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context in flask 2023-04-18

context in flask 2023-04-18

作者: 9_SooHyun | 来源:发表于2023-04-17 14:58 被阅读0次


    what is a flask application

    a flask application is a normal, just a normal python object of class Flask. An instance of this class will be our WSGI application.

    here is the simplest way to create a Flask instance

    from flask import Flask
    app = Flask(__name__)

    it's the object app that takes the responsibility to handle requests


    request context

    • When the Flask application handles a request, it creates a Request object based on the environment it received from the WSGI server.

    • Because a worker (thread, process, or coroutine depending on the server) handles only one request at a time, the request data can be considered global to that worker during that request. Flask uses the term context local for this.

    • Flask automatically pushes a request context when handling a request. View functions, error handlers, and other functions that run during a request will have access to the request proxy, which points to the request object for the current request.

    If you try to access request, or anything that uses it, outside a request context, you’ll get this error message:
    RuntimeError: Working outside of request context.

    refer to https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.2.x/reqcontext/

    application context

    Flask automatically pushes an application context when handling a request.

    View functions, error handlers, and other functions that run during a request will have access to current_app, which is a proxy, pointing to the bound app.

    Flask will also automatically push an app context when running CLI commands registered with Flask.cli using @app.cli.command().

    Working outside of application context

    If you try to access current_app, or anything that uses it, outside an application context, you’ll get this error message:
    RuntimeError: Working outside of application context.

    如果在配置应用的时候(如初始化扩展)看到这样的错误信息,可以手动推入一个上下文以访问 app。在 with 语句中使用 app_context() 上下文管理器对象,所有在块内的运行的代码将可以访问 current_app

    def create_app():
        app = Flask(__name__)
        with app.app_context():
        return app

    refer to https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.2.x/appcontext/#the-application-context

    context in flask 就像 gin.context
    区别在于,flask框架的extension都依赖context,换句话说,flask extension都建立在context之上;而gin框架只有http handler依赖gin.context,把需要的值从 context 拿出来之后交到业务逻辑层,就与 context 无关了

    Lifetime of the Context

    The application context is created and destroyed as necessary.

    • When a Flask application begins handling a request, it pushes an application context and a request context.
    • When the request ends it pops the request context then the application context. Typically, an application context will have the same lifetime as a request.



        本文标题:context in flask 2023-04-18
