    on the remaining bits, in network byte order.


    17 Packet Formats

    All numeric values are encoded in network byte order (that is, bigendian) and all field sizes are in bits.

    17.1 Packet Number Encoding and Decoding

    The number of bits required to represent the packet number is first reduced by including only a variable number of the least significant bits of the packet number.


    The size of the packet number encoding is at least one more than the base 2 logarithm of the number of contiguous unacknowledged packet numbers, including the new packet.

    Recovering the full packet number is necessary to successfully remove packet protection. Once packet number protection is removed, the packet number is decoded by finding the packet number value that is closest to the next expected packet. The next expected packet is the highest received packet number plus one.

    17.2 Long Header Packet

    Long headers are used for packets that are sent prior to the
    completion of version negotiation and establishment of 1-RTT keys.

    image image

    The header form, type, connection ID lengths octet, destination and source connection IDs, and version fields of a long header packet are version-independent. The packet number and values for packet types defined in Table 6 are version-specific.

    17.3 Short Header Packet

    The short header can be used after the version and 1-RTT keys are


    The header form and connection ID field of a short header packet are
    version-independent. The remaining fields are specific to the
    selected QUIC version.

    17.4 Version Negotiation Packet

    The Version Negotiation packet is a response to a client packet that
    contains a version that is not supported by the server, and is only
    sent by servers.


    A Version Negotiation packet cannot be explicitly acknowledged in an ACK frame by a client. Receiving another Initial packet implicitly acknowledges a Version Negotiation packet. A Version Negotiation packet consumes an entire UDP datagram.

    17.5 Initial Packet


    The client and server use the Initial packet type for any packet that
    contains an initial cryptographic handshake message.

    A server sends its first Initial packet in response to a client
    Initial. A server may send multiple Initial packets.

    The payload of an Initial packet includes a CRYPTO frame (or frames)
    containing a cryptographic handshake message, ACK frames, or both.
    PADDING and CONNECTION_CLOSE frames are also permitted.

    17.5.1 Starting Packet Numbers

    The first Initial packet sent by either endpoint contains a packet
    number of 0. The packet number MUST increase monotonically

    17.5.2 0-RTT Packet Numbers

    A client only receives acknowledgments for its 0-RTT packets once the handshake is complete. Consequently, a server might expect 0-RTT packets to start with a packet number of 0.

    A client SHOULD instead generate a fresh cryptographic handshake
    message and start packet numbers from 0. This ensures that new 0-RTT
    packets will not use the same keys, avoiding any risk of key and
    nonce reuse; this also prevents 0-RTT packets from previous handshake
    attempts from being accepted as part of the connection.

    17.6 Handshake Packet

    A Handshake packet is used to carry acknowledgments and cryptographic handshake messages from the server and client.

    17.7 Retry Packet

    A Retry packet carries an address validation token created by the server. It is used by a server that wishes to perform a stateless retry.


    18 Transport Parameter Encoding

    QUIC encodes transport parameters into a sequence of octets, which
    are then included in the cryptographic handshake.

    uint32 QuicVersion;
    enum {
    } TransportParameterId;
    struct {
        TransportParameterId parameter;
        opaque value<0..2^16-1>;
    } TransportParameter;
    struct {
        select (Handshake.msg_type) {
            case client_hello:
                QuicVersion initial_version;
            case encrypted_extensions:
                QuicVersion negotiated_version;
                QuicVersion supported_versions<4..2^8-4>;
        TransportParameter parameters<0..2^16-1>;
    } TransportParameters;
    struct {
        enum { IPv4(4), IPv6(6), (15) } ipVersion;
        opaque ipAddress<4..2^8-1>;
        uint16 port;
        opaque connectionId<0..18>;
        opaque statelessResetToken[16];
    } PreferredAddress;
    Figure 15: Definition of TransportParameters

    19 Frame Types and Formats

    Packets contain one or more frames.

    19.1 PADDING Frame

    The PADDING frame (type=0x00) has no semantic value. PADDING frames
    can be used to increase the size of a packet.

    19.2 RST_STREAM Frame

    An endpoint may use a RST_STREAM frame (type=0x01) to abruptly
    terminate a stream.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    | Stream ID (i) ...
    | Application Error Code (16) |
    |                       Final Offset (i) ...

    19.3 CONNECTION_CLOSE frame

    An endpoint sends a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame (type=0x02) to notify its
    peer that the connection is being closed. CONNECTION_CLOSE is used
    to signal errors at the QUIC layer, or the absence of errors (with
    the NO_ERROR code).

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    |       Error Code (16)       |
    |                       Frame Type (i) ...
    |                   Reason Phrase Length (i) ...
    |                       Reason Phrase (*) ...

    19.4 APPLICATION_CLOSE frame

    An APPLICATION_CLOSE frame (type=0x03) is used to signal an error
    with the protocol that uses QUIC.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    |       Error Code (16)       |
    |                   Reason Phrase Length (i)                 ...
    |                       Reason Phrase (*)                    ...

    19.5 MAX_DATA Frame

    The MAX_DATA frame (type=0x04) is used in flow control to inform the
    peer of the maximum amount of data that can be sent on the connection
    as a whole.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    |                      Maximum Data (i)                    ...

    19.6 MAX_STREAM_DATA Frame

    The MAX_STREAM_DATA frame (type=0x05) is used in flow control to
    inform a peer of the maximum amount of data that can be sent on a

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    |                        Stream ID (i)                        ...
    |                    Maximum Stream Data (i)                  ...

    19.7 MAX_STREAM_ID Frame

    The MAX_STREAM_ID frame (type=0x06) informs the peer of the maximum
    stream ID that they are permitted to open.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    |                      Maximum Stream ID (i)                  ...

    19.8 PING Frame

    Endpoints can use PING frames (type=0x07) to verify that their peers are still alive or to check reachability to the peer. The PING frame contains no additional fields. The receiver of a PING frame simply needs to acknowledge the packet containing this frame.

    19.9 BLOCKED Frame

    A sender SHOULD send a BLOCKED frame (type=0x08) when it wishes to send data, but is unable to due to connection-level flow control. BLOCKED frames can be used as input to tuning of flow control algorithms.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    |                            Offset (i)                       ...

    19.10 STREAM_BLOCKED Frame

    A sender SHOULD send a STREAM_BLOCKED frame (type=0x09) when it
    wishes to send data, but is unable to due to stream-level flow

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    |                           Stream ID (i)                     ...
    |                            Offset (i)                       ...

    19.11 STREAM_ID_BLOCKED Frame

    A sender SHOULD send a STREAM_ID_BLOCKED frame (type=0x0a) when it
    wishes to open a stream, but is unable to due to the maximum stream
    ID limit set by its peer.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    |                           Stream ID (i)                     ...

    19.12 NEW_CONNECTION_ID Frame

    An endpoint sends a NEW_CONNECTION_ID frame (type=0x0b) to provide
    its peer with alternative connection IDs that can be used to break
    linkability when migrating connections.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    | Length (8)    |           Sequence Number (i)               ...
    |                   Connection ID (32..144)                   ...
    |                                                               |
    +                                                               +
    |                                                               |
    +               Stateless Reset Token (128)                     +
    |                                                               |
    +                                                               +
    |                                                               |


    An endpoint sends a RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID frame (type=0x1b) to
    indicate that it will no longer use a connection ID that was issued
    by its peer. Sending a RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID frame also serves as a
    request to the peer to send additional connection IDs for future use. New connection IDs can be delivered to a peer using the NEW_CONNECTION_ID frame.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    |                     Sequence Number (i)                     ...

    19.14 STOP_SENDING Frame

    An endpoint may use a STOP_SENDING frame (type=0x0c) to communicate that incoming data is being discarded on receipt at application request. This signals a peer to abruptly terminate transmission on a stream.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    |                           Stream ID (i)                     ...
    | Application Error Code (16) |

    19.15 ACK Frame

    Receivers send ACK frames (types 0x1a and 0x1b) to inform senders of
    packets they have received and processed. The ACK frame contains one
    or more ACK Blocks. ACK Blocks are ranges of acknowledged packets.
    If the frame type is 0x1b, ACK frames also contain the sum of ECN
    marks received on the connection up until this point.

    It is expected that a sender will reuse the same packet number across
    different packet number spaces. ACK frames only acknowledge the
    packet numbers that were transmitted by the sender in the same packet
    number space of the packet that the ACK was received in.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    |                   Largest Acknowledged (i)                  ...
    |                       ACK Delay (i)                         ...
    |                    ACK Block Count (i)                      ...
    |                       ACK Blocks (*)                        ...
    |                       [ECN Section]                         ...

    19.15.1 ACK Block Section

    The ACK Block Section consists of alternating Gap and ACK Block
    fields in descending packet number order.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    |                       First ACK Block (i)                   ...
    |                            Gap (i)                          ...
    |                    Additional ACK Block (i)                 ...
    |                            Gap (i)                          ...
    |                    Additional ACK Block (i)                 ...
    |                            Gap (i)                          ...
    |                    Additional ACK Block (i)                 ...

    19.15.2 ECN section

    The ECN section should only be parsed when the ACK frame type byte is

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    |                     ECT(0) Count (i)                        ...
    |                     ECT(1) Count (i)                        ...
    |                     ECN-CE Count (i)                        ...

    19.16 PATH_CHALLENGE Frame

    Endpoints can use PATH_CHALLENGE frames (type=0x0e) to check reachability to the peer and for path validation during connection migration.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    |                                                               |
    +                            Data (8)                           +
    |                                                               |

    19.17 PATH_RESPONSE Frame

    The PATH_RESPONSE frame (type=0x0f) is sent in response to a PATH_CHALLENGE frame.

    19.18 NEW_TOKEN frame

    A server sends a NEW_TOKEN frame (type=0x19) to provide the client a token to send in the header of an Initial packet for a future connection.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    |                       Token Length (i)                      ...
    |                           Token (*)                         ...

    19.19 STREAM Frames

    STREAM frames implicitly create a stream and carry stream data. The STREAM frame takes the form 0b00010XXX (or the set of values from 0x10 to 0x17).

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    |                        Stream ID (i)                        ...
    |                        [Offset (i)]                         ...
    |                        [Length (i)]                         ...
    |                        Stream Data (*)                      ...

    19.20 CRYPTO Frame

    The CRYPTO frame (type=0x18) is used to transmit cryptographic handshake messages. It can be sent in all packet types.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    |                         Offset (i)                          ...
    |                         Length (i)                          ...
    |                        Crypto Data (*)                      ...

    19.21 Extension Frames

    An extension to QUIC that wishes to use a new type of frame MUST
    first ensure that a peer is able to understand the frame. An
    endpoint can use a transport parameter to signal its willingness to
    receive one or more extension frame types with the one transport

    20 Transport Error Codes

    QUIC error codes are 16-bit unsigned integers.

    20.1 Application Protocol Error Codes

    Application protocol error codes are 16-bit unsigned integers, but the management of application error codes are left to application protocols. Application protocol error codes are used for the RST_STREAM and APPLICATION_CLOSE frames. QUIC reserves the error code with a value of 0 to mean STOPPING.



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