Share WiFi with neighbours and the community. Get paid.Ammbr is a blockchain-based wireless mesh network that buys and sells Internet bandwidth autonomously, using the AMR cryptocurrency. Ammbr’s network can bring reliable Internet access to places that do not have it, without relying on legacy Internet service providers.
Faster, cheaper, decentralized Internet: Althea enables routers to pay each other for bandwidth, making it easy for communities to set up networks which are faster and cheaper than the existing ISP monopolies. Learn more about our blockchain-powered router, the communities we’re working in, and our vision for an Internet that works for everyone below Althea itself is an incentivized mesh system. This build system creates a firmware image preconfigured with Althea's fork of the Babeld mesh software as well as various utilities and tools to automatically pay mesh nodes for bandwidth. The only separated components are guac_rs which we want to be easily used externally as a Rust Payment channel light client, Clarity a lightweight transaction generation library for Ethereum- Rita: Accounts for bandwidth used and required payment: Has known bugs, Makes payments: Will mostly be contained in the Guac_rs repo
Althea allows routers to pay each other for bandwidth using cryptocurrency payment channels. An important architectural detail is that nodes only pay neighbors for forwarding packets. On top of this pay-for-forward network, we build a system allowing consumers to pay for internet access. Althea is intended to be used in local “mesh” ( networks.
AMMBR uses a proprietary chip to replace PoW with the proof of Elapsed time (PoET). The PoET workflow implements a fair and random leader-election algorithm but seems to be depending on a centralized server that plays a key coordination role. While Althea already published a detailed white paper and some open source code, the details of AMMBR are still not public.
ENABLING COST-FREE COMMUNICATION AND CRYPTO ADOPTION The BlockMesh Mesh Extender is a hardware device that helps other devices to join and participate in a BlockMesh Mesh network. Create a Cryptocurrency “Mesh Token” that will become the “Reward” token for users who support the network. Large scale deployment of network hubs to initially support network. Trip mesh advertising. Communication without cellular towers, or satellites using your existing handset device, is now possible through the Mesh technology. This ensures a decentralised, unrestrictive communications platform is put in place through a relayed mesh network.
The Power of Connectivity in the hands of the People A Decentralized Mobile Mesh Networking Platform Powered by Blockchain Technology and Tokenization. A micropayment channel system that allows for mesh users to sell their Internet data into the mesh,and other mesh users to purchase this data. Devices along the path on the mesh are rewarded.Devices which provide reliable, consistent Internet connections, an Ethereum node, and RightMesh tokens are also rewarded for facilitating Internet transmission between meshes.
Changes to the Mesh Discovery Protocol
One of the biggest changes to the discovery protocol is that extra fields which provide pricing details from the Internet Sharing Devices (SELLERs) to the rest of the local mesh. This is set by users of the SELLER devices. The user simply opens the settings for the RightMesh service and sets the price. This has the effect of propagating this change to all devices in the local mesh. Similarly, potential BUYER devices can use the same settings interface to set the maximum rate they are willing to purchase data for.
build a mesh network protocol and micropayment in tokens so you will get rewarded for sharing your mobile device to build a global mesh. SmartMesh is a blockchain based underlying protocol of the Internet of Things. SmartMesh has built-in blockchain light nodes, and extends the Raiden and Lightning Networks second layer architecture network protocols allowing internet-free digital payments and transactions. Utilizing blockchain-based token incentives, SmartMesh technology allows the formation of agile, decentralized Mesh Networks that can self-repair and have higher near-field speeds and bandwidth than standard Internet connections. SmartMesh allows blockchain to break through the Internet boundary into the IoT (Internet of things) and IoE (Internet of Everything) era where all things are connected. Spectrum is an Ethereum-compatible project. It uses a new consensus and new block reward for SmartMesh ecosystem devices and IOT. 关于互联网去中心化,除了IPFS我们还需要Mesh网络 Photon is an off-chain scaling solution, enabling instant, low-fee and scalable payments. It’s complementary to the Ethereum blockchain and Spectrum blockchain and works with ERC20 compatible token and ERC223 compatible token.
MONET: Mobile Ad Hoc Blockchains MONET is an open network architecture for mobile blockchains on demand. A blockchain on demand means that participants of a certain activity can form a temporary network for the duration of their interaction without a need of any centralized third party. One of MONET’s distinctive traits is the ability to operate nodes on off-the-shelf mobile devices.Anyone can run a node, provided they have a connectable computing device with an application that uses a MONET-compatible consensus module. One such module is Babble; it was designed to work with any application, written in any programming language. Hence, we can provide SDKs for all mobile platforms (Android, iOS and Windows Phone). Most mobile devices are already capable of connecting to the Internet through cellular networks (3G, LTE, 4G, etc.) or Wi-Fi. They also have enough memory and processing power to support demanding software like feature-rich applications or the functionality presented in this paper for mobile ad hoc blockchains.
Emercoin is a blockchain platform supporting a wide range of distributed trusted services. Distinctive features include high reliability, robustness and 3-in-one hybrid mining (PoW+MergedMining+PoS). Currently, the Emercoin platform already runs the network security services EmerSSL/EmerSSH, decentralized domain system EmerDNS, an anti-counterfeit solution EmerDPO, VOIP solution ENUMER, as well as several other bundled blockchain services. At the heart of many of these innovations is the Emercoin NVS which allows for the arbitrary storage of name->value pairs on the blockchain MTC Mesh Network 是一种将物联网机器与机器互相通信的Mesh网络,通过机器与机器自身通信模块BLE/Wifi等互相数据广播来通信的去中心化网络协议,在整个Mesh网络中每一个节点有可能是手机/冰箱/汽车/收银机/机器人等,它不需要通过我们传统的互联网就能相互通信。 空气币 Zion is an adhoc networking blockchain system based on Bluetooth Mesh network. To provide more functionality for the rapidly growing IoT industry, which is already severely constrained by current network infrastructure, Zion forms a distributed autonomy domain of the massive IoT devices to reduce its pressure. By combining blockchain, data ownership confirmation, distributed storage and computing, chip security,Zion will solve the shortcomings of IoT industry and bring various application scenarios. Zion will build the next generation paradigm that maintains independence, autonomy, and freedom for the inter-object communication.
Tezos-based Vehicular Ad Hoc Blockchains are Chorus Mobility - Research And Development company working on Blockchain solutions for the future of transportation. answering the question of how to implement a blockchain-based transaction layer that enables a V2X platform for goods and services?
Blockchain in Internet of Things: Challenges and Solutions
XCurrency’s New Trustless Ad Hoc Mesh Network
Mesh and Blockchain: A Powerful Duo
Towards Blockchain-enabled Wireless Mesh Networks: Quick Mesh Project (qMp) provides a firmware based on OpenWrt Linux with the aim to ease the deployment of mesh networks by the users who are willing to interconnect in an area, and pool their Internet uplinks. qMp was initiated in 2011 by a few activists. We setup a blockchain testbed network comprising RPi3 boards, each running a component of Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) in the QMPSU network. The missing ingredient for widespread adoption of CMNs has always been the issue of economic sustainability. In this paper, we take on the issue of addressing trustworthy economic sustainability by proposing the need for an economic substrate built using blockchain that can keep a record of the transactions related to the contributions (of nodes, links, Internet gateways, maintenance) and consumption of communication network’s resources in a decentralized and trusted manner.
Mesh networking with Bitcoin
Nom: Resource Location and Discovery for Ad Hoc Mobile Networks
Locality-aware Chord over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
A Survey on DHT-Based Routing for Large-Scale Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Distributed Hash tables in Mobile Ad-Hoc networks
How to Implement DHTs in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Adapting Distributed Hash Tables for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Distributed Hash Tables for Peer-to-Peer Mobile Ad-hoc Networks with Security Extensions
Design and Evaluation of a Peer-to-Peer MANET Crosslayer Approach: OneHopOverlay4MANET
Proof of Networking: Can Blockchains Boost the Next Generation of Distributed Networks
A Comparative Study of Ad Hoc & Peer to Peer Networks
1)Decentralised architectures: In both network types, the network architecture is inherently decentralised in nature.
2)Transient connectivity: The connectivity of nodes or peers in Ad Hoc or P2P networks respectively, is transient. In Ad Hoc networks, this is due to node mobility. In current P2P networks, this is primarily due to the lack of permanent Internet connectivity or a static IP address, at most peers.
3)Heterogeneity of resources: The resources available to nodes or peers are not equal. Several different electronic devices, such as a laptop, mobile phone or PDA, may form part of an Ad Hoc network. All of these devices typically have differences in computational power, storage capacity and battery life. Similarly, computers running the same P2P application may vary significantly in specification.
the following differences should also be noted
1)Network size: Ad Hoc networks are generally limited to a few hundred nodes in size, since scalability is limited due to resource constraints. In contrast, current P2P networks run over the Internet and therefore, potentially have to scale so as to accommodate several millions of peers.
2)Relevance in Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model: Current research and development in the field of Ad Hoc networking is focused on the lower three layers of the OSI model; the network layer in particular. Conversely, research and development in P2P networking is presently concerned with application layer P2P overlay networks. Therefore, the top three layers of the OSI model are relevant in P2P networking. In summary Ad Hoc networking generally deals with application independent network issues, whilst P2P networking generally deals with application-oriented network issues.
As can be expected, most of the aspects are present in both network types and therefore, are related directly. An exception to this is the sub-aspect of non-neighbouring node discovery in Ad Hoc networks that is in actual fact performed with the use of routing protocols and hence, dealt with under the aspect of routing. Secondly, the sub-aspects of content dissemination, user identification, content identification, and free riding in P2P networks have no equivalent in Ad Hoc networks. Regardless, they have been included in this comparative study due to the relevance they may gain in Ad Hoc networking in the future.
created a blockchain enabled marketplace on top of an ad-hoc network
The common ground of both projects is the creation of a distributed marketplace to incentive participation and competition among those who want to act as service providers. To this end, they prompt microtransactions in cryptocurrency either to finance local services or to pay for Internet access.
AMMBR and Althea introduce blockchains and transactions to foster an in-network marketplace.激励层 in a multi-hop ad-hoc network in which each node pays for the access and may even resell it to some other neighbor. Such a system requires fast micro transactions without fees to take place between people that do not trust each other, and a cryptocurrency fit for the purpose. The blockchain, in the model described so far, is just an enabler of transactions, and it can reside outside the network itself. Proof of Networking (PoN). If we take for instance a link-state routing protocol, it distributes information so that all nodes share the same view of the network graph. Consider a mesh network, in which node A uses a linkstate protocol with embedded cryptographic signatures, on the model of Secure-OLSR.