【A实现了良好开局】get A off to a good/great start
【对A具有十分重大而深远的意义】be of crucial and far-reaching significance for A
【增长A%】represent A% growth
【经济运行缓中趋稳、稳中向好】The economy has registered a slower but stable performance with good momentum for growth.
【A的B和C明显提高】A improves markedly in B and C.
【人/人数】a total of;the number of
【新增就业】new jobs were created/added
【全年】over the course of the year
【再创新高】reach another record high
【十分不易】be no easy task
【在A中发挥主要拉动作用】be the main driver of A
【一批国际领先的重大成果】a number of world-leading achievements
【加上A】with A included
【撑起发展新天地】 open new prospects for China’s development.
【支撑发展】sustain development
【农村贫困人口】people living in poverty in rural areas
【A快速增长】A shows rapid growth
【城乡居民生活水平有新的提高】People in both urban and rural areas saw a rise in living standards.
【推动取得成果】help to deliver outcomes
【改革进入攻坚期】reform entered a critical stage
【在这种情况下】given all these factors/despite...
【坚持不】stand firm in not doing
【全面推开】be extended to cover all sectors
【多种】a range of
【加强】strengthen efforts to
【加大力度】boost efforts to
【核心问题】pivotal issue
【提前】ahead of schedule
【清理规范】overhaul and standardize
【扩大A的自主权】give greater autonomy to A
【为A增添新动力】give new impetus to A
【扩大对外开放】open China wider to the rest of the world
【改为】be replaced by
【位居首位】rank first among
【启动建设】begin constriction on
【率先发展】lead (the rest of the country) in pursuing development
【全面推行A】introduce A nationwide
【强化A的治理】take stronger measures against A
【下降A%】see a A% decline/cut/drop in
【全面推进】make all-round progress in
【发生(灾害)】be hit by
【认真办理】work with keen attention to handle
【组织开展】carry out
【卓有成效】make outstanding achievements in
【成果丰硕】yield notable outcomes
【坚定维护】be resolute in upholding
【继续前进】keep pressing ahead
【夺取】strive for
【团结奋斗】concerned efforts
【A存在不足】There is still room for improvement in A.