DbVisualizer - SQL Commander

DbVisualizer - SQL Commander

作者: lumicinta | 来源:发表于2017-01-28 19:43 被阅读0次

DbVisualizer - SQL Commander

标签(空格分隔): DbVisualizer SQL


DbVisualizer - SQL Commander

@export- exportresult sets to file

The @export commands are used to declare that any result sets from the SQL statements that follows should be written to a file instead of being presented in the DbVisualizer tool. This is really useful, since it enables dumping very large tables to a file for later processing or, for example, to perform backups. The following commands are used to control the export:

  • @export on
    Defines that the SQL statements that follows will be exported rather then being presented in DbVisualizer
  • @export set parm1="value1" parm2="value2"
    The set command is used to customize the export process. Check the table below for the complete set of parameters.
  • @export off
    Defines that SQL statements that follows will be handled the normal way, i.e., the result sets are presented in the DbVisualizer tool

These parameters are supported:

Parameter Default Valid Values
AppendFile false true,false, clear
BinaryFileDir Directory path for data files when BinaryFormatis set to File
BinaryFormat Don'tExport Don'tExport, Size, Value, Hex, Base64, File
BooleanFalseFormat false false, no, 0, off
BooleanTrueFormat true true, yes, 1, on
CLOBFileDir Directory path for data files when CLOBFormat isset to File
CLOBFormat Value Don't Export, Size, Value, File
CsvColumnDelimiter \t(TAB)
CsvIncludeColumnHeader true true,false
CsvIncludeSQLCommand false true,false
CvsRemoveNewlines false true, false
CsvRowDelimiter \n \n(UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X), \r\n (Windows)
DateFormat yyyy-MM-dd Seevalid formats in ToolProperties document
DecimalNumberFormat Unformatted Seevalid formats in ToolProperties document
Destination File File
Encoding UTF-8
ExcelFileFormat xls xls (Binary Excel) or xlsx(Excel 2007)
ExcelIncludeColumnHeader true true, false
ExcelIncludeSQLCommand false
ExcelIntroText Any description
ExcelTextOnly false true, false
ExcelTitle Any title
Filename REQUIRED ** **
HtmlIncludeSQLCommand false true,false
HtmlIntroText Any description
HtmlTitle Any title
NumberFormat Unformatted Seevalid formats in ToolProperties document
QuoteDuplicateEmbedded true true, false (quote char is the same asQuoteTextData)
QuoteTextData None None,Single, Double
ShowNullAs (null)
SqlIncludeCreateDDL false true, false
SqlIncludeSQLCommand false true,false
SqlRowCommentIdentifier --
SqlSeparator ;
TableName Can be set if DbVisualizer cannot determine the value for the${dbvis-object} variable
TimeFormat HH:mm:ss Seevalid formats in ToolProperties document
TimeStampFormat yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS See valid formats in Tool Propertiesdocument
XmlIncludeSQLCommand false true, false
XmlStyle DbVisualizer DbVisualizer, XmlDataSet, FlatXmlDataSet
Example1: @export withminimum setup

The following example shows the minimum commands to export a result set.

The result set produced by the select * from Orders will be exported to the C:\Backups\Orders.csv file, using the default settings.

@export on;
@export set filename="c:\Backups\Orders.csv";
select * from Orders;

Example2: @export withautomatic table name to file name mapping

This example shows how to make the filename the same as the table name in the select statement. The example also shows several select statements. Each will be exported in the SQL format. Since the filename is defined to be automatically set, this means that there will be one file per result set and each file is named by the name of its table.

There must be only onetable name in a select statement in order to automatically set thefilename with the ${dbvis-object}$ variable, i.e if the select joinsfrom several tables or pseudo tablesare used, you must explicitly name the file.

The ${dbvis-object}$ variable is not substituted with atable name if using the AppendFile="true/clear" parameter.

@export on;
@export set filename="c:\Backups\${dbvis-object}$" format="sql";
select * from Orders;
select * from Products;
select * from Transactions;

Example3: @export all resultsets into a single file

This example shows how all result sets can be exported to a single file. The AppendFile parameter supports the following values.

  • true
    The following result sets will all be exported to
    a single file
  • false
    Turn off the append processing
  • clear
    Same as the true
    value but this will in addition clear the file before the first result set is exported
@export on;
@export set filename="c:\Backups\alltables.sql" appendfile="clear" format="sql";
select * from Orders;
select * from Products;
select * from Transactions;

Example4: @export usingpredefined settings

The Export dialogs let you save export settings to a file for later use. Such an export settings file can be referenced in the @export set command.

@export on;
@export set settings="c:\tmp\htmlsettings.xml" filename="c:\Backups\${dbvis-object}$";
select * from Orders;
select * from Products;
select * from Transactions;

The example shows that all settings will be read from the c:\tmp\htmlsettings.xml file.



      本文标题:DbVisualizer - SQL Commander
